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Bank R.E. — PLTMG: A Software Package for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Users' Guide 8.0
Bank R.E. — PLTMG: A Software Package for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Users' Guide 8.0

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Название: PLTMG: A Software Package for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Users' Guide 8.0

Автор: Bank R.E.


Intended mainly for use as a reference manual, this third edition encompasses all the improvements of the newest version of the PLTMG software package. This updated version introduces several significant changes, including the following: The data structures defining the domain (triangulation and skeleton) have been simplified; more general boundary conditions are allowed; the internal data structure (triangle tree) has been replaced by a simple triangulation; the adaptive algorithms have been revised to use this simple data structure; the linear equations solvers are multigraph methods, which are simple ILU factorizations with strong connections to the hierarchical basis multigrid method; the graphics packages have been improved and now include expanded options and the test driver has a new X-Windows gui option.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 110

Добавлена в каталог: 25.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
A, definition      42
A1XY, calling sequence      18
A2XY, calling sequence      18
ALIAS, definition      84
ANGMIN      Table 2.4
ANORM      Table 2.4
ARCMAX      Table 2.4
ARCMIN      Table 2.4
Area      Table 2.4
ATEST, array dimensions      80
ATEST, commands      76
ATEST, common blocks      80
ATEST, initialization defaults      80
ATEST, reading data files      82
ATEST, resetting parameters, long form      77
ATEST, resetting parameters, short form      78
ATEST, writing data files      82
ATEST1, common block      80
ATEST2, common block      80
ATEST3, common block      80
ATESTA, common block      80
BD      Table 2.4
Best      Table 2.4
BFILE      Table 2.4
BFILE, definition      75
BFILE, PLTMG output      46
BGCLR      Table 2.4
BGCLR, definition      80
Block elimination      40
BLUE, definition      90
BNORM      Table 2.4
BNORM, definition      41
BRATIO      Table 2.4
BTNBG      Table 2.4
BTNBG, definition      80
BTNFG      Table 2.4
BTNFG, definition      80
Calling sequence, A1XY      18
Calling sequence, A2XY      18
Calling sequence, CENTRE      6
Calling sequence, DVEDGE      12
Calling sequence, FNDSYM      12
Calling sequence, FXY      18
Calling sequence, GDATA      86
Calling sequence, GPHPLT      66
Calling sequence, GXY      18
Calling sequence, INPLT      64
Calling sequence, MKITND      12
Calling sequence, MTXPLT      71
Calling sequence, P2XY      19
Calling sequence, PFILL      89
Calling sequence, PIXY      18
Calling sequence, PLINE      89
Calling sequence, PLTEVL      44
Calling sequence, PLTMG      35
Calling sequence, PLTUTL      89
Calling sequence, QXY      18
Calling sequence, RESET      84
Calling sequence, TIMER      88
Calling sequence, TRIG EN      21
Calling sequence, TRIPLT      58
Calling sequence, USRCMD      83
CENTRE, calling sequence      6
CENX      Table 2.4
CENX, definition      62 65 66
CENY      Table 2.4
CENY, definition      62 65 66
Coefficient functions      18
Curved edges, skeleton      9
Curved edges, triangulation      5
Delta      Table 2.4
DELTA, definition      41
DIAM      Table 2.4
DNEW      Table 2.4
DRDRL      Table 2.4
DRDRL, definition      36
DVEDGE, calling sequence      12
EFUN      Table 2.4
Eigenvalue problem      48
Element quality      22
ENORM1      Table 2.4
ENORM2      Table 2.4
EPS      Table 2.4
ERL      Table 2.4
FGCLR      Table 2.4
FGCLR, definition      80
FNDSYM, calling sequence      12
FTITLE      Table 2.4
FTITLE, definition      58
fun      Table 2.4
FXY, calling sequence      18
GDATA, calling sequence      86
GPHPLT, calling sequence      66
GPHPLT, continuation path      66
GPHPLT, convergence histories      70
GPHPLT, displaying IP      66
GPHPLT, displaying RP      66
GPHPLT, error estimates      70
GPHPLT, multigraph convergence histories      69
GPHPLT, Newton convergence history      69
GPHPLT, timing statistics      66
Grade      Table 2.4
GRADE, definition      23
GREEN, definition      90
GTITLE      Table 2.4
GTITLE, definition      66
GXY, calling sequence      18
HMAX      Table 2.4
HMAX, definition      23
HMIN      Table 2.4
HMIN, definition      28 29
IADAPT      Table 2.4 Table
IADAPT, definition      21
IBATCH      Table 2.4 Table
IBATCH, definition      81
IBNDRY      Table 2.1
IBNDRY, definition      7 10
ICRTR      Table 2.4 Table
ICRTR, definition      81
ICRTW      Table 2.4 Table
ICRTW, definition      81
IDBC      Table 2.4
IDBC, definition      9
IDEVCE      Table 2.4
IDEVCE, definition      90
IDEVCE, X-Windows mode      80
IEE      Table 2.4
IEE, definition      16
IEVALS      Table 2.4
IEVALS, definition      42
IEVL      Table 2.4
IEVL, definition      16
IEVR      Table 2.4
IEVR, definition      16
IFILRW, definition      81
IFILSW      Table 2.4 Table
IFIRST      Table 2.4
IFIRST, definition      13
IFLAG      Table 2.4 Table
IFLAG, definition      17
IFUN      Table 2.4 Table
IFUN, definition      58
IGRSW      Table 2.4 Table
IGRSW, definition      66
IMTXSW      Table 2.4 Table
IMTXSW, definition      72
INDX, definition      84
INPLSW      Table 2.4 Table
INPLSW, definition      65
INPLT, calling sequence      64
INPLT, skeleton plots      65
INPLT, triangle plots      65
IOMSG      Table 2.4
IP      Table 2.4
IP, definition      13
IPROB      Table 2.4 Table
IPROB, definition      37
IREFN      Table 2.4
IREFN, definition      27
ISCALE      Table 2.4 Table
ISCALE, definition      62
ISIZE      Table 2.4
ISIZE, definition      80
ISPD      Table 2.4 Table
ISPD, definition      43
ISTATE      Table 2.4
ITAG, definition      18-20
ITITLE      Table 2.4
ITITLE, definition      64
ITNODE      Table 2.1
ITNODE, definition for skeleton      10
ITNODE, definition for triangulation      7
ITNUM      Table 2.4
ITNUM, definition      42
ITYPE      Table 2.6
ITYPE, definition      18-20
IU, definition      81
IU0      Table 2.4
IU0, definition      13
IU0DOT      Table 2.4
IU0DOT, definition      13
IUDOT      Table 2.4
IUDOT, definition      13
IUSRSW      Table 2.4
IUSRSW, definition      83
IUU      Table 2.4
IUU, definition      13
IZ      Table 2.4
IZ, definition      16
J command, definition      82
JA, definition      42
JHIST      Table 2.4
JHIST, definition      16
JNLR      Table 2.4 Table
JNLR, definition      81
JNLSW      Table 2.4
JNLSW, definition      81
JNLW      Table 2.4 Table
JNLW, definition      81
JPATH      Table 2.4
JPATH, definition      16
JRFILE      Table 2.4
JRFILE, definition      82
JTIME      Table 2.4
JTIME, definition      16
JWFILE      Table 2.4
JWFILE, definition      75
JWFILE, PLTMG output      46
KTAG, definition      20
LENA      Table 2.4
LENJA      Table 2.4
LENJU      Table 2.4
LENU      Table 2.4
LENW      Table 2.4
LENW, definition      13
LENW, requirements for PLTMG      81
lines      Table 2.4 Table
LINES, definition      63
LIST, definition      81
MAXB      Table 2.4
MAXB, definition      81
MAXC      Table 2.4
MAXC, definition      81
Maxt      Table 2.4
MAXT, definition      81
MAXV      Table 2.4
MAXV, definition      81
method      Table 2.4 Table
METHOD, definition      43
MKITND, calling sequence      12
MKITND, definition      75
MKITND, MODE      Table 2.4 Table
MTITLE      Table 2.4
MTITLE, definition      71
MTXPLT, calling sequence      71
MX      Table 2.4
MX, definition      70
MXCG      Table 2.4
MXCG, definition      43
MXCOLR      Table 2.4
MXCOLR, definition      57 65 66 68
MXNWTT      Table 2.4
MXNWTT, definition      42
my      Table 2.4
MY, definition      70
MZ      Table 2.4
MZ, definition      70
NBF      Table 2.4
NBF, definition      5 9
NCF      Table 2.4
NCF, definition      5 9
NCOLOR, definition      90
NCON      Table 2.4
NCON, definition      59
Nef      Table 2.4
NEVP      Table 2.4
NEVP, definition      44
NGF      Table 2.4
NGF, definition      16
NI, definition      84
NR, definition      84
NRGN      Table 2.4
NRGN, definition      28
NTF      Table 2.4
NTF, definition      5 9
NUMBRS      Table 2.4 Table
NUMBRS, definition      63 65 66
NUMBRS, numerical quadrature routines      36
NVF      Table 2.4
NVF, definition      5 9
NVTRGT      Table 2.4
NVTRGT, definition      24
NX      Table 2.4
NX, definition      59 62
NY      Table 2.4
NY, definition      59 62
NZ      Table 2.4
NZ, definition      59 62
P2XY, calling sequence      19
PFILL, calling sequence      89
PIXY, calling sequence      18
PLINE, calling sequence      89
PLTEVL, calling sequence      44
PLTMG, branch switching      39
PLTMG, calling sequence      35
PLTMG, continuation      37
PLTMG, discretization      35
PLTMG, equation solution      40
PLTMG, multigraph method      43
PLTMG, normalization equations      36
PLTMG, numerical quadrature      36
PLTMG, sparse elimination      43
PLTMG, stiffness matrix      42
PLTUTL, calling sequence      89
QUAL      Table 2.4
QXY, calling sequence      18
R      Table 2.4
r command, definition      82
R0      Table 2.4
R0DOT      Table 2.4
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