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Beaurepaire E., Bulou H., Scheurer F. — Magnetism: A Synchrotron Radiation Approach |
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2jm phase 168
3j phase 168
3j symbol 151
3jm symbol 167
Absorption, absorption spectra for rare-earth 149
Absorption, atomic absorption spectra 158
Absorption, coefficient 130
Absorption, x-ray absorption spectroscopy 38 73 388
Activity 186
Adiabatic approximation 33
Angular moment coupling 152
Anisotropy energy 325
Anomalous scattering (see “Resonant scattering”)
Auger, decay 31
Auger, electron diffraction 43
Auger, photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy 48
Beats 384
Berry phase 368
Biological system 353
Bloch, wall 290
Bloch, wave function 134
Bonner — Fisher expression 363
Bragg condition 210
Bremstrahlung 23
Brilliance 67
Butler notation 166 170
Calculations for actinides 149
Calculations for rare-earth 149
Circularly polarized light 134 417
Clebsch Gordan coefficient 151
Closure, domain 326
Closure, relationship 213
CMR (see “Magneto-resistance”)
Color (of minerals) 407s
Complex conjugation operator 178
Compounds 149
Conductivity 129
Configuration interaction 160
Core-hole, interaction 32
Core-hole, screening 32
Coulomb, interaction 2 145 155
Coulomb, potential 156
Coulomb, repulsion 9
Coulomb, term 20
Critical point 378
Critical wavelength 61
Cross section, absorption cross section 23
Cross section, differential cross section 216
Cross section, emission cross section 23
Cross section, isotropic cross section 82
Cross section, scattering cross section 26 206 215 247
Cross section, spin-dependent cross section 246
Crystal field, field functions 166
Crystal field, Hamiltonian 170
Crystal field, interaction 5 165
Crystal field, parameters 169 409
Current density (see “Operator”)
Current operator 134 175
Curvature radius 61
Cut-off wavelength 61
Damping 62 323
Darwin correction 205
Deexcitation process 29
Demagnetizing, field 330
Demagnetizing, tensor 326
Diamond anvil cell 380
Dichroism, history 71
dielectric constant 123
Diffraction, amplitude 176
Diffraction, conditions 176
Dipolar, energy 275
Dipolar, model 337
Dipole approximation 25 28 135 147 220 417
Dipole radiation 60
Dirac, Hamiltonian (see “Hamiltonian”)
Dirac, matrices 131
Direct Fourier Inversion 349
Domains, domain imaging 287 299 301 303
Domains, Kittel domain pattern 277
Domains, Landau domain pattern 277
Domains, magnetic domains 275
Domains, single domain 326
Double exchange 7 443 448
Dynamics 322
D’’ anomaly 405
Earth magnetic field 363
Effect 34
effects 203
Electric dipole operator 152 171
Electric multipole 175 181
Electric quadrupole operator 172
Electron spectroscopies 15
Electron-hole pair 32
Electronic correlations 34
Emittance ellipse 67
Equilibrium emitance 63
EXAFS 39 354 388
Exchange, direct exchange 378
Exchange, energy 276 325
Exchange, indirect exchange 378
Exchange, integral 376
Exchange, interaction 5 146 155
Exchange, intramolecular exchange 347 364
Exchange, length 324
Exchange, splitting 103
Extinction, coefficient 126
Extinction, rules 211
Fano effect 77
Faraday, angle 125
Faraday, effect 73 125
Faraday, ellipticity 126
Fermi, golden rule 20 207
Fermi, surfaces 100
Feynman diagram 23
Field-induced superconductivity 359
Fluorescence decay 31
Flux 67
FMR 332
Form factor 209 251
Forward scattering 384 354 390
Foucault mode 286
Fractional parentage coefficient 154
Free-electron final state approximation 98
Fresnel mode 286
Friedel oscillations 378
g-factor 182
Generators 147
Gilbert damping 323
Gordon — Shortley phase convention 152
Green function 129
Hamiltonian, Dirac Hamiltonian 131 203
Hamiltonian, Electromagnetic field Hamiltonian 181
Hamiltonian, Hubbard Hamiltonian 9
Hamiltonian, Interaction Hamiltonian 18 182 205 246
Hamiltonian, Non-relativistic Hamiltonian 18 155
Hamiltonian, spin-orbit Hamiltonian 2 20 164
Hamiltonian, Zeeman Hamiltonian 164
Hannon’s term 252
Hartree integral 376
Hartree-Fock, method 148 159
Hartree-Fock, parameters 147 148 157
Helical structure 362
Hermiticity 178
High spin ground state 352
Hole-digging method 368
Hubbard model 9
Hund’s rules 2 88 146
Hybrid material 358
Hyperfine, field 384
| Hyperfine, interaction 384
In mineralogy 414
Independent particle model 190
Induced magnetism 87
Inelastic mean free path 15 49 107
Insertion device 64
Insulator regime 358
Intensity 98
Interaction 145 164
Intermediate coupling 148
Irreps 166 172 173
Iso-oriented nanomagnet 364
Jaccarino — Peter mechanism 359 360
jj coupling 146
Juliere’s model 437
Kerr microscopy 282 330
Kerr, angle 122 127
Kerr, effect 127
Kerr, ellipticity 127
Kinetic energy operator 174
Kohn — Sham method 159
Kondo screening 378
Korringa — Kohn — Rostocker method 160
Kramers — Kronig relations 46 128
Landau — Lifshitz 322 324
Lande factor 3 165
Lattice, Bravais lattice 210
Laue condition 210
Legendre polynomial 156
Lifetime 31 35
Ligand field theory 408
Linear response theory 128
Linearly polarized light 134 417
Lorentz force 282
Low spin ground state 352
LS coupling (see “Russel Saunders coupling”)
Macrospin model 322 324
Magnetic 12
Magnetic circular dichroism 40 122 131 187 280
Magnetic contrast 296 300
Magnetic diffraction from actinides 259 262 266 269
Magnetic diffraction from metal and oxydes 261
Magnetic diffraction from rare-earth 257 265
Magnetic diffraction from rare-earth superlattices 264
Magnetic dipole operator 78
Magnetic force microscopy 280 307
Magnetic imaging 275
Magnetic linear dichroism 122 173 186
Magnetic moment of isolated atom 1
Magnetic multipole 175 181
Magnetic order (pressure induced) 393
Magnetic Poisson equation 337
Magnetic spin chain 361
Magnetic structure factor 349
Magnetic tunnel junction 446 450
Magnetic vortex 335
Magneto-crystalline anisotropy 5
Magneto-elastic coupling 362
Magneto-optical effects 76 122 280
Magneto-resistance, Collossal (CMR) 443
Magneto-resistance, Giant (GMR) 433
Magneto-resistance, tunnelling (TMR) 456
Mantel (of the Earth) 405
Many electron system 152
Many-body effects 31
Material equations 123
Matrices 132
Maximum entropy reconstruction 349
Maxwell’s equations 123 204
Me Connell mechanism 349
Mean field description 11
Mermin — Wagner theorem 11
Metal-induced gap state 439
Metamagnetic transition 347
Micromagnetic simulation 337
Microscopy (see “Microscopy”)
Microscopy, Lorentz microscopy 280 284
Model 433
Molecular magnetism 345
moment 78 147 257
Morin transition 411
Mossbauer spectroscopy 354 383
Mott, detector 109 288
Mulliken notation 166 170
Multi-q structure detection 269
Multiferroic 455
Multipole operator 175 181 182 183
Nanomaghemites 412
Natural dichroism 76
Neutron scattering 349
Noether'Os theorem 177
Non relativistic limit 205
Non-reciprocal dichroism 77
Noncollinear antiferromagnetism 351
One particle operator 163
One-step model 105
Onsager relations 124
Operator 183
Order 234
Organic ferromagnetism 348
Paleomagnetism 410
Paramagnet 84 378
Paramagnetic superconductor 358
Parity operator 177
partners 166 167
Patterson function 210
Peierls distortion 362
Permeability 123
Permittivity 123
Perturbation theory 20
Phonons 34 353
Photoelectron diffraction 42
Photoelectron emission microscopy 281 298
photoemission 95
Photoswitching process 355
Planetary cores 403
Plasmon screening 32
Polarization factors 215
Precession 322
Principle 2 162 225
Pulsed precessional rotation 335
Quantized electromagnetic field 19
Quenching 4
Radiation field 204
Reciprocal lattice 210
Reduced matrix elements 150 152 154 168
Refractive index 126
resistivity 433
Resonant enhancement 267
Resonant scattering 383
Retarded field 68
RKKY interaction 8 378
Rotation operator 177
Russel — Saunders coupling 146
Russel — Saunders coupling, amplitude 248
Russel — Saunders coupling, angle 208
Russel — Saunders coupling, elastic scattering 206
Russel — Saunders coupling, factor 44 53
Russel — Saunders coupling, inelastic scattering 26 235 391
Russel — Saunders coupling, interference scattering 231
Russel — Saunders coupling, magnetic scattering 212
Russel — Saunders coupling, non resonant magnetic scattering 215 250
Russel — Saunders coupling, plane 208s
Russel — Saunders coupling, resonant scattering 218 230 251 396
Russel — Saunders coupling, resonant scattering amplitude 222
Scalar potential 204
Scanning electron microscopy (SEMPA) 288 281 322
Scattering 225
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