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Beard D.B. — Quantum Mechanics |
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Scattering cross-sections, square well 93 94 274
Scattering cross-sections, total 264
Schottky effect 122 123
Schroedinger wave equation 59—63
Schroedinger wave equation, Feynman's derivation 59—63
Schroedinger wave equation, time-dependent 62 63
Schroedinger wave equation, time-independent 63 68 69
Secular determinant 174
Selection rules, electronic interaction in atoms 227—229
Selection rules, harmonic oscillator, spherical and linear 196—197
Selection rules, hydrogen atom 197 198
Selection rules, light waves 196 197
Selection rules, spherical harmonic wave functions 192—196
Semi-classical approximation 110—117
Separable variables 80
Shadow scattering 268
Short wavelength approximation 110—117
Sine series 17—19
Singlet state 246—247
Slater determinant 247 248
Solid state theory of metals 99—106
Spherical harmonic oscillator 150—154
Spherical harmonic wave functions, general selection rules 192—196
Spherical Hermite polynomials 154
Spherically symmetric potentials 126—129
Spin and angular momentum addition 259—260
Spin matrices 242—245
Spin states of two electron wave functions 241 242
Spin, eigenfunction 231
Spin, magnetic coupling 238—241
Spin-orbit coupling 175—178 229 230 240 241
Spontaneous emission 200
Square barrier, one dimension 85—92
square well potential 93—98
Square well potential, scattering cross-sections using the Born approximation 274
Square well potential, spherical in three-dimensions 141—145
Stem — Gerlach experiment 239 240
Superposition of states 159
Surface harmonics see "Associated Legendre functions"
Symmetric eigenfunction 246
| Symmetric eigenfunction, helium atom, first excited state 221 222
Symmetric spin state 246
Symmetry 245—249
Symmetry of eigenfunctions 231 232
Thomas theory of spin-orbit coupling 240 241
Time derivative of expectation 73—75
Transforms, Fourier 20—23
Transition lifetime against spontaneous radiation 200
Transition probability, time dependent to first-order 184—187
Transitions to or from unbound systems 203—205
triplet state 246—247
Tunnel diode 93
Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit theory of spin 240
Uncertainty 15
Uncertainty principle, Heisenberg's 41—43
Uncertainty, frequency band widths and duration of a wave 23—26
Unit matrix 242—243
Variational method 179—182
Vector addition 254—260
Vector addition, three-vector 259
Vector addition, two-vector 258—260
Velocity of a wave, group 28
Velocity of a wave, phase 28
Vibrating string 299—301
Wave equation, electromagnetic waves 2
Wave equation, Schroedinger 59—63
Wave function, particle 55 56 57
Wave function, photons 54
Wave packet 26—30
Wave packet, particle 65 66
Wave velocity, group 28
Wave velocity, phase 28
Waves in a box 1—6 see
Waves particle 64—66
Wein's law 9
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation (WKB) 110—117
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation (WKB), barrier penetration 121—123
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation (WKB), connection formulas 113—116
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation (WKB), energy levels in potential wells 116—120
Woods — Saxon Potential, energy levels in 118—120
Zeeman effect 44 240
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