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Liddle A., Lyth D.H. — Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure
Liddle A., Lyth D.H. — Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure

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Название: Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure

Авторы: Liddle A., Lyth D.H.


Enormous progress has been made in inflationary cosmology in the past few years and this book is the first to provide a modern and unified overview of the subject. Coverage examines every aspect of inflationary cosmology and carefully compares predictions with the latest observations, including those of the cosmic microwave background, the clustering and velocities of galaxies and the epoch of structure formation. Problems are included throughout to help the student develop a thorough understanding. An ideal introduction to what promises to be one of the most fruitful topics of research in science in the next decade, this volume will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, theoretical physics and applied mathematics

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Гравитационное взаимодействие/Космология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 400

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Reionization, effect on cmb anisotropy      133
Reionization, estimated redshift      299
Reionization, inhomogeneous      137
Reionization, redshift of      132
Reionization, sources      297
Relative velocity      330
Relativistic Doppler effect      116
Relativistic invariance      320
Relics      37 39
Relics, Planck-mass      114
Renormalizable interactions      206
Ricci tensor      329
Richness class (of clusters)      268
Robertson — Walker metric      23
Robertson — Walker Universe      12 334
ROSAT      282
Running mass      223
Sachs — Wolfe effect      63 149
Sachs — Wolfe effect for power-law spectra      120
Sachs — Wolfe effect, derivation      122 357
Sachs — Wolfe effect, gravitational waves      154
Sachs — Wolfe effect, integrated      146
Sachs — Wolfe effect, isocurvature      160
Sachs — Wolfe effect, open Universe      149
Sana equation      350
Satellite cmb experiments      254
Satellite cmb experiments, data compression      257
Satellite cmb experiments, parameter estimation      258
Satellite cmb experiments, polarization      257
Satellite cmb experiments, strategy      254
Scalar field      5 164 165
Scalar field, classical      164
Scalar field, effective pressure      41 332
Scalar field, energy density      41 166 332
Scalar field, free      167
Scalar field, momentum density      166
Scalar field, potential      41 165
Scalar field, quantized free      168
Scalar field, spatially homogeneous      166
Scalar field, wave equation      41
Scalar particle      40
Scalar-tensor theory      234
Scale factor (a)      16
Scales, comoving      14
Scattering Compton      356
Scattering, polarized Thomson      365
Scattering, Thomson      356
Schroedinger equation      169
Schroedinger picture      169
Schroedinger's cat      64
Separate Universe      96 100
Shape parameter (F)      108
Shear      82
Shift function      335
Silk scale      107 120
Single-field inflation      9
Slicing      91
Slicing, comoving      92
Slicing, spatially flat      93
Sloan Digital Sky Survey      262
Slow-roll approximation      42 51 189
Slow-roll conditions      42
Slow-roll expansion      189
Slow-roll inflation      42
Slow-roll parameters      42 51
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics      288
Smoothing      70
Solar mass $(M_{\odot})$      17 372
Sound speed      84 349
Space-time curvature      329
Space-time volume element      324
Spacelike lines      87 318
Spatial curvature      16
Spatial geometry      16
Special relativity      316
Spectral index (n), constraint from COBE      247
Spectral index (n), density perturbations      75 187
Spectral index (n), density perturbations, effective      187
Spectral index (n), density perturbations, scale dependence      188
Spectral index (n), gravitational waves $(n_g)$      154 193
Spectral index (n), isocurvature $(n_{iso})$      159 195
Spectral index (n), multifield models      201
Spectrum      65
Spectrum, blue      189
Spectrum, cmb $(C_l)$      116
Spectrum, cmb $(C_l)$, with polarization      129
Spectrum, curvature perturbation      186
Spectrum, definition as $\mathcal{P}$      65 145
Spectrum, density perturbation $(\mathcal{P}_{\delta})$      106
Spectrum, density perturbation $(\mathcal{P}_{\delta})$, definition as $\delta_H$      106 145
Spectrum, gravitational wave      153
Spectrum, Harrison — Zel'dovich      75
Spectrum, isocurvature      159
Spectrum, scale-invariant      75
Spectrum, tilted      189 304
Spherical collapse model      278
Spherical expansion      68
Spherical harmonics $(Y_{lm})$      68
Spherical harmonics $(Y_{lm})$, spin-weighted      130 364
Standard Model (of particle physics)      18
Stochastic inflation      185
Stokes'parameters      126 364
Stokes'parameters, "cosmological"      127
Stress-energy tensor $(T^{\mu \nu})$      320 330 351
Stress-energy tensor $(T^{\mu \nu})$, perturbed      336 362
Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect      115 256
Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect, maps      256
Super-curvature modes      150 241
Supergravity      204
Supergravity, $\eta$ problem      209
Supergravity, potential      209
Superstrings      205
Supersymmetry      204
Supersymmetry, breaking, gauge-mediated      205
Supersymmetry, breaking, gravity-mediated      205
Supersymmetry, potential, one-loop      207
Supersymmetry, tree-level      205
Symbols in this book      x
Symmetry, gauge      174
Symmetry, global      174
Symmetry, internal      174
Symmetry, local      see gauge
Symmetry, restoration      176
Symmetry, spontaneously broken      174
Synchronous gauge      346
Temperature (T)      18
Temperature contrast $(\delta T)$      123
Temperature-time relation      20
Tensor perturbations      see gravitational waves
Tensor perturbations, evolution      341
Tensor perturbations, tensor to scalar ratio (r)      193
Tensor, second-rank      319
Texture      38 177
Thermal equilibrium      354
Thermal inflation      55
Thermalization      55
Thermodynamics      18
Thomson scattering      356
Thomson scattering, cross-section $(\sigma_T)$      120
Thomson scattering, differential cross-section      366
Thomson scattering, optical depth to      131
Thomson scattering, polarization induced by      126
threading      90
Tilted spectrum      189 304
Tilted Universe      161
Time, conformal      182
Time, proper      90 93 318
Timelike lines      87 318
Timescales      22
Tiny scales      114
Topological defects      37 53 176 312
Topological defects and hybrid inflation      216
Topology (of the galaxy distribution)      267
Topology (of the Universe)      152
Total-matter gauge      343
Transfer function      62 107
Transfer function, BBKS      108
Transfer function, cold dark matter      108
Transfer function, cold plus hot dark matter      140
Transfer function, radiation      116 360
Turnaround      279
Turnaround, density contrast at      280
Two-degree field (2dF) galaxy survey      262
Two-point correlation function $(\xi)$      66
Two-point correlation function $(\xi)$, galaxy $(\xi_{\gal})$      263
Two-point correlation function $(\xi)$, moment $(J_3)$      263
Type la supernovae      29
Uniform expansion observers      76
Universe age      25
Universe topology      152
Universe, closed      46 240
Universe, observable      12 24
Universe, tilted      161
Vacuum assumption      180
Vacuum expectation value (vev)      175
Vacuum fluctuation      59 64 164 171
Vacuum fluctuation after horizon exit      181
Vacuum fluctuation, classicality of      184
Vacuum fluctuation, noninflaton field      195
Vacuum fluctuation, stochastic approach      185
Vacuum fluctuation, using conformal time      182
Vacuum fluctuation, using Lagrangian in curved space-time      183
Variance $(\sigma^2)$      65
Velocity (v, V) of the Sun      116
Velocity (v, V), longitudinal and transverse      83
Velocity (v, V), rotational and irrotational      83
Velocity (v, V), scalar and vector      83
Velocity gradient      102
Velocity gradient, Newtonian      82
Velocity/density comparisons      273
Very Small Array      254
Virial equilibrium      280
Virial equilibrium, overdensity at      280
Virial theorem      281
Vishniac effect      see Ostriker — Vishniac effect
Visibility function      26 132
Vorticity      82
Warm dark matter      142
Wavenumber, comoving (k)      59
WIMP      142
Window function (W)      71
Window function (W), associated mass      71
Window function (W), Gaussian      71
Window function (W), sharp k-space      282
Window function (W), top hat      71
Worldline      87
WWW Home Page      xiii
X-ray clusters      282
Zel'dovich approximation      286
Zero-shear      103
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