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Bateman I.J., Lovett A.A., Brainard J.S. — Applied Environmental Economics: A GIS Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis
Bateman I.J., Lovett A.A., Brainard J.S. — Applied Environmental Economics: A GIS Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis

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Название: Applied Environmental Economics: A GIS Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis

Авторы: Bateman I.J., Lovett A.A., Brainard J.S.


The complex real-world interactions between the economy and the environment form both the focus of and main barrier to applied research within the field of environmental economics. However, geographical information systems (GIS) allow economists to tackle such complexity head on by directly incorporating diverse datasets into applied research rather than resorting to simplifying and often unrealistic assumptions. This innovative book applies GIS techniques to spatial cost-benefit analysis of a complex and topical land use change problem — the conversion of agricultural land to multipurpose woodland — looking in detail at issues such as opportunity costs, timber yield, recreation, carbon storage, etc.
Demonstrating the power of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) applied to environmental economics problems, the authors reveal how GIS can be used to model complex real world interactions between the environment and the economy. This allows a more sophisticated evaluation of the costs and benefits of environmental policies than by conventional cost benefit techniques. Using an extended case study of a land use change problem, the authors develop an innovative methodology that has important applications to economists, environmental managers and regional planners.
An innovative new application of geographical information systems (GIS) to environmental economics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 335

Добавлена в каталог: 11.04.2010

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