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Lasota A., Mackey M.C. — Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems
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Название: Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems
Авторы: Lasota A., Mackey M.C.
Аннотация: This book shows how densities arise in simple deterministic systems. Recently there has been explosive growth in interest in physical, biological, and economic systems that can be profitably studied using densities. Due to the inaccessibility of the mathematical literature there has been little diffusion of the applicable mathematics into the study of these 'chaotic' systems. This book will help to bridge that gap. The authors give a unified treatment of a variety of mathematical systems generating densities, ranging from one-dimensional discrete time transformations through continuous time systems described by integro-partial differential equations. They have drawn examples from many scientific fields to illustrate the utility of the techniques presented. The book assumes a knowledge of advanced calculus and differential equations, but basic concepts from measure theory, ergodic theory, the geometry of manifolds, partial differential equations, probability theory and Markov processes, and stochastic integrals and differential equations are introduced as needed
Рубрика: Физика /Динамические системы /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1985
Количество страниц: 358
Добавлена в каталог: 17.09.2005
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Koopman operator and motion on torus 190—192
Koopman operator and rotational transformation 69—70
Koopman operator, relation to ergodicity 54 68 69—70 189 190 194 204
Koopman operator, relation to Frobenius — Perron operator 43 177 215—217
Koopman operator, relation to infinitesimal operators 184—185 204
Koopman operator, relation to mixing 68 194
Koopman operator, relation to ordinary differential equations 184—185
Langevin equation 315—317 325—326 332—333
Law of Large Numbers, strong 276—277
Law of large numbers, weak 275
Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem 18
Lebesgue integral 16—18
Lebesgue integral on product spaces 25
Lebesgue integral, relation to Riemann integral 19
Lebesgue measure 27
Lebesgue monotone convergence theorem 18
Left lower semicontinuous function 111
Length of gradient on manifolds 156
Liapunov function 104—105 108—109 284 287—288 329—330 336—337
Linear abstract Boltzmann equation 231
Linear Boltzmann equation 228 231 241 264
Linear subspace 83
Linear Tjon — Wu equation 245
Linearly dense set 28
Liouville equation 203—204 260 329
Liouville's theorem 203
Lorenz equations 124—125
Lower semicontinuous function 111
Lower-bound function 96
Lower-bound function, conditions for existence 111—113 159
Lower-bound function, relation to asymptotic stability 96 102 175
Manifold 151—158
Manifold, connected 156
Manifold, d-dimensional 152
Manifold, geodesic flow on 199
Markov operator 32
Markov operator, adjoint operator to 44
Markov operator, and Frobenius — Perron operator 38
Markov operator, and linear abstract Boltzmann equation 231 232 236 238
Markov operator, and parabolic equation 326
Markov operator, and stochastic perturbation 279 284
Markov operator, asymptotic periodicity 86—90
Markov operator, asymptotic stability 95
Markov operator, constrictive 87—88
Markov operator, contractive property of 34 175
Markov operator, ergodic 72 92
Markov operator, exact 72 93
Markov operator, fixed point of 35
Markov operator, lower-bound function for 96
Markov operator, mixing 72 94
Markov operator, properties of 33
Markov operator, relation to entropy 254—257
Markov operator, semigroup of 174
Markov operator, stability property of 34 175
Markov operator, stationary density of 36
Markov operator, strongly constrictive 87—88
Markov operator, weak continuity of 43
Markov operator, weakly constrictive 87
Markov operator, with stochastic kernel 101 217 241
Mathematical expectation 269
Maximal entropy 250—253
Maxwellian distribution 336
Mean value of function 114
Mean value of random variable 269
Measurable function 15
Measurable function, space of 21
Measurable set 14
Measurable transformation 36
Measure 14
Measure space 14
Measure space, -finite 14
Measure space, finite 15
Measure space, normalized 15
Measure space, probabilistic 15
Measure space, product of 24
Measure, absolutely continuous 36
Measure, Borel 14
Measure, complete 27
Measure, density of 36
Measure, invariant 45 169
Measure, Lebesgue 27
Measure, Wiener 298—299
Measure-preserving transformation 45 169—170
Metric, Riemannian 155
Mixing of Anosov diffeomorphism 71
Mixing of baker transformation 60
Mixing of dyadic transformation 61
Mixing, dynamical system 172
Mixing, illustrated 64
Mixing, Markov operator 72 94
Mixing, necessary and sufficient conditions for via Frobenius — Perron operator 65 66 194
Mixing, necessary and sufficient conditions for via Koopman operator 68 194
Mixing, relation to ergodicity, exactness, and K-automorphisms 62 73 76 173
Mixing, semidynamical system 172
Mixing, transformation 59
Modulo zero equality 34
Moments of solutions 325—326
Nonanticipative -algebra 305
Nonsingular semidynamical system 173
Nonsingular transformation 36
Nontrivial lower-bound function 96
Norm in 21
Norm of vector on manifold 156
Normalized measure space 15
Normalized Wiener process 294
One-dimensional Brownian motion 294
One-dimensional Wiener process 294
Operator, constrictive 87—88
Operator, contractive 34 175
Operator, Frobenius — Perron 37
Operator, infinitesimal 180
Operator, Koopman 42—44
Operator, Markov 32
Operator, resolvent 201
oscillators 136—138 192
Parabolic equation 326
Parabolic transformation see "Quadratic transformation"
Parabolicity condition 323
Paradox of weak repellor 11 126
Partition function 253
Phase space 1 163 166
Phillip's perturbation theorem 210
Piece wise convex transformations 128
Piecewise monotonic mappings 119 123 147
Poincare map 220
Poincare recurrence theorem 59
Poisson bracket 187
Poisson processes 222—226
Probabilistic measure space 15 220
Product measure 24 227
Product space 24 227
Proper cylinder 195
Quadratic transformation 1 7 47 50 142 255
r-adic transformation 9 46—47 70
Radon — Nikodym theorem 20 23
Random number generator 147
Random variable 221
Random variable, density of 221
Random variable, independent 221 266
Random variable, mathematical expectation of 269
Random variable, mean value of 269
Random variable, standard deviation of 272
Random variable, variance of 271
Randomly applied stochastic perturbation 277—282
Regular Ito sum 305
Renyi transformation 119
Resolvent operator 201
Riemann integral, relation to Lebesgue integral 19
Riemannian metric 155
Right lower derivative 111
Rock drilling 138
Rotation on circle 56 69 171
Rotation on torus 190
Sample path 222
Scalar product 23
Scalar product on manifolds 155
Semidynamical system 168
Semigroup of contracting operators 177—178
Semigroup of contractions 178
Semigroup of Frobenius — Perron operator 173—174
Semigroup of Koopman operator 177
Semigroup of transformations 169
Simple function 17
Space and time averages 58 170
Space of measurable functions 21
Space, adjoint 22
Spectral decomposition theorem 88
Sphere bundle 199
Stability property of Markov operators 34
Standard deviation 272
State space 1
Stationary density 36
Stationary independent increments 222
Statistical stability 95
Statistical stability, relation to asymptotic stability 95
Statistical stability, relation to exactness 100—101
Statistically stable transformation, construction of 143
Stirling's formula 235
Stochastic convergence 274
Stochastic differential equations 293 313
Stochastic differential equations, relation to Fokker — Planck equation 317—318
Stochastic integrals 305 311
Stochastic kernel 101 217 241
Stochastic perturbation, constantly applied 282
Stochastic perturbation, randomly applied 277
Stochastic perturbation, small 277 289
Stochastic processes 221
Stochastic processes with independent increments 222
Stochastic processes with stationary independent increments 222
Stochastic processes, continuous time 222
Stochastic processes, discrete time 222
Stochastic semigroup 174
Stochastic semigroup, relation to Fokker — Planck equation 327
Stratonovich sum 308
Strong convergence 27
Strong convergence, Cauchy condition for 30
Strong Law of Large Numbers 276
Strong precompactness 78
Strong precompactness, conditions for 79
Strong repellor 128—131
Strongly constrictive Markov operator 87
Support 34
Support and Frobenius — Perron operator 39
Support, compact 181
Tangent space 153
Tangent vector 153
Tent map 142
Time and space averages 58 170
Torus 162
Torus, Anosov diffeomorphism on 52
Torus, d-dimensional 190
Torus, exact transformation on 162
Torus, rotation on 191
Trace of dynamical system 167
Trajectory 166
Trajectory, versus density 10
Transformation, asymptotically periodic 131
Transformation, convex 128
Transformation, ergodic 53 171
Transformation, exact 62 173
Transformation, factor of 75
Transformation, Frobenius — Perron operator for 6 37 173
Transformation, Koopman operator for 42 177
Transformation, measurable 36
Transformation, measure-preserving 45
Transformation, mixing 59 172
Transformation, nonsingular 36
Transformation, piecewise monotonic 119 123 147
Transformation, statistically stable 95 100—101
Transformation, weakly mixing 73
Triangle inequality 22
Trivial -algebra 74
Trivial set 53 171
Uniform parabolicity 323
Unit volume function 157
Variance of function 114
Variance of random variable 271
Variance of Wiener process 295
Variation of function 115
Vector, norm of 156
Vector, Scalar product of 155
Vector, space 22
Von Neumann series 233
Weak Cesaro convergence 27
Weak continuity 43
Weak convergence 27
Weak law of large numbers 275
Weak precompactness 78
Weak repellor, paradox of 11 125
Weakly constrictive Markov operator 87
Weakly mixing transformation 73
Wiener measure 298—299
Wiener process, d-dimensional 303
Wiener process, normalized 294—295
Wiener process, one-dimensional 294
Wiener process, variance of 295
Yorke inequality 118