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Gottfried K., Weisskopf V.F. — Concepts of particle physics (volume 2) |
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spectrum 331—332 (See also “ -systems”)
spectrum 328—330 332
, -resonances in 314—317
, data for 239
, hadronic resonances in 320
, theory for 237—238
480—482 490
hadrons 318—324 507
Higgs 525
, data for 240
, hadronic resonances in 319 320
, perturbation theory of 235—236 317
471 473 518
471 473 517
319 321
-systems 312
-systems, decay into gluons 333
-systems, hadronic cascades in 336—337
-systems, phenomenological potential for 402
-systems, radiative transitions in 326—331
-systems, spectrum of 325—327
-systems, S—D mixing in 321 336
-field 489 522
-boson, coupling to fermions 507
-boson, coupling to Higgs 527
-boson, decay 507
-boson, mass 506
-boson, mass, generation of 523
-field 494
-matrices 351
, gauge group of standard model 530
, gauge group of electroweak theory 530
bound states 314—317
319 321
470 (See also “ spectrum”)
-parameter 498 502 523
(electroweak mixing, or Weinberg, angle) See “Electroweak theory”; “Grand Unification”
See “ -spectrum systems spectrum
Higgs 527
Anticommutation rules 568 574 581
Antiparticles 208
Antiparticles and causality 584
Antiscreening in QCD 331 386 387
asymptotic freedom 380 396 “Vacuum
Bag model 404—419
Bag Model and QCD vacuum structure 398—401
Bag Model, boundary conditions 406 411
Bag Model, center-of-mass motion in 413
Bag Model, charge and current density 408
Bag Model, eigenvalues in 406
Bag Model, hadron masses 406 413 415—417
Bag Model, hadron radii 407 415
Bag Model, interaction of quarks in 409—412
Bag Model, magnetic moments 408 416
Bag Model, Regge slope 417—419
Barn 289
Baryon resonances 291—295 298 303 304
Bohr formula 241
Branching ratio (or fraction) 288
Breit — Wigner formula 288
Breit — Wigner formula in scattering 316 322
Broken symmetry See “Hidden symmetry”
Cabibbo angle 440 472 478
Callan — Gross relation 428 432 440 446
Causality condition 579
Causality condition, crossing symmetry 584—586
Causality condition, spin and statistics 581—583
Central collisions 299
Charge conjugation and isospin 305
Charge conjugation for photons 249
Charge conjugation for pions 305
Charge conjugation in positronium 249
Charge conjugation in SU(3) 356
Charge distribution of leptons 240—243
Charge distribution of mesons 281
Charge distribution of nucleons 279
Charge operator 208 209 555 570
Charge quantization 372
Charmonium 313
Chirality 471
Color of gauge field 370—380
Color, charge density of 379
Color, charge density of, induced 382—386
Color, conservation of 372
Color, coupling constant 369 373
Color, electric field 376
Color, magnetic field 376
Color, singlet 345
Color, total, operator for 380
Color, variable 342
Color, wavefunctions 346 (See also “Bag Model”; “Confinement”; “Gauge field”)
Color, “addition” of 355 357—359 361—363 380
Commutation rules and decay of positronium 583
Commutation rules for antiparticle operators 581 583
Commutation rules for Dirac field 583
Commutation rules for scalar field 580—582 (See also “Anticommutation rules”)
Complementary Principle 558
Complex fields 553
Compton scattering 221
Compton scattering, Feynman diagrams for 228
confinement 397—401
Confinement and scattering 425 (See also “Bag Model”)
Cooper pairs 512 516
Coulomb's law 590
Coupling constant in gauge theories 372 373
Coupling constant in Grand Unified theory 534—539
Coupling constant of QCD 334 369 373 397
Coupling constant, dimension of 223 231 478
Covariant derivative in electroweak theory 519 520
Covariant derivative in Grand Unified theory 534
Covariant derivative in SU(3) 369 370 378
Covariant derivative, electromagnetic 369
CP transformation 473
CP violation 474
Creation operators for fermion 207 208 568
Creation operators for photons 205 208 557
Creation operators for spin-0 particles 550 554
Creation operators in oscillator 547
Cross section, defined 219
Cross section, evaluation of 226—228
Decay rate 286
Decay, process 284
Deep inelastic scattering 424
Deep inelastic scattering, charge-changing weak, cross section 439 443 445
Deep inelastic scattering, charge-changing weak, data for 448
Deep inelastic scattering, charge-changing weak, structure functions 440 446
Deep inelastic scattering, charge-preserving weak 499—502
Deep inelastic scattering, charge-preserving weak, determination of 502
Deep inelastic scattering, electromagnetic, cross section 427 438
Deep inelastic scattering, electromagnetic, data for 433—435
Deep inelastic scattering, electromagnetic, structure functions 428 459 461
Deep inelastic scattering, kinematics 425—427
Deep inelastic scattering, parity violation in 502—504
Destruction operators See “Creation operators”
Dielectric constant (coefficient) in QED 260 261 263
Diffraction scattering of hadrons 281—283
Dirac current 203 204 566
Dirac equation 202—204 563—565
Dirac equation in momentum space 564
Dirac equation in spherical enclosure 600
Dirac field, charge operator 570
| Dirac field, commutation rules 583
Dirac field, current operator 566 569
Dirac field, Hamiltonian of 568
Dirac field, L-R decomposition of 470
Dirac field, Lorentz transformation of 471
Dirac field, plane wave expansion of 207
Dirac field, space reflection 473
Dirac field, space reflection, intrinsic parities 570
Dirac matrices 203 563 565
Dirac spinor 202 207 563
Dirac spinor for antiparticles 565
Dirac spinor in spherical enclosure 601
Dirac spinor, plane wave expansion of 206 567
Dirac spinor, space reflection 562 563
Dirac spinor, UR limit of 215 471 565 567
Electromagnetic field, angular momentum of 198
Electromagnetic field, energy of 197
Electromagnetic field, Hamiltonian of 196
Electromagnetic field, momentum of 197
Electromagnetic field, operators for 537
Electromagnetic interaction, operator 212—214 (See also “Electroweak theory”)
Electromagnetic potentials 195
Electron scattering by nucleon, elastic 280
Electron scattering by nucleus 424 (See also “Deep inelastic scattering”; “Lepton-nucleon scattering”)
Electron scattering, inelastic 289
Electroproduction 289
Electroweak theory, 506
Electroweak theory, fermion pairs 507
Electroweak theory, coupling constants in 494 506
Electroweak theory, gauge group 518
Electroweak theory, incorporation of QED 491—493
Electroweak theory, mixing angle defined 494
Electroweak theory, mixing angle defined in Grand Unified theory 535—540
Electroweak theory, mixing angle defined, data 502 505
Electroweak theory, W and Z masses 506
Exotic hadrons 297
Fermi constant 475
Fermi interaction for charge-changing processes 475
Fermi interaction for charge-preserving processes 498 499
Fermion-Fermion scattering in electroweak theory 571—573
Fermion-Fermion scattering in QED 232—235 571—573
fermions 198—204
Fermions, helicity of 200
ferromagnetism 509—511
Ferromagnetism and gauge invariance 495
Feynman diagrams for bound states 244 313
Feynman diagrams, relation to perturbation theory 225
Feynman diagrams, rules for construction of 229 257
Field operators 195 579
Fine structure 246
Fine structure in He atom 273
Flavor threshold 334
Flux tube, in QCD 400 418
Form factor 242 279 423
Form factor of nucleon 280 424
Formation reactions 283 299
G-parity and quark model 311
G-parity of mesons 309—311
G-parity, defined 305
Gauge field in Grand Unified theory 534
Gauge field in weak interaction 490 (See also “Electroweak theory”; “Grand Unification”; “Yang — Mills equation”)
Gauge field, interaction with sources 372
Gauge field, quanta of 371
Gauge field, self-interaction 377
Gauge field, strengths 376
Gauge field, SU(3) 369 371
Gauge invariance and boson masses 371 511 516 523
Gauge invariance and fermion masses 526
Gauge invariance and hidden symmetry 523
Gauge invariance in electroweak theory 496 517—519
Gauge invariance in Grand Unification 540
Gauge invariance in superconductor 514—516
Gauge invariance, electromagnetic 368
Gauge invariance, SU(3) 366 370
Gauge theory 366 (See also “Gauge fields”; “Gauge invariance”; “Yang — Mills equations”)
General Relativity and gauge theory 365—366 374
General Relativity and superstrings 543
Generation of fermions 531 532
Ginzburg — Landau Hamiltonian 512 516 520
Global symmetry 365
Gluon 371
Gluon, bremsstrahlung 455 456
Gluon, field in nucleon 452—455
Gluon, momentum in nucleon 437 455
Gluon, self-coupling 375 (See also “Confinement”; “Gauge field”)
Gluon-gluon scattering 375
Goldstone's theorem 511
Grand Unification, 533 535—540
Grand Unification, coupling constant 534 536—539
Grand Unification, fermion multiplets in 532 533 535 540
Grand Unification, gauge group 540
Grand Unification, hierarchy problem in 542
Grand Unification, Higgs mechanism in 541
Grand Unification, proton decay 533 543
Grand Unification, unification mass 539
Grand Unification, vertices in 533
Groups, Abelian 349
Groups, definition of 348
Groups, direct product of 349 356—359
Groups, non-Abelian 349
Groups, Poincare 349
Groups, simple 530
Groups, unimodular 348
Groups, unitary 348
Groups, weight diagram 352 (See also “ ”; “ ”; “SU(2)”; “SU(3)”; “U(N)”)
harmonic oscillator 545—547
Helicity and hidden gauge invariance 511 516 524
Helicity rule in UR phenomena 214—216 441 471 571—573
Helicity, Lorentz transformation of 200 201
Hidden symmetry in electroweak theory 520—528
Hidden symmetry in ferromagnetism 510
Hidden symmetry in Grand Unification 541 542
Hidden symmetry in superconductors 511—516 (See also “Higgs field”)
Higgs boson 521
Higgs boson in electroweak theory 524—528
Higgs field in electroweak theory 517 519
Hydrogenic states 245—246
Hyperfine structure 247
Hyperfine structure in hydrogen 272
Impulse approximation 424
Invariant mass 284
Isospin in scattering 295—297
Isospin, determination of 291 295
Klein — Gordon equation 198 548 585
Klein — Nishina formula 226
KN Scattering 297 298
Lamb shift 226—270
Lattice QCD 403
Lepton-nucleon scattering, kinematics 425—427 (See also “Deep inelastic scattering”; “Electron scattering”)
Leptons, charge radii of 243
Leptons, excited states of 193
Lifetime 286
Light-by-light scattering 226
Local observables 579
Local symmetry 365—366 (See also “Gauge invariance”)
London's equation 515
Lorentz transformation (LT) of 4-vectors 560 566
Lorentz transformation (LT) of Dirac spinors 562
Lorentz transformation (LT), proper 562
Magnetic moment, anomalous, of leptons 270—272
Magnetic monopole 372
Magnetic susceptibility of vacuum 388—389
Magnetic susceptibility of vector field 595—597
Mass generation of fermions 526—527
Mass generation of vector bosons 523
Maxwell's equations 199 368
Maxwell's equations in Weyl form 201
Meissner effect 511 515 517
Meson resonances 300—302 306—308
MHz 246
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