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Ketterson J.B., Song S. — Superconductivity |
Предметный указатель |
Spin waves 191
Spin-orbit coupling 289 291
SQUID, rf biased 73
SQUID, two-junction dc 61
Stoner enhancement 237
Superfluid 154 163ff 397ff
Surface energy, superconductivity 50
Surface energy, superconductor normal metal surface 17
Surface superconductor 2
Surface tension, normal metal-superconductor 17
Time reversal operator 245 290
Time reversal operator, equation of motion for 290 292
Time-dependent perturbations 245
Transition temperatures (of elements) 475
Triplet pairing 154 238 389
Tunneling, current 217 220 224 227 228
Tunneling, Hamiltonian 216
Tunneling, matrix elements 218
Two-band superconductor 243ff
Type I superconductor, definition of 11
Type I superconductor, thermodynamics of 12
Type II superconductor, behavior just below 52
Type II superconductor, behavior near 24
Type II superconductor, definition of 11
Ultrasonic attenuation 248
| Upper critical field 25
Upper critical field in an anisotropic superconductor 45 281 293
Upper critical field in slabs 47 282 293
Upper critical field, calculation of 43 281 293
Usadel equations 452ff 456
Vortex see also "Flux lattice"
Vortex in 2D film 87
Vortex in L-D model 85
Vortex in layered superconductors 82ff
Vortex, Bogoliubov equations for 355
Vortex, bound states of 365
Vortex, energy of 21
Vortex, glass phase 139
Vortex, interaction between 22
Vortex, liquid 139
Vortex, microscopic theory of 360ff
Vortex, pancake 88
Vortex, quantization of circulation 19
Vortex, quasiclassical theory of 363
Wave propagation in Josephson transmission line 108
Wave propagation in junction 95
Wave propagation in superlattice 104
Wave propagation with dissipation 102
Wave propagation, solitons 101
Zero sound, longitudinal 189 412
Zero sound, transverse 190
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