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Helander P., Sigmar D.J. — Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas |
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Safety factor in circular equilibrium 127
Safety factor in elliptical equilibrium 143f.
Safety factor, general 120 138
Scattering see "Lorentz operator pitch-angle
Seed current 209f.
Self-adjointness 48 68f.
Separatrix 124
Shafranov shift 123 127 143
Short-mean-free-path regime see "Pfirsch — Schlueter regime"
SI units 276
Skin time 161
Slowing-down frequency 36 38
Slowing-down time 40
Sonine polynomials 74
Spherical tokamak, bootstrap current 205 243
Spherical tokamak, magnetic field 124
Spherical tokamak, neoclassical transport 198
Spherical tokamak, poloidal rotation 240f.
Spitzer conductivity 71ff.
Spitzer conductivity, reduction due to trapping 207f. 243 272
Spitzer equations 69
Spitzer function 187f.
Spitzer problem 68 72 173
Squeezing factor 262 266
Stellarator, magnetic field 136ff. 267
Stellarator, neoclassical transport 267ff.
Stellarator, particle motion 141
Superbanana orbit 267
Symmetry breaking 255ff.
Tamm's theorem 128
Temperature 17
Temperature, equilibration 81
Temperature, screening effect 92 245 273
Temperature, variation over a flux surface 169f.
thermal conductivity see "heat conductivity"
Thermal force 67 80
Thermal velocity 2
Thermodynamic forces 63 212 226 253
Thermoelectric current 67
Thirteen-moment approximation 223
Tokamak 10 117ff. 272ff.
Tokamak, particle orbits 127ff.
Toroidal flow see "rotation"
| Toroidal flux function 118 138
Toroidal magnetic field 118
Toroidal plasmas 117ff.
Toroidal precession 116 144f.
Transport anomalous 11 246 273
Transport classical 6 59ff. 79ff. 90 159
Transport coefficients classical 68 98
Transport coefficients neoclassical 212 226
Transport matrix 98 212 218 226
Transport neoclassical 10 159
Transport nonlinear 254ff.
Transport ordering 146
Transport with orbit squeezing 260ff.
Trapping 10 103 129
Trapping fraction, effective 194 217f.
Trapping parameter 131
Trial function 70 214
Variational principle for classical transport 69ff.
Variational principle for neoclassical transport 211ff.
Variational principle for particle motion 99
Variational principle for particle motion averaged 102
Velocity diamagnetic 65 83
Velocity diffusion frequency 36 38
Velocity of flux surface 148
Velocity thermal 2
Viscosity classical 81ff.
Viscosity coefficients classical 82
Viscosity coefficients interpolation formula 236
Viscosity coefficients neoclasscial 224
Viscosity coefficients neoclasscial banana 235
Viscosity coefficients Pfirsch — Schlueter 231
Viscosity coefficients plateau 233
Viscosity definition 18
Viscosity influence on ambipolarity 94ff.
Viscosity parallel 220ff.
Viscous heating 19
Vlasov equation 15
Volume element, real space 119
Volume element, velocity space 129
Ware pinch 202f.
Whitham's method 102f.
X-point 124
Zonal flow see "rotation (poloidal)"
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