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Baxter R.J. — Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics |
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model 322
Anti-ferroelectric phase of eight-vertex model 246
Anti-ferroelectric phase of ice-type model 152
Ashkin — Teller model 254 353—362
Asymptotic degeneracy of maximum, eigenvalues of the transfer matrix 111—114 152—153 239— 240
Bethe ansatz 139 168
Bethe lattice 13 47—59 306—309 351
Cayley tree 47—49
Coexistence curve 29
Commuting transfer matrices see also Commuting transfer matrices star-triangle
Commuting transfer matrices, eight-vertex model 214
Commuting transfer matrices, general two dimensional IRF model 370—372
Commuting transfer matrices, hard hexagon model 452
Commuting transfer matrices, ice-type model 180—181 185—186
Commuting transfer matrices, planar Ising model 85—86 96
Corner transfer matrices 363—401
Corner transfer matrices, eight-vertex model 385—389
Corner transfer matrices, hard hexagon model 405—407 426— 432
correlation length 19
Correlation length, eight-vertex model 241—243 284
Correlation length, hard hexagon model 452
Correlation length, ice-type model 154—155
Correlation length, one-dimensional Ising model 36
Correlation length, planar Ising model 118 120
Correlation length, relation to the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix 36 115—118
Correlations 10 18—19
Correlations, one-dimensional Ising model 35—36
Correlations, planar Ising model 297—298
Critical exponents 4 17 19 20 29
Critical exponents, Ashkin — Teller model 360—361
Critical exponents, Bethe lattice Ising model 58
Critical exponents, classical values 30—31
Critical exponents, continuously variable 8 253—254 361
Critical exponents, eight-vertex model 253—255
Critical exponents, hard hexagon model 448—452
Critical exponents, ice-type model 157 160 165
Critical exponents, mean-field Ising model 44 46
Critical exponents, one-dimensional Ising model 38
Critical exponents, planar Ising model 122
Critical exponents, Potts model 351—352
Critical exponents, spherical model 69—71
Critical exponents, three-spin model 320—321
Critical point 3 10 28
Critical point, Ashkin — Teller model 359—362
Critical point, Bethe lattice Ising model 54 307— 308
Critical point, eight-vertex model 248
Critical point, hard hexagon model 405 447 449
Critical point, ice-type model 156
Critical point, mean field Ising model 44
Critical point, numerical values for the isotropic Ising model 77 308
Critical point, one-dimensional Ising model 37
Critical point, planar Ising model 77—78 87 120—121 307—308
Critical point, Potts model 338—339 347—348
Critical point, spherical model 67
Critical point, three-spin model 314
Curie point 2 44
Dichromatic polynomial 324
Difference kernel, transformation to 145 171
Dimer problem 124—126
Disorder points 247
Dual lattice 74 79
Duality, Ashkin — Teller model 357
Duality, eight-vertex model 206
Duality, planar Ising model 73—80 86—87
Duality, Potts model 338 346
Eight-vertex model 202—321
Eight-vertex model, ‘electric’ arrow formulation 202— 204 276—279
Eight-vertex model, ‘magnetic’ spin formulation 207— 210 286—289
Elliptic functions 455—473
Elliptic functions, conjugate modulus identities 419 444 446 467—468
Elliptic functions, in eight-vertex model 212—215
Elliptic functions, in hard hexagon model 412—415
Elliptic functions, in planar Ising model 102—103
Elliptic functions, in square-lattice four-colouring problem 171—176
F model 129
Ferroelectric ice-type model in a field 160—165
Ferroelectric phase of eight-vertex model 246
Ferroelectric phase of ice-type model 151
Four colour problem 331—332
Free energy 16—17
Free energy, Bethe lattice Ising model 55—56 59 306
Free energy, critical Potts model 339—340 348- 350
Free energy, eight-vertex model 236—237 285— 286
Free energy, hard hexagon model 408 426 444 450
Free energy, ice-type model 145—150
Free energy, inversion relation for see inversion relations
Free energy, mean field Ising model 42
Free energy, one-dimensional Ising model 34
Free energy, planar Ising model 110—111 296— 306
Free energy, spherical model 61—64
Free energy, three-spin model 319—320
Free-fermion model 270—271 310
Hard hexagon model 402—454
Heisenberg chain see XYZ chain
Hyperbolic trigonometry and the star- triangle relation 292
Hyperscaling 7
Ice model 127—129 148
| Ice-type model 127—201
Interfacial tension 20 110—114 152 153 239—241 452
Internal energy 9 16
Internal energy, critical Potts model 344—345 349— 351
Internal energy, spherical model 64
Inversion relations for local transfer matrices, free energy, and corner transfer matrices 383— 387 421—423 427-429
Ising model 19—32 (see also specific properties e.g.
Ising model, Bethe lattice 13 47—59 306—309
Ising model, mean field 13 39—46
Ising model, one-dimensional 12 32—38
Ising model, planar 72—126 294—309
Ising model, relation of d-dimensional model to a (d-1)-dimensional quantum- mechanical model 266—267
Kagom lattice 276—277
KDP model 129
Landen transformation 466—467
Latent heat of Potts model 345 349—351
Lattice gas 24—30
Lattice gas, hard hexagons 402 409
Lattice gas, mean field 46
Liouville’s theorem 458
Local transfer matrices , edge transfer matrices for the planar Ising model 84—85 124
Local transfer matrices , face transfer matrices for the general two-dimensional IRF model, and for the hard hexagon model 369 421
Local transfer matrices , inversion relations for see inversion relations
Local transfer matrices , vertex transfer matrices for the ice-type and eight-vertex models 188
magnetization 1—4 17 21—23
Magnetization, Bethe lattice Ising model 52—54 59
Magnetization, mean-field Ising model 41
Magnetization, one dimensional Ising model 34
Magnetization, spherical model 64
Mean-field model 13 39—46
Medial graph 325 332—333 345—346
One-dimensional Ising model 12 32—38
Order parameter see also spontaneous magnetization and spontaneous polarization
Order parameter, hard hexagon model 404 438 442 446 451
Pair-propagation through a vertex 194 215
Partition function 8—9 16 25
Partition function, per site see free energy
Percolation problem 324
Pfaffian 125
Phase transition 1—3 (see also critical point)
Poisson summation formula 468—469
Polarization see also spontaneous polarization
Polarization, ferroelectric ice-type model 162—165
Potts model 322—352
Renormalization group 11
Rogers — Ramanujan and related identities 434—443
Scaling hypothesis 4—7 37
Scaling hypothesis, full verification for the one-dimensional Ising, mean-field Ising, Bethe lattice Ising, spherical and ferroelectric ice-type models 37 46 58 71 165
Scaling relations between critical exponents 6 20 21
Scaling relations between critical exponents, verification of ( ) relations for the planar Ising, ice-type, eight- vertex, three-spin and hard hexagon models 122 160 253 321 452
Scaling relations between critical exponents, verifications for other models see scaling hypothesis
Series expansions 10 22—23 395—396 404
Six-vertex model see ice-type model
Specific heat 16
Spherical model 13 60—71
Spontaneous magnetization 1—4 23
Spontaneous magnetization, Bethe lattice Ising model 57 306
Spontaneous magnetization, eight-vertex model 243—244 291 389
Spontaneous magnetization, mean-field Ising model 44
Spontaneous magnetization, planar Ising model 119 299 304— 306 389
Spontaneous magnetization, spherical model 68—69
Spontaneous magnetization, three spin model 319
Spontaneous polarization and spontaneous staggered polarization, eight-vertex model 244—245 253 285
Spontaneous polarization and spontaneous staggered polarization, ice-type model 153—154 157 159
Spontaneous polarization and spontaneous staggered polarization, three-spin model 319
Star-triangle relation, eight-vertex model 210—215 219— 281 289-291
Star-triangle relation, general two-dimensional IRF model 370—374
Star-triangle relation, hard hexagon model 410—411
Star-triangle relation, ice-type model 187—192
Star-triangle relation, operator form 83—85 124 188 192 215 372—373
Star-triangle relation, planar Ising model 80—86 92—93 122-124
Star-triangle relation, three-dimensional 453
susceptibility 4 18
Susceptibility, divergent for the spherical model 70
Thirty-two vertex model 309—313
Three-colourings of the square lattice 165—179
Three-spin model see triangular three-spin model
Transfer matrix, commutation see commuting transfer matrices
Transfer matrix, corner see corner transfer matrices
Transfer matrix, edge see local transfer matrices
Transfer matrix, eight-vertex model 185 214
Transfer matrix, face see local transfer matrices
Transfer matrix, general two-dimensional IRF model 371
Transfer matrix, hard hexagon model 452
Transfer matrix, ice-type model 130—131 185
Transfer matrix, one-dimensional Ising model 33—34
Transfer matrix, planar Ising model 85—86 89—96
Transfer matrix, three-colourings of the square lattice 167
Transfer matrix, vertex see local transfer matrices
Triangular lattice gas with nearest- neighbour exculsion see hard hexagon model
Triangular three-spin model 314—321
Twenty-vertex model 311—312
Universality, and violations thereof 7—8 253—255 361-362
van der Waal’s equation of state 13 30—31
Wave numbers, in the Bethe ansatz 143—144 169—170 177
Weak-graph expansion 206
Wiener — Hopf factorization, of eight- vertex model eigenvalue equation 229 231
XYZ chain 258—267 269—272
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