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Bertotti G. — Hysteresis in Magnetism: For Physicists, Materials Scientists, and Engineers
Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå
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Íàçâàíèå: Hysteresis in Magnetism: For Physicists, Materials Scientists, and Engineers
Àâòîð: Bertotti G.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the physics of hysteresis in magnetish, and of the mathematical tools used to describe it. The relations of hysteresis to Maxwell's equations, equilibrium and non equilibrium thermodynamics, non-linear system dynamics, micromagnetics and domain theory are discussed from a unified viewpoint. These aspects are then applied to the interpretation of magnetization reversal mechanisms: coherent rotation and switching in magnetic particles, stochastic domain wall motion and the Barkhausen effect, coercivity mechanisms and magnetic viscosity, rate-dependent hysteresis and eddy-current losses. Emphasis is given to the connection between basic physical ideas and phenomenological models of interest to applications, and, in particular, to the conceptual path going from Maxwell's equations abnd thermodynamics to micro-magnetics and to Preisach hysteresis modeling.
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Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 1 edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 558
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.04.2010
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Loss separation and power loss prediction 428—429
Loss separation and structural disorder 262
Loss separation, dependence on spatial resolution 100—101 397
Loss separation, limit of validity 398—399
Loss separation, qualitative description 26—27 391—392
Loss separation, statistical interpretation 264—265 396—399 418 420
Low-carbon steel 10
Magnetic aftereffect see “Aftereffect”
Magnetic aging see “Aging”
Magnetic anisotropy see “Anisotropy”
Magnetic charges in magnetized matter as source of magnetostatic field 86 194 204 373
Magnetic charges in magnetized matter at a discontinuity 88
Magnetic charges in magnetized matter at body surface 87
Magnetic charges in magnetized matter at domain wall 360
Magnetic dipole see “Magnetic moment elementary”
Magnetic domain 220(b) (see also “Domain structure”)
Magnetic domain and micromagnetics 173 176
Magnetic domain, observation techniques 191—192 220(b)
Magnetic domain, qualitative description 6—7 189 190
Magnetic field, definition 4 83 509—510
Magnetic flux density, definition see “Magnetic induction”
Magnetic force microscopy 192
Magnetic induction, definition 4 75 83 509—510
Magnetic loss see “Power loss”
Magnetic material 113 138 29(b) 162(b)
Magnetic material as assembly of magnetic moments 4—6 15
Magnetic material in magnetic recording 11
Magnetic moment and applied field, force 97
Magnetic moment and applied field, potential energy 97—98
Magnetic moment and applied field, torque 97
Magnetic moment of charged particle system 79
Magnetic moment of current distribution 78—79
Magnetic moment of current loop 79
Magnetic moment of magnetic body 82 110
Magnetic moment, dynamic behavior 183
Magnetic moment, elementary 79—81 73 84 102(b)
Magnetic moment, elementary, body as assembly of 15 104—106 131
Magnetic moment, elementary, field created by 80—81 84
Magnetic object in excess loss see “Correlation region”
Magnetic particle and coherent rotation 225—226
Magnetic particle, assembly as Preisach system 445—446
Magnetic particle, assembly, coercive field 248 375
Magnetic particle, assembly, hysteresis loop 248 248(f)
Magnetic particle, assembly, particle-particle interaction 375 451 253—254(b)
Magnetic particle, assembly, remanence 248 249—251
Magnetic particle, assembly, singularity, in magnetization curve 251—253 248(f) 253(f) 254(b)
Magnetic particle, assembly, susceptibility 248
Magnetic particle, coercivity, size dependence 356 375—378
Magnetic particle, domain formation, threshold size 177 377
Magnetic particle, effective anisotropy 226
Magnetic particle, energy estimate 172—177
Magnetic particle, free energy 226—227
Magnetic particle, reversal process 350—353
Magnetic polarization, definition 4 509—510
Magnetic poles see “Magnetic charges”
Magnetic recording media 11 517(t)
Magnetic viscosity 344(b)
Magnetic viscosity and coercivity 382
Magnetic viscosity and hysteresis 433
Magnetic viscosity and thermal activation 333—336
Magnetic viscosity as motion of relaxation front 336 335(f)
Magnetic viscosity in collection of bistable units 333—334
Magnetic viscosity, dependence on mean-field effect 342—343
Magnetic viscosity, dependence on past history 332 493—494 500 502—503 500(f) 503(f) 34(b) 506(b)
Magnetic viscosity, energy barrier 333
Magnetic viscosity, energy barrier, distribution 334 338—339
Magnetic viscosity, energy barrier, field dependence 336—337
Magnetic viscosity, experiment 331
Magnetic viscosity, experiment, ideal 334 337 337(f)
Magnetic viscosity, logarithmic law 27 331 336 502 501(f)
Magnetic viscosity, logarithmic law, limit of applicability 332
Magnetic viscosity, qualitative description 27—28 298 330—331
Magnetic work 94 107—110 124(b)
Magnetic work and constitutive law 111
Magnetic work in nonequilibrium thermodynamics 123
Magnetic work, estimated from magnetization curve 113—114 114(f)
Magnetization as vector field, space-dependent 130 163
Magnetization current in magnetized matter 82 86
Magnetization current in magnetized matter at body surface 87
Magnetization current in magnetized matter, quantum origin 84 98
Magnetization curve 17—19
Magnetization curve and magnetization process 297—298
Magnetization curve and micromagnetics 297
Magnetization curve and specimen geometry 113—114
Magnetization curve and structural disorder 299
Magnetization curve of Preisach system 449(f) 482(f)
Magnetization curve of single crystal 301—306 343(b)
Magnetization curve of single crystal, picture-frame geometry 304—306 305(f)
Magnetization curve, correction for demagnetizing field 114
Magnetization curve, rate-dependence due to thermal relaxation 29 494
Magnetization in hysteresis loop interpretation 14—15
Magnetization in magnetized matter, definition 82—83
Magnetization in micromagnetics 164 182
Magnetization in Preisach system 443 444 447
Magnetization mode of magnetic phases in equilibrium 301—306 303(f)
Magnetization mode of magnetic phases in equilibrium, four phases 302—303
Magnetization mode of magnetic phases in equilibrium, one phase 304
Magnetization mode of magnetic phases in equilibrium, two phases 304
Magnetization process and active correlation regions 424
Magnetization process and structural disorder 20—21
Magnetization process as sequence of Barkhausen jumps 20—23 263—264 348 395 421 433
Magnetization process as sequence of Barkhausen jumps, described by Preisach system 445 458
Magnetization process, qualitative description 7
Magnetization, dependence on spatial resolution 14—15 450
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy 7 156—158
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, constant of 157—158 517(t)
Magnetoelastic interaction 158—159
Magnetoelastic interaction as pinning source 371—372
Magnetoelastic interaction, coupling constant 158
Magnetostatic energy 7 124(b)
Magnetostatic energy and mean-field effect 451
Magnetostatic energy and micromagnetics 165—166 173 178—179
Magnetostatic energy and micromagnetics, nonlocal character 168
Magnetostatic energy and pole-avoidance principle 194 204
Magnetostatic energy of distribution of magnetic charges 360
Magnetostatic energy of distribution of magnetic moments 104—107 103
Magnetostatic energy of distribution of, stationary currents 91—93
Magnetostatic energy of domain structure 214—215
Magnetostatic energy of ellipsoid 107 161
Magnetostatic energy, influence on domain wall, bowing 309—310
Magnetostatic energy, influence on domain wall, motion 266
Magnetostatic energy, influence on domain wall, pinning 357 360 367 372—373
Magnetostatic field 86 101 105 108 167 350
Magnetostatic field and coercive field 379 380 381 382 384
Magnetostatics 74 76—78 102(b)
Magnetostatics, electrostatic analogy 85—86
Magnetostatics, fundamental equations 77 83
Magnetostatics, H versus B field 81 83 86
Magnetostatics, reciprocity theorems 514—515
Magnetostriction 158 162(b)
Magnetostriction, constant of 159
Magnetostriction, isotropic approximation 160
Major hysteresis loop see “Saturation hysteresis loop”
Master equation for thermal relaxation 67
Master equation for thermal relaxation in Preisach system 495
Maximum Energy Product see “Energy product”
Maxwell convention in catastrophe theory 53
Maxwell convention in catastrophe theory and thermal relaxation 53 61
Maxwell convention in catastrophe theory, application to bistable system 46(f)
Maxwell convention in catastrophe theory, application to first-order magnetization process 247
Maxwell convention in catastrophe theory, application to magnetic phases in equilibrium 300
Maxwell set in catastrophe theory 53 51(f)
Maxwell set in catastrophe theory and coherent rotation 230
Maxwell set in catastrophe theory and phase coexistence 54
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic 75
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic, and quantum mechanics 73 84 102(b)
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic, energy relations 91 102(b)
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic, energy relations for individual magnetic moment 94—98
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic, energy relations for stationary current distribution 91—94
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic, in domain wall dynamics 258—259
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic, in magnetic medium 83
Mean value of stochastic process 519 521
Mean-field effect in magnetic viscosity 341—342
Mean-field effect in molecular field approximation 134—135
Mean-field effect in Preisach system see “Preisach system”
Memory in linear system 37
Memory, local versus nonlocal 38—39
Memory, persistent versus nonpersistent 37—38
Metastability 40—43 69(b)
Metastability cone in Preisach system 438 440(f)
Metastable state 42—43
Metastable state in micromagnetics 169 179
Metastable state in Preisach system 439—442 440—442(f)
Micromagnetics see “Brown’s equations”
Micromagnetics and domain theory 189—190 192—193
Micromagnetics and Preisach system 455
Micromagnetics and return-point memory 465 468
Micromagnetics and structural disorder 193—194 326
Micromagnetics, characteristic parameters 171 516 517(t)
Micromagnetics, competing energy terms 172—173
Micromagnetics, competing energy terms in hard material 176—177 177(f)
Micromagnetics, competing energy terms in soft material 175—176 176(f)
Micromagnetics, emergence of hysteresis 169 177—178 434
Micromagnetics, energy estimate 173 187(b)
Micromagnetics, energy estimate, domain configuration 174
Micromagnetics, energy estimate, uniform magnetization 173—174
Micromagnetics, energy estimate, vortex configuration 175
Micromagnetics, energy minimization 169 179 181—182
Micromagnetics, energy minimization for domain wall 199
Micromagnetics, energy minimization, guessing low-energy states 178 172(f) 173 349—350
Micromagnetics, free energy 167
Micromagnetics, free energy as magnetization functional 168
Micromagnetics, free energy, dimensionless form 170
Micromagnetics, free energy, symmetry under scale transformation 300 343(b)
Micromagnetics, magnetization dynamics 182—186 187(b)
Micromagnetics, magnetization dynamics, emergence of domain wall dynamics 267
Micromagnetics, magnetization dynamics, Gilbert’s versus Landau — Lifshitz equation 185 188(b)
Micromagnetics, magnetization dynamics, precession versus relaxation 183
Micromagnetics, mathematical difficulty 193
Micromagnetics, numerical methods 326—329 327(f) 187(b) 344(b)
Micromagnetics, numerical methods, gradient versus dynamic methods 328—329
Micromagnetics, qualitative description 163
Micromagnetics, small versus large body 171 177
Micromagnetics, soft versus hard material 171
Micromagnetics, threshold for domain formation 177
Molecular current see “Magnetization current”
Molecular field 6 134—135 162(b)
Morse i-saddle in catastrophe theory 49
Nanocrystalline alloy 10 386 219(f) 387(f)
Neel wall 203
Nickel 517(f)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics 120—124 125(b)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hysteresis 123
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, balance equation 121—122
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, hypothesis of local equilibrium 121—122 449
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, linear phenomenological law 122—123
Nonlocal memory 16 39 501
Nonlocal memory in micromagnetics 169
Nonlocal memory in Preisach system 444
Nonpersistent memory 37
Nucleation 317 387(b)
Nucleation at coercive field point 381 383
Nucleation at defective region 378
Ohm’s Law 99 122
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 525
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process for pinning field 268—269
Output variable in hysteresis see “State variable”
Paramagnetism 130—134 112
Paramagnetism, qualitative description 4—6
Paramagnetism, theory, classical 131—132 133(f)
Paramagnetism, theory, quantistic 132—134 133(f)
Partition function and metastability 41
Partition function of paramagnetic system 131 133
Permalloy 10 320 209(f)
Permanent magnet see “Hard magnetic material”
Permeability of magnetic medium 84
Permeability, differential 19
Permeability, initial 19
Permeability, maximum 19
Persistent memory 37—38
Persistent memory and multiple metastable states 43
Phase coexistence in magnetic body 298—299 300—301
Phase coexistence in thermodynamics 53
Phase lag in linear system 35
Phase portrait of differential equation 57—58 58(f)
Phase portrait of differential equation and domain wall motion 272 469 272(f)
Picture-frame, single crystal, domain structure 210—211 257 321 211(f)
Picture-frame, single crystal, domain wall dynamics 257 261 321 262(f) 294(b)
Picture-frame, single crystal, energy loss 322
Picture-frame, single crystal, free energy 321—322 452 323(f)
Picture-frame, single crystal, initial susceptibility 310
Picture-frame, single crystal, magnetization curve 304—306 305(f) 322(f)
Picture-frame, single crystal, magnetization process 321
Picture-frame, single crystal, pinning field statistics 271
Pinning center 371—374
Pinning center, dimensionality 358
Pinning center, planar defect 358 388(b)
Pinning center, strength 360—361
Pinning field and Rayleigh law 312—316
Pinning field and reversible susceptibility 308—309
Pinning field, amplitude distribution 269 365
Pinning field, correlation length 268 287 294 313—315 314(f)
Pinning field, description by Gaussian process 365 388(b)
Pinning field, description by Kramers equation 313—315
Pinning field, description by Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 268—269 270(f)
Pinning field, description by Wiener — Levy process 269—271 323 469 470—471 475 270(f) 294(b)
Pinning field, description by Wiener — Levy process, experimental verification 271
Pinning field, stochastic nature 268—269 297 365
Pinning of domain wall 256 287 322 369—370(f) 387—388(b)
Pinning of domain wall and micromagnetics 358—359
Pinning of domain wall, coercive field estimate, one-dimensional bowing 367—369
Pinning of domain wall, coercive field estimate, rigid wall 365—366
Pinning of domain wall, coercive field estimate, two-dimensional bowing 370—371
Pinning of domain wall, energy aspects 360—361 362 364 366—367 371
Pinning of domain wall, mechanisms giving rise to 357—358 371—374 388(b)
Pinning of domain wall, qualitative description 357—358
Pinning of domain wall, rigid versus flexible wall 358 362
Pinning of domain wall, rigid-wall approximation 364—366
Pinning of domain wall, rigid-wall approximation, limit of applicability 364
Pinning of domain wall, strong versus weak pinning 367 388(b)
Pinning of domain wall, symmetry under scale transformation 363 368 370—371
Poisson’s equation 78 86
Pole-avoidance principle see “Domain theory”
Power loss in magnetic material 25 36
Power loss in magnetic material as quality parameter of soft material 10
Power loss in magnetic material, identification with eddy-current loss 394—395
Power loss in magnetic material, magnetization and frequency dependence 426 427—429 430(b)
Power loss in magnetic material, magnetization and frequency dependence under distorted flux 429 430(b)
Power loss in magnetic material, measurement method 402
Power spectrum 520 521
Power spectrum of Barkhausen noise 289—290 291(f)
Power spectrum of domain wall velocity 281
Poynting theorem 98—99
Poynting theorem and energy loss 99—100 394
Poynting theorem and magnetic work 109
Poynting theorem and nonequilibrium thermodynamics 121
Poynting vector 99
Preisach distribution and hysteresis loop shape 481—483 482(f)
Preisach distribution for domain wall dynamics 471—475 474(f)
Preisach distribution for system without saturation 472—473
Preisach distribution, dependence on field 448
Preisach distribution, dependence on temperature 448
Preisach distribution, estimated from magnetization curve 473
Preisach distribution, example 445 446 446(f) 447(f)
Preisach distribution, factorization 445—446
Preisach distribution, qualitative description 435 444
Preisach distribution, reversible contribution 445—447
Preisach distribution, symmetry 444
Preisach distribution, symmetry, consequence on Henkel plot 491
Preisach plane 437—438 437(f)