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Siler T. — Think Like a Genius
Siler T. — Think Like a Genius

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Название: Think Like a Genius

Автор: Siler T.


Originally self-published, this collection of creativity exercises introduces the term "metaphorming." Siler, an artist and scientist who develops multimedia learning materials and leads creativity seminars, explains the concept as "a combination of many processes of connection-making." Using the acronym "C.R.E.A.T.E." (connect, relate, explore, analyze, transform and experience), he guides readers through a series of challenging activities to break through the most common "self-imposed barriers" to creative thinking. For Siler, writing, drawing and building models awaken the human brain's "creative operating system," which he contends is the same for everyone. Thirty examples of metaphorming illustrate Siler's method, pushing one toward reconnecting mind, body and spirit, resisting fear and cynicism, and embracing paradox. Each has a title, such as "Never Pass on Your Passion," and is composed of a "connection" ("If you don't love it without money, you'll never love it with money") followed by a "discovery," an "invention" and an "application" to real life. Drawings, cartoons and photos invite a series of increasingly creative connections between seemingly disparate items and ideas. Siler moves freely among psychological and philosophical insights in search of a new, "integrative" way of thinking. His entertaining ideas and exercises will motivate curious readers to learn and use "creative seeing" and problem-solving techniques.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Психология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 295

Добавлена в каталог: 26.06.2010

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