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Levy M. — Parabolic equation methods for electromagnetic wave propagation |
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Absorbing layer 32 37 115 116
Airy equation 283
Airy equation and domain truncation 122
Airy equation and HPE 183
Airy equation and mode theory 73 76
Airy function 73 75 76 123 183 283 295
Airy function, asymptotic expansion 74 76 184 284 296 302 309
Airy function, zeros 123 284 296 302
Angular spectrum 12 17
Angular spectrum and HPE 184
Angular spectrum and Leontovich approximation 145
Angular spectrum, vertical 14 31 216
Atmospheric absorption 45 92
Axial symmetry PE 237 238 243 251
Beam pattern 40 61 134
Bilinear profiles 83
Bistatic RCS 201 229 230 232 233 280
Bistatic RCS, three-dimensional 293
Bistatic RCS, two-dimensional 291
Boundary conditions, air/ground 49 52
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet 24 210 217 229 230 232 251 253 316
Boundary conditions, impedance 218 294
Boundary conditions, Leontovich 141 145 270 278
Boundary conditions, Neumann 210 251
Boundary conditions, non-homogeneous 227
Boundary conditions, non-local (see “Non-local”)
Claerbout 11 39 205
Conformal mapping for Earth flattening 53
Conformal mapping for irregular terrain 95 100
Crank — Nicolson 20 35 206—209 231 238
Debye formula 42 89 91
Diffraction by flat-topped obstacles 108
Diffraction by half-space screen 18
Diffraction by knife-edge 111
Diffraction by multiple knife-edges 95 104
Diffraction by spherical Earth 103
Discrete mixed Fourier transform 141 152 162
Discrete mixed Fourier transform and range-dependence 158
Discrete mixed Fourier transform and rough sea surface 166 171
Discrete mixed Fourier transform, stability of 153
DMFT (see “Discrete mixed Fourier transform”)
Domain truncation 27 31 115 224
Domain truncation for axial symmetry PE 239
Duct, elevated (see “Elevated duct”)
Duct, evaporation (see “Evaporation duct”)
Duct, sloping 88 91
Duct, surface (see “Surface duct”)
Earth flattening 34 42 53 71 103 142 193
Earth-space paths 192
Effective surface impedance 162 165
Eikonal equation 64
Elevated duct 88 114 134 195
Energy conservation 27 29 314
Energy conservation, three-dimensional 317
Energy conservation, two-dimensional 314
Evanescent wave 14 216
Evaporation duct 77—80 83 92 93 128
Excitation factor 70 72
Extended optics 177 193
Far-field 287
Far-field assumption 9
Far-field, three-dimensional 292
Far-field, two-dimensional 288
Fast Fourier Transform 15 28
Finite energy 25 26
Finite-difference methods 11 20 35 199
Finite-difference methods for impedance BC 149
Finite-difference methods, terrain modelling 102
Fourier methods 11 13 20 199
Fourier transform 13
Fourier transform in range 182
Fourier transform, discrete mixed (see “Discrete mixed Fourier transform”)
Fourier transform, inverse 13
Fourier transform, mixed 141 150
Fourier transform, one-sided in range 120
Fresnel — Kirchhoff diffraction 17 104
Fresnel, integral 18 132 133
Fresnel, parameter 18 107
Fresnel, surface integral 104 107
Fresnel, zone plate 242—244 246
Generalized impedance 144
Geometrical optics 63 79
Geometrical theory of diffraction 67
Grazing angle and HPE 184
Grazing angle and rough sea surface 164
Grazing angle and RPO limiting ray 176
Grazing angle and shadowing 169
Grazing angle, estimation 171
Hankel function 9 17 240 287
Hankel function, asymptotic expansion 9 289
Height-gain function 70—72 76
High antenna 132
High antenna and hybrid methods 175
High antenna and surface duct 188
High antenna in linear medium 133
High antenna, HPE modelling 188
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 298 307 311
Horizontal PE method 175 179 188 193
HPE (see “Horizontal PE method”)
Hybrid methods 175
Incoming energy term 131 221 223 241
Incoming energy term for varying terrain 140
Intensity law 65 66
Irregular terrain 95
Kirchhoff approximation 162 167
Laplace transform 120
| Laplace transform and HPE 175 181
Laplace transform for axial symmetry PE 239 240
Leontovich (see “Boundary conditions Leontovich”)
Linear medium and HPE 183
Linear medium and mode theory 300
Linear medium for auxiliary HPE solution 189
M-units 53
Maxwell’s equations 47 142 267 268
MLAYER 64 80
MLAYER and rough sea surface 172
Mode theory 63 69 79 80 83 294
Modified refractivity 53
N-units 43
Narrow-angle PE 11 37 106 201 206 207 211 229
Near-field/far-field 17 40 42 61 229
Near-field/far-field, three-dimensional 293
Near-field/far-field, two-dimensional 289
NLBC (see “Non-local boundary condition”)
Non-local boundary condition 115 120 222 241
Non-local boundary condition for axial symmetry PE 252
Non-local boundary condition, diffractive 121 220
Non-local boundary condition, transmitting 131 189 221
Non-local boundary condition, wide-angle 218 22 224 225
Nyquist criterion 31 99
Nyquist criterion for HPE 184
Ocean wave spectrum 162 163
Optical path length 68 69
Oversea propagation 77
Pade approximant 11 202 204 205 207 211 216
Pade scheme 201 203 205 208 209 228 251 261
Pade scheme, consistency 203
Pade scheme, convergence 202
Pade scheme, stability (see “Stability”)
Parabolic wave equation 7 143
Paraxial, approximation 8
Paraxial, cone 5 225 226
Paraxial, direction 4 201 226 228 260
Path loss 58
PE algorithms, finite-difference 35
PE algorithms, split-step/Fourier 20
Perfectly matched layer 115 118
Phase screen 20 22 245
Physical optics 279 280
Piecewise linear profiles and mode theory 73
Piecewise linear profiles and ray-tracing 67
Propagation factor 61
Propagation factor and ray-tracing 69
Pseudo-differential operator 6 202 203 215 250
Radio Physical Optics 175 176
Radio refractive index 42
Range dependence 23 85
Ray optics and RPO 176
Ray-tracing 64
Rayleigh roughness parameter 162 164 165
RCS 214 252 279
Recovery effect 160
Reflection coefficient and generalized impedance 148
Reflection coefficient and source modelling 62
Refractive index and ray-tracing 65
Refractive index, atmospheric 34
Refractivity 43
Resolvent 298 304 307 311
Rotating PE 201 225
Rough sea surface 162
Roughness reduction factor 167
RPO (see “Radio Physical Optics”)
Scattering by buildings 260
Scattering by cylinders 230 272
Scattering by rough surface 257 265
Scattering by spheres 242 251 273
Scattering, three-dimensional 237
Scattering, two-dimensional 199
Sine transform and DMFT 158
Sine transform, continuous 25
Sine transform, discrete 28
Snell’s law 65
Sommerfeld radiation condition 24 25 71 115 294
Source modelling 20 40 61
Spe (see “Standard PE”)
Specular reflection 162 164 168
Split-step incoming energy PE 136 138
Split-step sine transform 24 85
Split-step/Fourier 20 215
Square-root operator 202 203 208
Stability 203 204 208
Stability, unconditional 204—207 212
Staircase terrain modelling 96
Standard PE 10 21 268
Stratified medium and mode theory 69
Stratified medium and ray-tracing 65 66
Surface duct 83 88 188 194
Surface duct and rough sea surface 171
Surface duct, HPE example 186
Surface impedance 145
Surface impedance and mode theory 70
Surface wave 141 158
Trilinear profiles 83
Tropospheric propagation 42 58
Vector PE 267
Wave equation, cylindrical coordinates 9
Wave equation, D summary 57
Wave equation, three-dimensional 248
Wave equation, two-dimensional 5
Waveguide and discrete sine transform 27
Waveguide and mode theory 64 70
Wide-angle PE 11 32 201 206 207 211 212 215 216 218
X-ray optics 242
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