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Bohr A., Mottelson B.R. — Nuclear Structure (Vol. 1): Single-Particle Motion |
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Nuclear forces, phenomenological potentials 265
Nuclear forces, spin-orbit interaction 68 246
Nuclear forces, tensor interaction 67 247
nuclear matter 262
Nucleogenesis 199 206
Nucleonic form factors, electromagnetic 385
Nucleonic interactions see "Nuclear forces"
Nucleons, excited states of 57
Nucleons, properties of 4
Occupation number representation 273
Occupation numbers of Fermi gas 154
Odd-even mass effect see "Pairing energy"
Odd-even staggering, in isotope shifts 164
One-particle see "Single-particle"
One-particle model 210
One-particle model, sequence of energy levels 224
One-particle model, spectra of odd- Nuclei 224
One-particle operators 275
One-particle operators, evaluation of matrix elements 362
One-particle operators, particle-hole transformation 370
One-particle transfer 354 421
One-particle transfer, parentage coefficient 354 422
One-particle transfer, single-particle amplitude 421 424
One-particle transfer, spectroscopic factor 423
One-particle transfer, structure of amplitude 421
One-particle transfer, sum rules 423
One-pion exchange potential 248
Opacity of Nuclei 139 166
Optical potential see "Average potential"
Optical theorem 167
Outer products 115
Pairing energy 143 169
Parentage coefficient, definition of 354
Parentage coefficient, sum rules 423
Parentage factor see "Parentage coefficient"
Parity conservation evidence for 15 21
Parity conservation violation of 15 23 25
Parity, definition of 14
Particle-hole transformation, conjugation operator 368
Particle-hole transformation, one-particle operators 313 370
Particle-hole transformation, two-particle operators 373
Partition function 288
Partition quantum numbers 105
Permutation symmetry 104
Permutation symmetry, configuration 129 131
Permutation symmetry, conjugate representations 114
Permutation symmetry, dimensions of representations 111
Permutation symmetry, inner products 114 129
Permutation symmetry, outer products 115 132
Permutation symmetry, partitions 105
Permutation symmetry, product states 117 129
Permutation symmetry, projection operators 113
Permutation symmetry, standard representation 112
Permutation symmetry, Young diagram 106 128
Permutation symmetry, Young tableaux 108 128
Phase convention, from time reversal 19
Phase shift analysis of nucleonic scattering 263
Photon states 380
Photon states, angular distribution 429
Pickup process see "One-particle transfer and Two-particle transfer"
Pion-nucleus interaction 219
Poisson distribution of level spacings 157
Polarization charge 335 see
Polarization produced by Coulomb field 171
Polarization-asymmetry relation 29
Porter — Thomas distribution 182 300
Potential, nuclear see "Average potential"
Protons, properties of 4
Quadrupole moment see "E2 moment"
Quarks 41
Quasiparticle description of Fermi gas 286
R process 201 206
Racah coefficients 73
Radius of nuclear density 138
Radius, Coulomb 142 161
Ramsauer — Townsend effect 166
random matrix 156 295
Rearrangement energy 330
Reciprocity relation for inverse reactions 27 101
Recoupling coefficients 72
Reduced matrix elements for coupled system 83
Reduced matrix elements in isospace 95
Reduced matrix elements, definition of 81
Reduced matrix elements, symmetries of 85
Reduced transition probability 83
Refractive index from scattering amplitude 260
Regge trajectory 13
Renormalization of E2 moment 335 341
Renormalization of GT moment 347
Renormalization of M1 moment 337 339 344
Representations of 106 129
Representations of 127
Representations of 110
Representations of 133
Representations of 135
Representations of 123
Resonance reactions 428
Resonance reactions in single-particle motion 437
Resonance reactions, analytic structure of amplitude 432
Resonance reactions, gross structure 434
Resonance reactions, relation to decay 430
Resonance reactions, scattering amplitude 431
Resonance reactions, unitarity relation 432
Rotation matrices 75
Rotational invariance 9 70
Rotational spectra 12
S matrix 100
S process 200 206
Saturation of nuclear density 139 251
Scattering amplitude, definition of 101
Second quantization 275
Second-order spin-orbit potential 265
Semiempirical mass formula 141
Separation energies 192
Serber exchange forces 244
Shell structure 189
Siegert theorem 390
| Single-particle energies 328
Single-particle, allowed transitions 346
Single-particle, allowed transitions, analysis 349
Single-particle, binding energies in static potential 238
Single-particle, E2 moments 332
Single-particle, E2 moments, analysis 341
Single-particle, E2 transition probability 334
Single-particle, electromagnetic matrix elements 387
Single-particle, energy levels 318
Single-particle, energy levels, analysis 326
Single-particle, energy levels, isospin splitting 330
Single-particle, energy levels, separation between shells 194 329
Single-particle, energy levels, shifts with and 329
Single-particle, forbidden transitions, analysis 350
Single-particle, M1 moments 336
Single-particle, M1 moments, analysis 343
Single-particle, M1 transition probability 337
Single-particle, M4 transitions, analysis 344
Single-particle, magnetic moment see "M1 moment"
Single-particle, matrix elements, evaluation 362
Single-particle, parentage factors from (d,p) reaction 356
Single-particle, parentage factors from proton resonances 357
Single-particle, potential see "Average potential"
Single-particle, quadrupole moment see "E2 moment"
Single-particle, radial wave functions 223 326
Single-particle, resonance parameters 437
Single-particle, schematic energy spectrum 222
Single-particle, strength function for 211
Single-particle, transfer matrix elements 354
Single-particle, wave function in representation 360 see
Single-particle, wave function in helicity representation 360
Slater determinant 272
Space reflection 13
Spectroscopic factor, for transfer reactions 423
Spherical harmonics, addition theorem 79
Spherical harmonics, relation to functions 78
Spherical harmonics, transformation under rotations 79
Spherical tensors 80
Spherical tensors, symmetry and hermiticity 85
Spin-isospin wave functions 133
Spin-orbit coupling see "Average potential"
Stability of nuclei 198 203
Statistical analysis of level density 281
Statistical model 184
Strangeness 38
Strength function for single-particle motion 211
Strength function from (d,p) reaction 227
Strength function from (p,2p) reaction 231
Strength function from neutron resonances 229
Strength function, model for 302
Strength function, second moment 305
Strength function, time-dependent description 304
Stripping process see "One-particle transfer" "Two-particle
SU symmetry see "U symmetry"
subshells 19
Supermultiplet symmetry 38 see "Unitary
Surface energy 141
Surface thickness 160
Symmetric wave functions 115
Symmetry energy 142
Symmetry potential 148
Synthesis of elements 199 206
Temperature, nuclear 154 288
Tensor operators 80
Thermodynamic analysis of level density 288
Thomas — Ehrman shift 43 320
Time displacements 9
Time reversal invariance 16 96
Time reversal invariance, collision processes 100
Time reversal invariance, decay processes 102
Time reversal invariance, evidence for 20 27 29
Time reversal invariance, phases 19
Time reversal invariance, quaternion representation 99
Time reversal invariance, transformation of many-particle states 98
Time reversal invariance, transformation of one-particle states 96
Time reversal invariance, violation of 21
Translational invariance 7
Transmission coefficients for neutron resonances 439
Transmission coefficients, effect of diffuseness 445
Triple bar matrix elements 95
Two-particle density functions 150 176
Two-particle operators 276
Two-particle operators, particle-hole transformation 373
Two-particle transfer 425
U spin 40 62
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, classification 58 64
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, classification 62 64
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, decay 402
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, classification 40
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, electromagnetic current 386
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, electromagnetic mass splittings 61
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, mass formula 59
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, U spin 40 62
Unitary symmetry of hadrons, weak current 402
Unitary transformations 121
Unitary transformations, Casimir operators 124
Unitary transformations, dimensions of representations 118
Unitary transformations, infinitesimal 123
Unitary transformations, relation to permutation symmetry 122
Unitary transformations, shift operators 121
Unitary transformations, special 123
Vector spherical harmonics 94
Vectors, spherical components of 81
Weak interaction 395
Weak interaction between nucleons 23 397
Weak interaction, current 396
Weak interaction, intermediate bosons 396
Weak interaction, unitary symmetry 402
Weak magnetic moments 409 414
Weisskopf units 389
Wigner coefficients 71
Wigner distribution 157 297
Wigner — Eckart theorem 82
Woods — Saxon potential 222
x-ray spectra, evidence on charge distribution 165
Young diagram 106 128
Young tableaux 108 128
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