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Haug H., Jauho A.-P. — Quantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors |
Предметный указатель |
Lindhard function 297
Liouville equation 21
Local-field correction 228 284
Luttinger liquids 49
Markov limit of quantum kinetics 217
Mass-renormalization factor, nonequilibrium 155
Master equation 12 20
Matsubara technique 55
Mesoscopic phenomena 52 157
Mesoscopic transport 159
Migdal theorem 50
Modulation doping 157
Momentum distribution, Gaussian white noise model 113
Monte Carlo simulations 119 148
Monte Carlo simulations, 149 151
Monte Carlo simulations, ensemble 20—29
Monte Carlo simulations, random number generation 22 151
Negative differential resistance 194
Non-linear optical spectroscopy 204
Number density, relation to correlation function 87
Operator, annihilation 35 36
Operator, contour-ordering 60 62
Operator, creation 35
Operator, fermion 35 62
Operator, permutation 36
Operator, time-ordering 38 60
Oscillator strength 232
Pair continuum 295
Parallel transport 157
Particle density, in terms of a Green function 39
Pauli principle 4
Perpendicular transport 157
Phase-braking length 52
Phonon reaction time 213
Phonon sidebands 215 218 238
Photon echo 206 207 231 253
Photon echo, calculation of 253—255
Photonic side-bands 128 187
Picture, Heisenberg 44 60 62
Picture, Heisenberg, definition of 38
Picture, interaction 40 44
Picture, Schr dinger 44
Plasma frequency, time-dependent 294 297
Plasmon pole 297
Plasmon pole approximation 263
Plasmon pole approximation, time-dependent 269—272
Poisson equation 30
Polariton 230
Polarization 204
Polarization bubble 264
Polarization bubble, multi-band 278
Polarization bubble, retarded 266
Polarization decay, quasi-classical theory 288
Polaron constant 210
Projection operator techniques 119
Propagator, hole 40
Propagator, particle 40
Propagator, phonon 210
Quantum beats 229
Quantum beats, in exciton systems 229
Quantum beats, LO-phonon 229 242
Quantum Boltzmann equation 95—98
Quantum coherence 212 244 260
Quantum kinetic equation, elastic impurities 102
Quantum kinetic equation, electron-phonon systems 144—148
Quantum kinetic equation, gauge-invariant 81—83
Quantum kinetic equation, Gaussian white noise model 111— 115
Quantum kinetic equation, inhomogeneous systems 152
Quantum kinetic equation, interband 209 219
Quantum kinetic equation, intraband 216
Quantum kinetic equation, linear 155
Quantum kinetic equation, LO-phonons 241
Quantum kinetic equation, resonant-level model 141—144
Quantum kinetics, connection to Boltzmann equation 78 217
Quantum kinetics, Markov limit 274
Quantum point contact, QPC 157 158
Quantum transport theory, linear 95
Quantum transport theory, nonlinear 119—155
Quantum unit of conductance, 158
Quasibound state 157
Quasiclassical theory 75
Quasielastic regime 150
Quasiparticle approximation 77
Quasiparticle dispersion 124
Quasiparticle weight 124
Rabi flop 206 242
Rabi frequency 205 215
Rabi frequency, re-normalized 228 294
Rabi frequency, re-normalized, inter band 278
Rabi frequency, time-dependent 221
random number generation 23
Random phase approximation (RPA) 261
Random walk, one-dimensional chain 21
Relaxation frequencies 9
Relaxation kinetics, Boltzmann 9
Relaxation kinetics, numerical studies 23—29
Relaxation kinetics, numerical studies, Boltzmann equation 17
Relaxation time, longitudinal ( ) 205
Relaxation time, transversal ( ) 205 207
Relaxation-time approximation 9 30
Relaxation-time approximation, 153
Representation, interaction 60
Resonant tunneling 161
Resonant-level model 47—49 165
Resonant-level model, in high electric fields 130—144
Resonant-level model, time-dependent 184—192
Resonant-tunneling diode, RTD 157
Resonant-tunneling diode, RTD, high-frequency response 195
Resonant-tunneling diode, RTD, modeling of 179
Rotating-wave approximation 202 204 215 218 219 238 280
Run-away, field assisted 151
S-matrix 45 59
Scattering rate, elastic impurity 21
| Scattering rate, electron-electron 23
Scattering rate, electron-electron, in Born approximation 4
Scattering rate, electron-phonon 4
Scattering rate, Markovian — Boltzmann 217
Scattering rate, non — Markovian 217
Screening length, Debye 31
Screening length, nonequilibrium 271
Screening, build-up 293
Screening, femtosecond dynamics 300
Screening, wavenumber 294
Second quantization 35—37
Self-energy 49—51
Self-energy, - Hartree — Fock, time-dependent 209
Self-energy, advanced, resonant-level model 166
Self-energy, analytic continuation, resonant-level model 140
Self-energy, Born approximation 138 145
Self-energy, Born approximation, electron-electron scattering 262
Self-energy, Born approximation, electron-phonon systems 49
Self-energy, equilibrium, imaginary part of 72
Self-energy, greater, electron-phonon systems 145
Self-energy, Hartree — Fock 227 228
Self-energy, in RPA 263
Self-energy, in RPA, inter-band 278
Self-energy, inter-band 202
Self-energy, inter-band, singular part of 202
Self-energy, irreducible 65
Self-energy, lesser 166
Self-energy, lesser, electron-phonon systems 145
Self-energy, lesser, Gaussian white noise model 112 114
Self-energy, lesser, resonant-level model 166
Self-energy, lesser, resonant-level model, impurity averaged 141
Self-energy, nonequilibrium, imaginary part of 72
Self-energy, polaron 214
Self-energy, retarded, equilibrium electron-phonon 68
Self-energy, retarded, for time-dependent resonant-level model 185
Self-energy, retarded, Gaussian white noise model 112
Self-energy, retarded, impurity-averaged for RLM 135
Self-energy, retarded, resonant-level model 166
Self-energy, self-consistent Born approximation 138 145
Self-energy, self-consistent Born approximation, elastic impurities 54 78 99
Self-energy, self-consistent Born approximation, electron-phonon systems 50 144
Self-energy, self-consistent Born approximation, Gaussian white noise model 110
Self-energy, weak localization 105
Self-energy, weak localization, nonequilibrium 105
Self-scattering 22
Semiconductor, direct gap 201
Semiconductor, heterostructure 157
Semiconductor, two-band model for 201
Single-electron pumps 179
Slave-boson technique 172
Soliton pulse 255
Spectral function, definition of 41
Spectral function, equilibrium 72
Spectral function, equilibrium, Gaussian white noise model 113
Spectral function, equilibrium, general structure 124
Spectral function, equilibrium, interacting 96
Spectral function, field-dependent 124
Spectral function, free 124
Spectral function, gauge-invariant, time-dependent fields 126
Spectral function, in gradient approximation 77
Spectral function, interacting, resonant-tunneling diode 169
Spectral function, joint 150 151
Spectral function, nonequilibrium 72
Spectral function, nonequilibrium, equation-of-motion 72
Spectral function, resonant-level model 166
Spectral function, sum rule 41 124 139
Spectroscopy, pump and probe 12 262
Split-gate geometry 158
Stark effect, excitonic 238
Stark effect, linear 238
States, antisymmetric 35
Streaming-motion regime 150
S—matrix 56
T-matrix, functional of Green function 134
T-matrix, resonant-level model 48
T-matrix, resonant-level model, field-dependent 131
T-matrix, single-site 133
Time-ordered Green function 163
Total energy, in terms of a Green function 39
Transformation, similarity 13
Transformation, unitary 245
Transient dynamics, Gaussian white noise model 109
Transient dynamics, resonant-level model 184—192
Transitions, dipole-allowed 201
Transmission coefficient 159 165
Transmission coefficient, elastic 166
Transport properties, Gaussian white noise model 115 117
Transport properties, semiconductors, high electric fields 119—155
Tunneling Hamiltonian 160
Tunneling problems 160
Two-branch time contour 160
Two-dimensional electron gas 12 157
Uncertainty relation 298
Universal conductance fluctuations 158
Urbach tail 213 229 236
Variables, center-of-mass 76 79 81 85
Variables, difference 76 79 85
Vertex equation 102
Vertex function 99
Ward identities 99
Wave equation 38
Wavefunction re-normalization 43 125
Weak localization 55 100 104—108 159
White-noise spectrum 196
Wick’s theorem 56 59 63 64 91 99
Wick’s theorem, 172
Wigner coordinates 75 76
Wigner function 87—88 111
Wigner function, quantum kinetic equation 83 92 111
Wigner function, quantum kinetic equation, electron-phonon systems 145
Wigner function, quantum kinetic equation, non-local driving term 152
Wigner — Weisskopf approximation 214
Wigner — Weisskopf approximation, 225 241
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