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Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 2) |
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Lattice Green function, 5D s.c. 191
Lattice Green function, general properties 164
Lattice Green function, hopping expansion 167 170 171
Lattice Green function, large distance limit 167
Lattice Laplacian 170
Lattice model 346 409
Lattice potential 241 244
Lattice superconductor 694 697 717 720 729
Lattice superconductor, frozen 697
Lattice superconductor, phase diagram 729
Legendre function 249
Legendre transform 8 115 123
length parameter 134
Length scales of superconductor 320
Lepton 4
Lie algebra 73 79 80
Line fluctuation 156
Line-like defect 3 226
Liouville equation 322
Local conservation law 105
Local coupling 294
Local gauge transformation 56 78 283
Local interaction 31
Local invariance 75
Local theories 45
Local U(1) transformation 67 72 75
Logarithm of a matrix 17
London equation 307 318
Long-range fluctuation 152
Long-range interaction 221 226
Loop expansion 124
Loop integration 50
Loop momenta 50
low-temperature expansion 92 93 499 550 595 629
Macroscopic fluctuation 94
Magnetic charges 604 607
Magnetic field 55 288
Magnetic field, 326 329
Magnetic field, 326 330 332
Magnetic field, 319 323 326 330 332
Magnetic flux 571
Magnetic loops 695
Magnetic monopole 569 602
Magnetic penetration depth 343
magnetization 331 332 579
Mass parameter 146 156 450
Mass term 46
Massive lattice Green function 233
Massless Green function 194
Massless modes 2
Matsubara frequency 215 218 219
Maxwell — Lorentz theory 709 715
Mean field approximation 121
Mean field free energy 413
Measure 14 32 33 38 59 64 150 219 230 478
Meissner effect 308 319 341 604
Metric space 4
Minimal energy 93
Minimal substitution 230
Mixed contraction 87
Mixed state 319
Modified Bessel functions 165 167
Modulated crystal 689
Momentum component 234
Momentum space diagrams 47
Monopole gauge field 570
Monopole gauge transformation 570 574 601
Monopole, magnetic 569 599
Monte-Carlo simulation 349 525 528 623 626 643 646
Monte-Carlo, Villain approximation 521 623
Monte-Carlo, Villain model 521 623
Monte-Carlo, XY model 391 544 622
Multivalued function 291
n-point correlation function 22 23 25 118
Nambu — Goldstone mechanism 299
Nambu — Goldstone modes 94 264 266 271 304 310 463
Natural core energies 703 704
Natural units 165
Near zone of vortex line 275
Neutrons 74
Noether current 108
Noether theorem 108 109
Non-Abelian gauge field 76 68
Non-Abelian gauge theories 72
Non-Abelian symmetry 74 75
Non-self-backtracking chain 354 582
Nonlinear interaction 549
Normal ordering 541
Normal part of superfluid 258
Normalization 9
Nucleons 74
One-loop correction 430
One-particle irreducible graph 116 120 449
One-particle irreducible Green function 41 44 124 130
One-particle irreducible Green function, amputated 130
One-particle irreducible vacuum graph 128
One-point function 102 115 117
One-step probability 157
Open boundary condition 651
Open lines 154
Open oriented random chains 154 155
Orbits 134
Order field 261 310
Order parameter 261 269 329
Oriented chains 146
Oriented lines 156
Oriented link vectors 137
Orthonormal 25
Pair contraction 23
Pair unbinding transition 641
Papyex 618
Particle-field duality 223
Partition function 8 13 26 27 29 31 57 62 147 152 153 156 162 164 215 220 225 227 231
Partition function, canonical representation 27 209 489
Partition function, superflow representation 496
Partition function, vortex line representation 496
Passive point of view 83
path integral 12 29 159
Pauli matrices 73
Peierls — Jensen inequality 409 411
Penetration depth 307 320 707
Perturbation expansion 2 32 537
Perturbation theory 31
Phase fluctuations 264 267 421
Phonons 2
Physical field fluctuations 58
Pions 74
Pitaevskii energy 421
Planar spin model 348
plots 211
Point defect 2 255
Poisson formula 475 599
Pole 182 188
Potts model 613
Primitive translation vectors 232
probability 156 160
Probability, amplitude 140 145
Probability, density 145
Probability, distribution 158 161 228
Probability, distribution in momentum space 158
Propagator 36 174
Proper self-energy graphs 41 51
Proper vertex diagrams 44 52
Proton 74
Pseudoenergy 27
Pseudotemperature 27
Pseudotime 134 159
Pure gauge field 78 470
Quadratic fluctuation 99
Quadrupole configuration 633
| Quantum statistics 25
Quantum vortex dynamics (QVD) 709
Quark 4
Quartic field interaction 225
Radius of convergence 31
Random chains 134 135 146 151 157 221 228 230
Random chains, ensemble 162
Random loop configurations 153
Random walk 133 134 136 137 174 220
Ratio Test 394 590
Reciprocal basis 142 234
Renormalization group 663 665 669
Representations 73
Rotation group 73 89
Rotational invariance 62 67 83
Roton energy 517
Roughening model 690
Saddle-point approximation 95 97 114 166 647
Scalar field 147
Scalar QED 4 68
screening 606
Screening, charge 648 650
Seagull graph 71
Second order phase transition 260
Second order vacuum graphs 40
Self-avoiding graphs 582
Self-energy graphs 39 128 129
Separatrix 667
Sine-Gordon model 679 681 685
Single loop diagram 153
Singular surfaces 292
Size fluctuation 264 267 421 423
Smearing factor 738
Solid angle 296 297
Sound waves 226
Source field 222
Specific heat 8 260 299 303 417 509
Spherical model 461
Spin model 461 462
Spin waves 578
Spinor 75
Spinor, field 81
Spinor, representation 85
Spiral growth 689
Spontaneous symmetry breakdown 263
Statistical physics 7
Steric interaction 225 226 301
Stiffness 543 663
Stirling's formula 180
Stokes' theorem 292 297
Stress gauge field 3 720
Stress-loop 517
Structure constant 73
SU(3) 83
Subtracted Coulomb potential 245
Subtracted lattice Green function 250
Superconductivity 307
Superconductor 716
Superconductor, dirty 315 320 337
Superconductor, type-I 316 320 323 331 337
Superconductor, type-II 316 320 323 329 331 340
Superflow 258
Superflow, gauge field 467
Superfluid density 258 266 299 427 428 429 676
Superfluid density, renormalization 675
Superfluid helium 253
Superfluid helium, films 618
Superfluid part 258 347
Superfluid phase transition 258 346
Superfluid velocity 266 296
Superfluid, 2D 618
Superfluidity 299
susceptibility 578 586 590
Symmetry 105
Temperature 8
Tensor 10
Tensor, field 84
Thermal cycle 390
Thermal softening 543 663
Thermodynamic limit 164
Theta function 490
Three-body interactions 226
Three-body potential 226
Three-loop graph 538
Three-point function 103 117 118
Three-point vertex 129
Topological quantum number 275
Trace functional 78
Tracelog 18 205 211 214 217 244 245
Tracelog, 1D exact finite size 217
Tracelog, approximate 2D square lattice 207
Tracelog, approximate 2D triangular lattice 244
Tracelog, approximate 3D b.c.c. 244
Tracelog, approximate 3D f.c.c. 244
Tracelog, approximate 3D s.c. 206
Tracelog, approximate 4D s.c. 210
Tracelog, hopping expansion s.c. 205
Tracelog, plots s.c. 211
Translational invariance 10 45 48 83 215
Transverse fluctuation 425
Transverse gauge 66 284 468 565
Transverse vortex gauge 566
Tree graph 116 120
Triangular lattice 232 233
Triangular tracelog 240 244 245
Tricritical point 340 736
Truncation 41
Two-body interactions 221
Two-point Function 21 39 41 44 45 50 51 53 101 118 119 128 154 155
Type-I superconductor 316 320 323 331 337
Type-II superconductor 316 320 323 329 331 340
U(1) invariance 67
Uncertainty relation 145
Universality 82 672
Vacancy 2
Vacuum contribution 32 34 101
Vacuum diagram 37 71 110 130
Variational method 410
Vector 75
Vector field 84
Vector potential 56 283 290
Vertex functions 42 116 119
Vertices 99
Vierbein 88
Villain approximation 489 492 497 520 524 525 527 531 534 641 695
Villain approximation, 2D 641
Villain approximation, 3D 496 501 519 526 531 695
Villain model 489 498 501 535 559 621 641 676 690 711
Villain model, 2D 543 618 621 623 624 626 629 643 645 667 679
Villain model, 2D correlation functions 653
Villain model, 2D high-T 620
Villain model, 2D low-T expansion 629
Villain model, 2D Monte Carlo data 623
Villain model, 3D 501 502 525
Villain model, 3D high-T 499
Villain model, 3D low-T expansion 499
Villain model, 3D Monte Carlo data 521
Volterra sheets 602
Vortex corrections 546
Vortex ensemble 656
Vortex gauge field 553 554 556 562 563 574 643 651 653 720
Vortex gauge invariance 553 554 556 557
Vortex gauge structure 559
Vortex gauge transformation 555 558 565 569
Vortex line 145 147 267 269 272 273 282 298 299 300 304 324 329 347 466 529 573 716 720
Vortex line in lattice superconductors 723
Vortex line, representation 480 703
Vortex loop 297 517 549
Vortex representation 620
Vortex strength 273
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