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Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamics |
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Magnetic charge and current densities, transformation properties of 274
Magnetic diffusion 221—223
Magnetic dipole see "Dipole fields" "Dipole
Magnetic field, , boundary conditions on 18 194
Magnetic field, , boundary conditions on, definition of 14 192 257
Magnetic flux density see "Magnetic induction"
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on 18 194
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, definition of 174 178
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of charge in uniform relativistic motion 559
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of charge, limiting form as 573
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of circular loop 182f
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of current element 175
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of long straight wire 176
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of magnetized sphere 198
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, of nonrelativistic moving charge 176 560
Magnetic induction, , boundary conditions on, relativistic transformation of 558
magnetic moment see also "Dipole moment"
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of 592f
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, anomalous, of the electron and muon 565
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, density 186 256
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, effective, of hole in conductor 205
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, force on, in nonuniform magnetic field 189
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, intrinsic, caused by circulating currents 191
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, of electron 548
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, radiation emitted, in disappearance of 735—736
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, radiation emitted, when in motion 704
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, radiation from time-varying 413f 442
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, scattering by induced 457 460
Magnetic moment, adiabatic invariance of, torque on 174 189—190
Magnetic monopole 273f
Magnetic monopole, and quantization of electric charge 275f
Magnetic monopole, vector potential of 278 290—291
Magnetic multipole fields see "Multipoles" "Multipole
Magnetic permeability 14—15 193
Magnetic polarization 13—14
Magnetic pressure 320
Magnetic scalar potential 180 195
Magnetic shielding 201f 228—229
Magnetic tension 320
Magnetization, definition of macroscopic 192 256
Magnetization, definition of macroscopic, divergence of, as effective magnetic charge density 196
Magnetization, definition of macroscopic, effective current density of 192
Magnetization, definition of macroscopic, of current density distribution 186
Magnetization, definition of macroscopic, radiation by time-varying 439f
Magnetized sphere 198f
Magnetized sphere, in external field 200—201
Magnetohydrodynamics, equations of 320
Magnetostatics, basic equations of 180 194
Magnetostatics, basic equations of, methods of solving boundary-value problems in 194f
Mass of photon, consideration of, using Proca Lagrangian 600f
Mass of photon, consideration of, using Proca Lagrangian, impossibility of measuring, using lumped circuits 601—602
Mass of photon, consideration of, using Proca Lagrangian, limits on 7—9
Mass of photon, consideration of, using Proca Lagrangian, modification of the earth's dipole field by 621
Maximum and minimum impact parameters see "Impact parameters"
Maximum and minimum scattering angles, in elastic scattering by atoms 641—642
Maxwell equations 2 238
Maxwell equations, derived from a Lagrangian 599—600
Maxwell equations, in covariant form 557
Maxwell equations, in different systems of units 781
Maxwell equations, macroscopic 13f 238 248f
Maxwell equations, plane wave solutions of 295f
Maxwell equations, spherical wave solutions of 429f
Maxwell stress tensor 261
Mean-square angle of scattering 643—644
Mean-value theorem, for electric field 149
Mean-value theorem, for electrostatic potential 52
Mean-value theorem, for magnetic field 188
Meissner effect 603
Metals, actual distribution of charge at surface of 21
Metals, actual distribution of charge at surface of, ultraviolet transparency of 314
Method of images see "Images"
Metric tensor of special relativity 542
Michelson — Morley experiment 517
Michelson — Morley experiment, modern successors to, for detection of ether drift 519f
Microwaves see "Diffraction" "Resonant "Wave
Mirror, magnetic 595—596
Mixed boundary conditions 38 129f 205
MKSA units see "Units"
Modes, in cylindrical cavity 368f
Modes, in cylindrical dielectric wave guide 388—389 404
Modes, in slab dielectric guide 385f
Modes, in spherical geometry, definition of 375
Modes, in wave guide 360
Modes, normal, in wave guide 389f
Modes, propagating and cutoff or evanescent 360
Modes, TE and TM, in wave guide 359
Moessbauer effect, use in ether drift experiments 521—522
Moessbauer effect, use to detect transverse Doppler shift 530
Molecular multipole moments 252 256
Molecular polarizability 151
Molecular polarizability, models for 162f
Momentum density, and co-moving mechanical momentum in dielectric 262 294
Momentum density, as part of covariant symmetric stress tensor 609
Momentum density, electromagnetic 262
Momentum density, in macroscopic media 262
Momentum transfer, in Coulomb collision 625
Momentum transfer, maximum effective, in bremsstrahlung 713 715 718
Momentum transfer, minimum effective, in bremsstrahlung 716 717 718 721—722
Momentum, canonical, for particle in external fields 582
Momentum, conservation of, between particles and fields 261 611
Momentum, electromagnetic, covariant expression for 758
Momentum, hidden mechanical 189 618
Momentum, relativistic, of particle 536
Monopole radiation fields, absence of 410
Motion, of charged particle in uniform static magnetic field 585—586 see
Moving charge, fields of 549 573 664
Moving circuits and law of induction 209—210
Multiple scattering of particles by atoms 643f
Multipole expansion, of electromagnetic fields 429f
Multipole expansion, of electrostatic potential 145f
Multipole expansion, of Green function for wave equation 428
Multipole expansion, of interaction energy 150
Multipole expansion, of localized source in wave guide 419f
Multipole expansion, of radiation by linear antenna 444f
Multipole expansion, of scalar plane wave 471
Multipole expansion, of vector plane wave 471f
Multipole fields 429
Multipole fields, angular momentum of 433—435
Multipole fields, connection to sources 439f
Multipole fields, electric and magnetic 430—431
Multipole fields, energy of 433
Multipole fields, expansion of arbitrary source-free fields in 431
Multipole fields, near-zone properties of 432
Multipole fields, parity properties of 436
Multipole fields, radiation-zone properties 433
Multipole fields, use of, in description of scattering 473f
Multipole moment, electrostatic 146—147 see "Magnetic "Quadrupole
Multipole moment, estimates of, for radiating atoms and nuclei 442f
Multipole moment, long-wavelength approximations for 441—442
Multipole moment, magnetostatic 184f
Multipole moment, of linear center-fed antenna 446
Multipole moment, of oscillating source, exact expressions for 440
Multipole radiation, angular distributions of 437f
Multipole radiation, by atoms and nuclei 442f
Multipole radiation, by linear center-fed antenna 444f
Multipole radiation, lowest order, elementary discussion of 410f
Multipole radiation, quantum-mechanical selection rules for 436
Multipole radiation, sources of 439f
Multipole radiation, total power radiated in 439
Multipole, electrostatic 146 see "Magnetic "Multipole
Multipole, electrostatic, Cartesian 146—147
Multipole, magnetostatic 184f
Multipole, radiating, general aspects of 407f
Multipole, spherical 146
Multipole, time-varying 407f 439f
Neumann boundary conditions, definition of 37
Neumann boundary conditions, use of, in generalized Kirchhoff diffraction theory 480—481
Neumann function 113 see
Nonlinear electrodynamic effects 10f
Nonlinear optics 16
| Nonlocality, in time, in connection between and 330
Nonlocality, in time, in connection between and , in time and space 14—15 331—332
Normal mode expansion of fields in wave guide 389f
Normalization of fields in wave guide 391
Nuclear quadrupole moment 151
Nuclear quadrupole moment, interaction energy of 150 171
Nuclei, estimates of multipole transition rates in 442f
Numerical methods, in electrostatics 47f 79f
Numerical methods, in electrostatics, in magnetostatics 206f
Obliquity factor in diffraction 482
Obstacles in wave guides 394
Ohm's law 14 219 312 356
Ohm's law, covariant generalization of 572
Ohm's law, in moving medium 320
Ohm's law, nonlocality of, in conductors at high frequencies 332
Operator relations see "Gradient" "Laplacian"
Optical fibers, attenuation in 383 470—471
Optical fibers, circular 387f
Optical fibers, eikonal approximation for 380f
Optical fibers, graded index for 380 384 402
Optical fibers, meridional and skew rays in 381
Optical fibers, modal dispersion in 383 403
Optical fibers, modes in 385f
Optical fibers, propagation in 378f 385f
Optical fibers, slab 385f
Optical theorem, proof of 500f
Orthogonal functions and expansions 67f
Orthogonal transformations 268
Orthogonality, of Bessel functions on finite interval 115 138
Orthogonality, of Bessel functions on infinite interval 118 119
Orthogonality, of complex exponentials on infinite interval 69
Orthogonality, of Legendre polynomials 99
Orthogonality, of sines and cosines 68
Orthogonality, of spherical harmonics 108
Orthogonality, of vector spherical harmonics 431
Orthonormal expansions 67f
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier — Bessel 115 118 138—139
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier — Bessel, on infinite interval 118—119
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier, on finite interval 68
Orthonormal expansions, Fourier, on infinite interval 69
Orthonormal expansions, Legendre 99
Orthonormal expansions, spherical Bessel function 119
Orthonormal expansions, spherical harmonic 110
Orthonormal expansions, vector, for fields in wave guide 390—391
Orthonormal, definition of 67
oscillations see "Radiation" "Waves"
Oscillator strength 310 627 634 765
Oscillator, absorption of energy by 655
Oscillator, in model for dielectric constant 162 309
Oscillator, scattering and absorption of radiation by 766f
Oscillator, with radiation damping 763f
Paramagnetism, definition of 15
Parity, of multipole fields 436 see
Parseval's theorem, example of 674
Particle motion, in crossed and 586f
Particle motion, in dipole field of earth 619
Particle motion, in external fields 579f
Particle motion, in inhomogeneous 588f 592f
Particle motion, in uniform static 585—586
Particle motion, with radiation reaction 748—750 769 771—772
Penetration depth see "Skin depth"
Penetration depth, in superconductivity 604
Perfect conductor, definition of, for magnetic fields 204
Permanent magnetization 16
Permeability, incremental 193
Permeability, incremental, magnetic 14 193
Permittivity, electric 14
Perturbation of boundary conditions, method of 366f 374 401
Perturbation of boundary conditions, method of, for degenerate modes 402
Phase difference, and elliptic polarization 299
Phase difference, and elliptic polarization, between and in conductor 221 354
Phase of plane wave, relativistic invariance of 519 529
Phase shift for scattering by sphere 476
Phase velocity, and group velocity 325—326
Phase velocity, and group velocity, in wave guide 364
Phase velocity, in wave guide 361
Phase velocity, of Alfven waves 321
Phase velocity, of plane waves 296
Phase velocity, of whistlers 319
Photon mass, effective, in superconductors 604
Photon mass, limits on 7—9
Photon mass, treatment of, using Proca Lagrangian 600f
Photon spectrum, emitted during collisions 709—710 see "Radiation"
Photon spectrum, Lorentz-invariant expression for 710
Photon, angular momentum of multipole 435—436
Plane wave, electromagnetic 295f
Plane wave, expansion of, in spherical harmonics 471
Plane wave, inhomogeneous 298
Plane wave, magnetohydrodynamic 321
Plane wave, reflection and refraction of 302f
Plane wave, scalar, propagation in dispersive medium 322f 326f
Plane wave, vector, expansion of, in spherical harmonics 473
Plasma frequency, and first precursor 338
Plasma frequency, of dielectric medium 313
Plasma frequency, sum rule for 335
Plasma, confinement of, by magnetic mirrors 595—596
Plasma, confinement of, energy loss in 656—657
Plasma, confinement of, in external magnetic field 316f 347
Plasma, confinement of, transverse waves in 313
Poincare stresses 755f 760f
Poisson equation 34 see
Poisson equation, equivalent integral equation 36—37
Poisson equation, examples of solution of 123 124 137—138
Poisson equation, formal solution with Green function 38f
Poisson equation, uniqueness of solution of 37—38
Polar substances 164
Polar vector, definition of 270
Polarizability, effective, of aperture in conducting plane 423—424
Polarizability, electronic 163 309—310
Polarizability, models of 162f
Polarizability, molecular 162f
Polarizability, orientation 164
Polarization effects in energy loss 631f
Polarization of radiation, by reflection 307
Polarization of radiation, Cherenkov 639
Polarization of radiation, circular, elliptical, linear 299f
Polarization of radiation, from accelerated charges 665 676 678 706
Polarization of radiation, from multipoles 411 414 437
Polarization of radiation, from synchrotron 678—679 706
Polarization of radiation, in bremsstrahlung 712
Polarization of radiation, in Thomson scattering 695
Polarization of radiation, left- and right-handed, definition of 300
Polarization of radiation, scattered by atmosphere 468
Polarization of radiation, scattered by small conducting sphere 460—461
Polarization of radiation, scattered by small dielectric sphere 459
Polarization of radiation, Stokes parameters for description of state of 301—302
Polarization of radiation, x-ray 712
Polarization potentials 280f
Polarization vectors 297 299f
Polarization, charge density 153 156 see
Polarization, macroscopic, electric 14 152 255
Polarization, magnetic 14 192 256 see
Polarization, of vacuum 11—13
Polarization, surface-charge density 156 159
Polarization, transition radiation from 647 649f
potential energy see "Energy"
Potential, electrostatic 30
Potential, expansion, in Bessel functions 118
Potential, expansion, in Legendre polynomials 101f
Potential, expansion, in spherical harmonics 110
Potential, in rectangular box 71—72
Potential, in two dimensions 72f
Potential, near small hole in conducting plane 133
Potential, of dipole layer 33
Potential, of line charge in cylindrical coordinates 127
Potential, of point charge, between grounded planes 141—142
Potential, of point charge, expansion in cylindrical coordinates 126
Potential, of point charge, expansion in spherical coordinates 102 111 122
Potential, of point charge, Fourier integral representation of 128
Potential, of point charge, in cylindrical box 143
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