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Pokorski S. — Gauge field theories |
Предметный указатель |
system 54
couplings 406
partial widths 430
in electroweak theory 410
in QED 178 183
renormalization scheme 186
renormalization scheme and line structure constant 186 226 438
66 454
matrices 27 545
matrices, chiral representation 545
matrices, Dirac representation 545
mass difference 362
decay 471
action 12
Action, Euclidean 83 86
Action, quadratic in fields 87
Additive renormalization 152
Adler zero 502
Adler — Bardeen non-renormalization theorem 468 480
Altarelli — Parisi equations 312
Altarelli — Parisi function 306
Analytic continuation from Euclidean to Minkowski space 82 86 486
Angular momentum tensor 19
Annihilation, electron-positron 4 249
anomalies 457
Anomalies, abelian 480
Anomalies, and the path integral 478
Anomalies, anomaly-free models 478
Anomalies, axial 466
Anomalies, cancellation in 475
Anomalies, chiral 468
Anomalies, in Euclidean space 486
Anomalies, non-abelian and gauge invariance 481 491
Anomalies, trace anomaly 241
Anomalous breaking of scale invariance 238
Anomalous dimension matrix 258 267
Anomalous dimensions 241 245 260
Anomalous divergence of the axial-vector current 466
Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron 193
Anti-BRS symmetry 145
Antiunitary operator 55
Appelquist — Carazzone decoupling theorem 174 229
asymptotic freedom 5 220 274
Asymptotic freedom and meson self-interaction 228
Axial gauge 132
Background field 122
Background field, and anomalies 478
Background field, method in gauge theories 279
Bare quantities 148
Becchi — Rouet — Stora symmetry 143
Bianchi identity 70
Bjorken scaling 254 297
Cabibbo angle 6 400
Canonical dimensions 159 231
Canonical quantization 35
Canonical quantization, and Feynman rules 119
Canonical quantization, and symmetries 39 42 44
Canonical quantization, annihilation operators 37
Canonical quantization, chiral fields 44
Canonical quantization, creation operators 37
Canonical quantization, Dirac fields 43
Canonical quantization, Majorana fields 45
Canonical quantization, normal ordering 37
Canonical quantization, scalar fields 36
Canonical quantization, Weyl fields 41
Canonical scaling 215 240
Causality 38
Charge conjugation 56 552
Charge conjugation, eigenstates of 61
Chiral anomaly 468
Chiral anomaly for the axial U(1) current in QCD 473
chiral perturbation theory 353
Chiral symmetry 317
Chiral symmetry, spontaneous breaking in strong interactions 324 337
Chiral theory 25 594
Classical currents 15
Classical field equations 20 35 107
Classical field equations, solutions 107 546
Classical fields 11 20 29
Colour 3
Compact groups 592
Complex representations 593
Composite operators 256
Composite operators, renormalization 256 445
Conformal algebra 269
Conformal algebra, current 236
Conformal algebra, transformations 235
Connected Green’s function 105
Connected proper vertex function 105
Conserved charges and constants of motion 15
Consistent and covariant anomaly 384
Convention for the logarithm 561
Coset 498 592
Coulomb gauge 132
Coulomb scattering 200
Counterterms 152
Counterterms, and Feynman rules 164
Counterterms, and the renormalization conditions 152
Counterterms, in the Standard Model 409 563
Covariant derivative 30 500 519
Covariant gauge 130
Covariant gauge, and ghosts 140
CP transformation 25
CP violation 64 401
CPT theorem 62
Dashen’s relation 356
Dashen’s theorems 356
Deep inelastic hadron leptoproduction 250
Deep inelastic hadron leptoproduction, Bjorken scaling 254
Dilatation current 233
Dimensional regularization 166 184
Dimensional transmutation 242 376
Dirac algebra 558
Dirac equation 27
Dirac equation, solutions 548
Dirac mass term 24
Dirac spinors 26 544
Discrete symmetries 48
Dispersion calculations in QED 196
Divergent diagrams, classification 159
Divergent diagrams, necessary counterterms 161
Double logarithms 194
Dual field strength tensor 69
Dynamical breaking of gauge symmetries 379
Effective action 107
Effective action, and spontaneous symmetry breaking 109
Effective coupling constant 215 222
Effective coupling constant in QED 223 438
Effective field theories 173 262
Effective four-fermion interactions 402 435 447
Effective four-fermion interactions, muon decay 403 422
Effective four-fermion interactions, QED corrections to muon decay 404
Effective lagrangian for FCNC transitions 447
effective Lagrangians 495
Effective lagrangians and abelian anomaly 505
Effective lagrangians and non-abelian anomaly 506
Effective low energy electroweak theory 435
Effective potential 111 122
Effective potential for 112 122
Electron form-factor 206
Electron mass in scheme 189
Electron self-energy 187
Electroweak theory 5 389
Electroweak theory, 416
Electroweak theory, covariant gauges 396
Electroweak theory, CP violation 401
Electroweak theory, currents 394
Electroweak theory, fermion self-energies 418
| Electroweak theory, gauge boson propagators 411
Electroweak theory, lagrangian 392
Electroweak theory, physical gauge bosons 394
Electroweak theory, renormalization 407
Electroweak theory, running 419 440
Electroweak theory, tree level 401
Electroweak unification 7
Energy-momentum tensor 18 234
Equations of motion 13
Equations of motion for Dirac fields 27 548
Equations of motion for gauge fields 31 35
Equations of motion for scalar fields 20
Equations of motion for Weyl fields 24 546
Euclidean action 83 86
Euclidean Dirac operator and its eigenvalue problem 487
Euclidean Green’s functions 82
Euclidean path integral and anomalies 486
Evanescent operator 424
Factorization theorem in QCD 291 304
Faddeev — Popov determinant 124 133
FCNC transitions 441
Fermi constant 6 402 428
Fermi interaction 6 402 422
Fermion generations 389
Fermion masses and mixing 398
Fermion propagator 102
Feynman gauge 132 373
Feynman integrals 559 583
Feynman propagator 39 102
Feynman propagator for gauge bosons 411
Feynman rules and canonical quantization 119
Feynman rules for 555
Feynman rules for QCD 133 557
Feynman rules for QED 556
Feynman rules for Standard Model 563
Fierz rearrangement 424 451
Fixed points 219
Functional derivative 76
Gauge dependence of the -function 227
Gauge invariance 1
Gauge invariance and the path integral 124
Gauge transformations, abelian 30
Gauge transformations, non-abelian 31
Gaussian integration 88
Gaussian integration, for Grassmann variables 101
Gaussian integration, integrals 560
Generating functionals 90 105
Ghosts 140
GIM mechanism 443
Global symmetries and concervation laws 13
Goldberger — Treiman relation 323
Goldstone bosons 327
Goldstone bosons, classification 380
Goldstone bosons, in QCD 337
Goldstone’s theorem 321 330 337
Graded Lie algebra 511
Grassmann variables 100
Green’s functions 79 81 83
Green’s functions, and the scattering operator 113
Green’s functions, as path integrals 83
Green’s functions, boundary conditions for 80
Green’s functions, derivatives of 85
Green’s functions, equation of motion for 121
Green’s functions, Euclidean 82 86
Green’s functions, for harmonic oscillator 121
Green’s functions, for rescaled momenta 214
GUTs 268
Hamilton’s principle 12
harmonic oscillator 78
Hierarchical symmetry breaking 378
Higgs mechanism 369 390 392
Higgs mechanism, and gauge boson propagator 371
Homotopy classes 282
Imaginary time formalism and vacuuni-to-vacuum transitions 76
Index theorem for the Dirac operator 490
instantons 286 289
IR problem in QCD 314
IR problem in QED 200
Jacobi identity for covariant derivatives 70
Jacobi identity in graded Lie algebras 512
Landau — Cutkovsky rule 141 208
Leading logarithm approximation 313
Lehman — Symanzik — Zimmermann reduction theorem 118
Light-cone and deep inelastic hadron leptoproduction 249
Light-cone, expansion 247
Light-cone, gauge 133
Light-cone, parametrization of the four-momenta 291
Loop expansion 99 112
Lorentz gauge 129
Lorentz transformations 19 23 539
Magnetic moment of the electron 193
Majorana mass term 24
Majorana spinor 27
Minimal subtraction scheme 156
Minimal subtraction scheme in 170
Minimal subtraction scheme in electroweak theory 408
Minimal subtraction scheme in QED 186
Neutral current transitions 6 405
Neutrino masses 393 399
Noether current 18 70
Noether’s theorem 18
Non-abelian gauge symmetry 31
Non-covariant gauge 132
Non-linear realization of the symmetry group 495
Non-linear realization of the symmetry group, -model 495
Non-renormalization theorem in supersymmetric theories 531
Normal subgroup 592
Normalization of one-particle state and physical fields 117
One-loop Feynman integrals 583
One-loop Feynman integrals, three- and four-point functions 585
One-loop Feynman integrals, two-point functions 583
One-loop vector boson self-energies 586
One-particle states 37 42 44 117
One-particle-irreducible Green’s function 105
Operator product expansion (OPE) 243
Operator product expansion (OPE) and effective field theories 262
Overlapping divergences 163
Parity 550
Parton model 290
Path integrals and anomalies 478
Path integrals and decoupling 263
Path integrals for fermions 100
Path integrals in Euclidean space 486
Path integrals in quantum field theory 83
Path integrals in quantum mechanics 71
Pauli — Lubansky vector 19
PCAC 323 327
Perturbation theory and generating functional 90
Perturbation theory in momentum space 97
Perturbation theory, introduction 90
Photon propagator 185 186
Physical field 117 148
Poisson bracket 15
Proton decay 1
QCD 3 272
QCD corrections to CP violation 445
QCD, asymptotic freedom 274
QCD, BRS transformaton 273
QCD, group theory factors 275 595
QCD, Lagrangian 272
QCD, perturbative 290
QCD, Slavnov — Taylor identities 275
qed 177
QED, as effective theory 438
QED, IR problem 200
QED, lagrangian 177
QED, massless 194
QED, radiative corrections 184
QED, Ward — Takahashi identities 179
Vertex corrections in electroweak theory 427 433
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