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Moriya T. — Spin fluctuations in itinerant electron magnetizm |
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Anderson kinetic exchange interaction 41 110 175
Anderson model (for local moment in metals) 116
Anderson model (for local moment in metals), functional integral approach to 163—166
Anderson model (for local moment in metals), Hartree — Fock approximation for 117—119
Antiferromagnetic insulators 109—111
Antiferromagnetic insulators, spin waves in 41
Antiferromagnetic metals 22—25
Antiferromagnetic metals, electrical resistivity in 106—107
Antiferromagnetic metals, spin waves in 41
Arrot plot 77
Coexistence of ferro- and antiferromagnetism 72—77
Coupling constant integral 45—46
Curie temperature, due to SCR theory 53 78
Curie temperature, due to Stoner theory 20
Curie temperature, due to unified theory 139 170
Curie temperature, due to Weiss theory 2
Curie — Weiss (CW) susceptibility in dilute magnetic alloys 122 164
Curie — Weiss (CW) susceptibility in local moment systems 2
Curie — Weiss (CW) susceptibility in weak itinerant ferromagnets 53—58 68—72.79—81
Curie — Weiss (CW) susceptibility, physical origin of new 68—72
Curie — Weiss (CW) susceptibility, unified expression for 140
Dynamical susceptibility 36—37
Dynamical susceptibility, Green’s function theory of 216—219
Dynamical susceptibility, irreducible diagrams for 50 217—218
Dynamical susceptibility, of electron gas 32
Dynamical susceptibility, RPA theory of 33—42
Dynamical susceptibility, SCR theory of 50—54 60 65—68
Exchange enhancement of spin fluctuations 39
Exchange splitting (of energy bands) 6 31
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 36 194
Free energy functional 128 159
Free energy functional , closed-form expression for 170—173
Free energy functional , coherent potential approximation (CPA)for 166 171—173
Free energy functional , long-wavelength approximation for 173
Free energy functional , single-site (local) approximation for 142 179—181
Friedel oscillation 116
Friedel sum rule 115
Functional integral theory 61 128
Functional integral theory, methods of evaluating functional integrals 177—181
Functional integral theory, static (adiabatic) approximation in 63 156 162
Functional integral theory, Stratonovich — Hubbard method in 128 158—163
Hartree — Fock approximation (HFA) for itinerant electron magnetism 5 18—29
Hartree — Fock approximation (HFA) for local moment in metals 116—121
Hartree — Fock approximation (HFA), dynamical 30—42
Hartree — Fock approximation (HFA), limitations of 42—43
Heisenberg model 4 110
Hubbard model 17
Hund’srule 3 110
Invar phenomenon 189—192
Itinerant electron model 5
Kondo effect 122
Korringa relation 95
Kramers — Kronig relation 84
Local (magnetic) moment 1
Local (magnetic) moment in insulators 109
Local (magnetic) moment in metals 114—121
Local (magnetic) moment of atoms 3
Local (magnetic) moment, functional integral theory for local moment in metals 163 —166
Local (magnetic) moment, interaction between local moments in metals 123—127 172 176
Local (magnetic) moment, limit 130
Local (magnetic) moment, temperature-induced 153—156 187
Local band theory 193
Localization due to electron-electron correlation 109
Magnetic transition metals, functional integral theory of 182—185
Magnetic transition metals, local moment description of 127—128
Magnetic transition metals, neutron scattering from 200—202 204—210
Magneto-resistance (in weak itinerant ferromagnets) 104—105
Magnetovolume effects in weak itinerant ferromagnets 87—91
Magnetovolume effects, functional integral theory of 189—192
Mean square local amplitude of spin density 68 169 195
Mean square local amplitude of spin density , temperature variation of 68—70 87 152—156
Metal-insulator (Mott) transition 111—113
Metal-insulator (Mott) transition, functional integral approach to 113 174—176
Metal-insulator (Mott) transition, Green’s function theory of 111
Metal-insulator (Mott) transition, Gutzwiller variational approach to 112
Mode-mode coupling, mean mode-mode coupling theory (of spin fluctuations) 137—148
| Mode-mode coupling, negative 155 187
Mode-mode coupling, phenomenological mode-mode coupling theory (of weak itinerant ferro-magnetism) 61—65
Mott insulator 110
Nearly ferromagnetic metals 48 82
Nearly ferromagnetic semiconductor 185
Neel temperature (of weak itinerant antiferromagnet) 66
Nesting Fermi surfaces 28
Neutron scattering from Fe and Ni 205—210
Neutron scattering from local moment systems 196—200
Neutron scattering from magnetic metals in the intermediate regime 203—205
Neutron scattering from weak itinerant ferro- and antiferromagnets 85—87 200—202
Neutron scattering, (paramagnetic) and short range order 208—213
Paramagnons 48
Paramagnons, effective mass enhancement due to 47—50
Phase transition between ferro- and antiferromagnetism 72—77
Phase transition between ferro- and antiferromagnetism, critical magnetic field 67 75
Random-phase approximation (RPA) 8 33
Random-phase approximation (RPA) for antiferromagnetism 39—42
Random-phase approximation (RPA) for ferromagnetism 30—37
Random-phase approximation (RPA) for paramagnetism 37—39
Random-phase approximation (RPA), limitations of RPA 42—43
Rhodes — Wohlfarth ratio 131 145
RKKY interaction 113 126
RKKY interaction, exchange-enhanced 114
s-d exchange interaction 101 113
s-d exchange interaction, negative 118
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory 10 44
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory of antiferromagnetic metals 65—67
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory of ferromagnetic metals 50—60
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory of helimagnetic metals 67—68
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory, effect of electron lifetime on 219—220
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory, Green’s function method in 216—218
Self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory, quantitative aspects of 77—81
Short range order 70—72 145—148
Spin (density) fluctuation 36
Spin (density) fluctuation, critical 37—39
Spin (density) fluctuation, dynamical 71 214—216
Spin (density) fluctuation, local and extended moment limits of 129—135
Spin (density) fluctuation, longitudinal stiffness constant for 140
Spin (density) fluctuation, low- and high-frequency components of 84
Spin (density) fluctuation, transverse (exchange) stiffness constant for 143
Spin (density) fluctuation, zero point 52
Spin correlation function 36 70—72 129—135 141—152
Spin correlation function, neutron scattering measurement of 194—213
Spin density waves (SDW) 25—27
Spin ordering 28—29
Spin waves in antiferromagnets 41
Spin waves in ferromagnets 8 34—36
Spin waves, neutron scattering measurement of 196—206
Spin waves, optical modes of 206
Staggered magnetic susceptibil ity 66—67
Staggered magnetization 66—67
Stoner enhancement factor 7
Stoner excitations 30—31 34
Thermal expansion in invar alloys 189—192
Thermal expansion in weak itinerant ferromagnets 87—91
Unified picture of magnetism 129—135
Unified picture of magnetism, intermediate regime in 131
Unified theory 136—156
Unified theory of magnetism in narrow-band systems 174—176
Unified theory, functional integral approach to 168—170 178—179
Unified theory, phenomenological description of 136—137
Virtual bound state 114—116
Wave-vector-dependent susceptibility 27
Wave-vector-dependent susceptibility , two peak structure of 72
Weak itinerant antiferromagnets 65—67
Weak itinerant antiferromagnets, electrical resistivity in 106—107
Weak itinerant antiferromagnets, nuclear spin relaxation in 99—101
Weak itinerant antiferromagnets, specific heat of weak 93
Weak itinerant ferromagnets 10 50—65 77—81
Weak itinerant ferromagnets, electrical resistivity in 101—105
Weak itinerant ferromagnets, muon spin relaxation in 97
Weak itinerant ferromagnets, neutron scattering from 85—87 200—202
Weak itinerant ferromagnets, nuclear spin relaxation in 96—99
Weak itinerant ferromagnets, specific heat of 91—93
Weak itinerant helimagnets 67—68
Wolff — Clogston model 119—121
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