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Benisty H. (ed.), Gerard J.-M. (ed.), Houdre R. (ed.) — Confined Photon Systems: Fundamentals and Applications
Benisty H. (ed.), Gerard J.-M. (ed.), Houdre R. (ed.) — Confined Photon Systems: Fundamentals and Applications

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Название: Confined Photon Systems: Fundamentals and Applications

Авторы: Benisty H. (ed.), Gerard J.-M. (ed.), Houdre R. (ed.)


This set of lecture notes provides a detailed and up-to-date description of a field undergoing explosive growth, that of confined photon systems in the shape of microcavities or photonic crystals. Bringing together world leaders in the field, it provides all the basic tools needed to master a subject which will have both major impact in fundamental studies and widescale applications. Confined photon systems enable the study of low-dimensional photonic systems, modified light-matter interaction, e.g. between excitons and photons in all-solid-state semiconductor microcavities, and of many phenomena of quantum optics, including single photon generation, squeezed light, quantum state entanglement, non-local quantum measurements, and, potentially, quantum computation. They are also on the verge of yielding new, high performance optical devices for large-scale industries such as telecommunications and display technology.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1 edition

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 496

Добавлена в каталог: 21.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Single photon generation in quantum box microcavity      348
Single photon generation, parametric down-conversion source      361
Single photon generation, quantum information      353
Single photon generation, quantum information, quantum cryptography      355
Single photon generation, quantum information, single photon interference      353
Single photon generation, single molecule source      357
Single photon generation, weak laser source      356
Spontaneous emission in microcavity      332
Spontaneous emission, bulk dielectric medium      274
Spontaneous emission, decay rate      252
Spontaneous emission, dielectric cavity      276
Spontaneous emission, dielectric photonic wire      282
Spontaneous emission, dielectric photonic wire lasers      291
Spontaneous emission, effect of collisions      2
Spontaneous emission, Einstein model      3
Spontaneous emission, free space rate      254
Spontaneous emission, lossless metallic cavity      259
Spontaneous emission, lossless metallic photonic wire      264
Spontaneous emission, lossy metallic photonic wire      270
Spontaneous emission, modification      72 243
Spontaneous emission, Purcell factor, metallic cavities      272
Spontaneous emission, theory      245
Strong coupling      see “Microcavity” “Cavity
Transfer-matrix method      63 131 174
Transfer-matrix method, transfer matrices      176
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