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Lande A. — Foundations of quantum theory
Lande A. — Foundations of quantum theory

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Название: Foundations of quantum theory

Автор: Lande A.


The aim of this book is to show that quantum mechanics in its basic concepts and its formalistic rules is not dependent
on a refined interpretation of experiments on a microphysical
scale but can be developed as a straightforward consequence
of elementary physical principles of continuity and symmetry.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1955

Количество страниц: 106

Добавлена в каталог: 20.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Action function      96
Adaptation of $\Psi$      58
Amplitude $\Psi$      52
Antisymmetry      56
Bachelard      103
Bohr      2 6 54 67 72 75 80 92 103
Boltzmann      10 63
Born      2 6 54 67 72 75 80 92 103
Bose      30 62
Bragg      74 77
Bridgman      101
Canonical transformation      72 93
Canonical variables      26 66
Chemical constant      35
Coherence      33 42
Commutation rule      79 92
Compatibility      25 91
Complementarity      73
Complete set      15
Complexity of $\Psi$      71
Compton      75
Conjugacy      68
Continuity principle      6
de Broglie      2 6 76 103
Degeneracy      15 25 29 57 60
Determinism      2
Diagonality      68 88
Diodorus      83
Dirac      6 97 103
Duality      75 76
Duane      74 103
Eigenvalue      15 89
Einstein      5
Elementary particles      28
Entropy continuity      10 13
Entropy of diffusion      36
Equipartition      8
Ewald      77
Exchange term      56
Fermi      30 62
Fractional diffusion      31
Fractional equality      13
Fractional separability      17
Franck — Hertz      23
Frank      103
Fresnel      53
Gibbs      7 10 11 34 56 62 103
harmonic oscillator      71
Heisenberg      6 55 72 81 82 103
Heitler      55
Heraclitus      6
Hermitian conjugacy      52
Huygens      53
Identical particles      16 35
Incoherence      33
Incompatibility      24 26 92
Information entropy      37
Interference law      52 85
Irreversibility      38
Lande      4 103
Laue      77
Leibniz      6 46 65 84 102 103
Likeness fraction      13
London      55
Mach      5
Margenau      103
Maxwell demon      21 23 30
Multiplicity      25 27 41
Nernst theorem      60 62
Observable      24 59
Operator      67 89 91
Optical analogy      54
Orthogonal states      15
Orthonormalization      58
Oscillator      69
Osmosis      23
Partition function      63
Passing fractions      17
Pauli exclusion      63
Permutation factor      35 36
Perturbation theory      55
Poisson bracket      97
Popper      103
probability      2 22
Product rule      92
Quadratic matrix      27 41 44
Quantum bracket      97
Quantum Jump      18 83
Quantum statistics      36
Radiation spectrum      10 30
Reciprocal lattice      77
Reduced particle kind      28
Reichenbach      103
Relativity      5
Resonance      55
Rydberg — Ritz      71
S-method      94
Schlick      103
Schroedinger      2 6 54 60 67 80 84 103
Selector      17
Separator      23
Splitting effect      17
States      14 26
Statistical weight      63
Stern — Gerlach      22 24 37
Subobservable      26
Summation rule for q      23
Superposition      52 86
Symmetry of q      19 31 33 58
T-method      95
Temperature definition      30
Third law      62
Transformation      87
Transition      18 68 70 87
Uncertainty      81
Uniqueness problem      52
Unsymmetric $\Psi$      59
Wave interference      53
Wave mechanics      80
Well-defined state      14
Wien      30
Zeno      6
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