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Bertsekas D.P. — Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multiplier Methods |
Предметный указатель |
Active set approaches 248 279 285
Approximation procedures 167 312 376
Armijo rule 20
Armijo rule for minimax problems 197 201 292 297
Armijo rule for simple constraints 81
Augmented Lagrangian function 68 96 160 318
Broyden — Fletcher — Goldfarb — Shanno method 59 256
Chain rule 10
Cholesky factorization 17 46
Closed set 8
Compact set 9
Conjugate direction method 49
Conjugate gradient method 51
Conjugate gradient method, clustered eigenvalues 56
Conjugate gradient method, convergence 58
Conjugate gradient method, inaccurate line search 58
Conjugate gradient method, preconditioned 53
Conjugate gradient method, rate of convergence 54
Conjugate gradient method, restart 58
Conjugate gradient method, scaled 53
Continuous function 9
Continuously differentiable function 9
Convergence rate, linear 13
Convergence rate, order of 16
Convergence rate, Q-linear 15
Convergence rate, Q-superlinear 15
Convergence rate, sublinear 13
Convergence rate, superlinear 13
Davidon — Fletcher — Powell method 59 256
Dennis — Mor condition 37
Descent direction 20
Direction of recession 329
Dual functional 125 317 319 367
Duality gap 317 371
Exact differentiable penalty functions 206 216
Exact differentiable penalty functions, automatic adjustment of penalty parameter 225
Exact differentiable penalty functions, choice of penalty parameter 221
Exact differentiable penalty functions, for inequality constraints 227
Exact differentiable penalty functions, for nonnegativity constraints 229
Exact nondifferentiable penalty functions 180 359
Exponential penalty function 310 313 314 364 376
Global minimum 19 67
Goldstein rule 21
Gradient 9
Gradient method 20
Gradient method, global convergence 24
Gradient method, local convergence 29
Gradient method, rate of convergence 30 35
Gradient method, stepsize selection 20
Gradient method, superlinear convergence 36
hessian 9
Implicit function theorem 11 12
Kantorovich Inequality 32
Lagrange multiplier 67 316
Lagrangian function 67 316
Lagrangian methods 231 234 240 243
Lagrangian methods, combined with differentiable exact penalty methods 260
Lagrangian methods, combined with nondifferentiable exact penalty methods 284
Lagrangian methods, combined with penalty and multiplier methods 258
Lagrangian methods, descent properties 237 263 266 272 275
Lagrangian methods, first order 232
Lagrangian methods, global convergence 257 272 275
Lagrangian methods, local convergence 232 235 242 247
Lagrangian methods, New'ton-like 234
Lagrangian methods, quasi — Newton versions 256 288
Lagrangian methods, rate of convergence 232 234 247 277 289
| Limit inferior 8
Limit superior 8
Linearization algorithm 196 201 286
Linearization algorithm, convergence 198 203
Linearization algorithm, implementation aspects 204
Linearization algorithm, rate of convergence 205 234 248 289
Local minimum 19 66
Mean value theorem 11
Minimax problems 174 176 196 367
Multicommodity flow problems 49
Multiplier method 104 304 308
Multiplier method, computational aspects 121
Multiplier method, convergence 115 135 152 326
Multiplier method, duality framework 125 162
Multiplier method, finite convergence 349
Multiplier method, geometric interpretation 105 139
Multiplier method, inexact minimization 147 328
Multiplier method, one-sided inequality constraints 158
Multiplier method, partial elimination of constraints 141
Multiplier method, quasi — Newton versions 138
Multiplier method, rate of convergence 116 136 152 326
Multiplier method, second order 133 152 162
Multiplier method, stepsize analysis 126
Multiplier method, two-sided inequality constraints 164
Neighborhood 8
Newton’s method 40 234
Newton’s method for equality constraints 234
Newton’s method for inequality constraints 248 252
Newton’s method for simple constraints 90
Newton’s method in the space of primal variables 243
Newton’s method variations 240
Newton’s method, alternative implementations 235
Newton’s method, approximate 47
Newton’s method, descent properties 237
Newton’s method, periodic Hessian reevaluation 47
Nondifferentiable optimization 167 365
Norm 7
Open set 8
Ostrowski’s theorem 231
Penalty method 96 121
Penalty method, convergence 97 99 100 354
Penalty method, ill-conditioning 102
Penalty method, multiplier convergence 100 354
Penalty method, rate of convergence 355
Positive definite matrix 6
Positive semidefinitive matrix 6
Primal functional 105 113 317
Primal-dual method 153
Quadratic programming 184 186 197 202 248 252 287 288 291
Quasi — Newton methods, BFGS 59 256
Quasi — Newton methods, Broyden class 59
Quasi — Newton methods, computational aspects 63
Quasi — Newton methods, DFP 59 256
Quasi — Newton methods, for constrained problems 256 287 274
Quasi — Newton methods, Powell’s method 287
Quasi — Newton methods, rate of convergence 61 63 289
Quasi — Newton methods, self-scaling 64
Regular point 67
Scaling 39
Separable problems 154 157 364
Slater condition 317
Spacer step 38 58
Steepest descent 39
Subdifferential 316
Taylor series expansion 11
Unconstrained saddle point 326
Uniformly gradient related direction 24
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