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Marathe K.B., Martucci G. — The mathematical foundations of gauge theories
Marathe K.B., Martucci G. — The mathematical foundations of gauge theories

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Название: The mathematical foundations of gauge theories

Авторы: Marathe K.B., Martucci G.


Theoretical physicists tend to discuss their theories in the language of mathematics. However, the adequate mathematical formulation may not yet be available when the physical law is first discovered. Mathematical physicists trying to develop the relevant mathematics for these theories, may obtain new insights into old mathematical structures or may even disclose entirely new structures. Gauge Theory is such a gift from physics to mathematics. This volume presents a self-contained development of a differential geometric formulation of gauge theories, in particular, the theory of Yang-Mills fields.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/Теория калибровочных полей/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 372

Добавлена в каталог: 21.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
SM      144
Smooth structure      2
Sobolev completion      169
Sobolev space      169
Soldering form      67
Soliton      265
Space of phase factors      146
Space-time manifold      69
Sphere bundle      114
Spin frame bundle      49 181
Spin manifold      49 181
Spin structure      181
Spinor      52
Spinor bundle      181
Spinor group      180
Splitting      10
Spontaneous symmetry breaking      252
Stable range      87
Stably equivalent      132
Standard model      144 258
Standard Model, gauge group      260
Standard model, Lagrangian      258
Standard model, minimal supersymmetric extension      261
Standard model, of electroweak theory      258
Steenrod squaring operations      110
Stiefel manifold      61
Stiefel — Whitney class      112
Stiefel — Whitney class, of a manifold      113
Stiefel — Whitney class, total      113
Stiefel — Whitney numbers      113
Stokes’ Theorem      18
Structure constants      30
Structure equation      60
Structure group      46
Structure group, extending of      47
Structure group, lifting of      47
Structure group, reduction of      47
Subbase      299
Subbundle      41
Subbundle, reduced      47
Subcategory      304
Subcategory, full      304
Subcomplex      311
Submanifold      4
Submanifold, open      3
Submersion      10
Subordinate      300
Superalgebra      315
Symbol sequence      177
Symbol, $k$      172-174
Symbol, principal      172
Symbol, total      171 173
Symmetric product      305
Symplectic structure      24
Symplectic structure, canonical      24
Tangent bundle      45
Tangent space      9
Tangent vector      8
Tensor field      12
Tensor field, contravariant      13
Tensor field, covariant      13
Tensor field, skew symmetric      13
Tensor field, symmetric      13
Tensor product      305
Tensor product, graded      316
Tensor space      12
Thom class      111
Thom Isomorphism      111
Thom space      115
Todd class      121
Topological charge      123 266
Topological pair      91
Topological property      298
Topological space      297
Topological space, pointed      76
topology      297
Topology, discrete      297
Topology, indiscrete      297
Topology, relative      297
Torsion      67
Torsion free module      94
Torsion, element      94
Torsion, submodule      94
Torsion, tensor field      68
Torus      7
Total differential      313
Trace class operator      175
Transgression form      126
Transition function      2 41
Twisted product      40
Twistor space      230
Universal classifying space      109 124
Universal lift      48
Unoriented cobordism class      114
Unoriented cobordism group      114
Vacuum state      253
Vector bundle      43
Vector bundle, associated      50
Vector bundle, Hermitian      44
Vector bundle, rank of      43
Vector bundle, Riemannian      43
Vector bundle, virtual      130
Vector field      9
Vector field, autoparallel      70
Vector field, fundamental      49
Vector field, Hamiltonian      25
Vector field, horizontal      54
Vector field, horizontal part of      54
Vector field, invariant      29
Vector field, left invariant      30
Vector field, locally Hamiltonian      25
Vector field, vertical      49 54
Vector field, vertical part of      54
Vertical subspace      54
Volume      14
Volume, equivalent      14
Vortex      265
Waxd correspondence      230
Weak hyperchaxge      258
Weak intermediate bosons      143 259
Weak isospin group      258
Weil homomorphism      117
Witten complex      284
Yang — Mills action      210
Yang — Mills connection      211
Yang — Mills equations      211
Yang — Mills field      211
Yang — Mills field, anti-dual      215
Yang — Mills field, self-dual      215
Yang — Mills functional      210
Yang — Mills functional, critical point of      211
Yang — Mills — Higgs action      248
Yang — Mills — Higgs equations      250
Yang — Mills — Higgs system with potential      248
Yukawa couplings      250
Zeta function, generalized      291
Zeta function, of an operator      293
Zeta function, regularization      290
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