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Berry M.V. — Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation |
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'Big bang' theory 21—22
'big bang' theory, as consequence of general relativity 124—126
'big bang' theory, conditions before singularity 132—133
'Big bang' theory, horizons in early epochs of 110
'big bang' theory, nature of singularity 156—157
'Dachshund' universe 132
'Hair' of black hole 101
'Mikado', the 157
'Radius of universe' 105
Ad hoc hypothesis 21 22 30 139 143
Age of the universe 124—125 132 134 138
Angular momentum of protogalaxy 152—153
Antimatter in early universe 155—156
Arc length 48—49
Arc length in space of constant curvature 69
Arrow of time see "Time"
Astronomical unit 7
Baade, W. 13
Bending of light see "Deflection of light"
Berkeley, G. 37
Black hole 4 17 41 91—102
Black-body radiation see "Cosmic black-body radiation"
Bondi, H. 4 133 134
Brans — Dicke theory 139
Brillouin, L. 157
Caesium clocks 78
Cepheid variables 12—14
Chaos in early universe 146
Charlier, C. 103
Clock paradox 24 57—58 79
Closed Universe 106 128
Clustering of galaxies 103
Collapse of universe 110 126—127 132—133
Comoving coordinates 104
Compton scattering 151
Continuous creation 22 135
Coordinate system 23 47
Coordinate system and equivalence principle 42
Coordinate system in special relativity 35
Coordinate system, cosmic 104
Cosmic black-body radiation 5 22 105 140—145
Cosmic fluid 103
Cosmic fluid, gravitation of 119—123
Cosmic repulsion see "Cosmical constant"
Cosmic scale factor 105
Cosmic scale factor and horizons 109—111
Cosmic scale factor and Hubble's constant 106
Cosmic scale factor and red shift 108
Cosmic scale factor in early universe 145 147
Cosmic scale factor on Dirac's theory 137—138
Cosmic scale factor, determination of 123—133
Cosmic scale factor, equations governing 119—122
Cosmical constant 120—123
Cosmogony 2
Cosmography 1 3—22
Cosmological principle 1—2 22 104 133—134
Covariance principle 48 56 59
Curvature 55 60—73
Curvature of spacetime 119—120
Curvature, tensor 67 71
Cygnus, X1 102
de Laplace, P. 101
Deceleration parameter 108
Deceleration parameter and cosmical constant 122
Deceleration parameter and number counts 116
Deceleration parameter in Dirac's cosmology 138
Deceleration parameter in steady state theory 134
Deceleration parameter, determination of 113
Deflection of light 44—45 85—88
Density, of galaxies 114
Density, of matter 4 15—17 140
Density, of radiation 5 140—145
Density, on steady state theory 135
Deuterium in early universe 154
Dirac, P. 136—139
Distance, hierarchy 5—15
Distance, luminosity 112
Distance, measures of 1 112
Distance, modulus 11
Distance, proper 50 51 106
Distance, table of 4
Doppler shift see "Red shift"
Dynamics of universe models 119—139
Earth, as vantage point 1 3
Earth, clocks near 76—79
Earth, precession of orbit 84
Echo, radar, time delay of 88—91
Eddington — Lemaitre model 132 134
Einstein, A., absolute space 33
Einstein, A., closed universe 128—129
Einstein, A., cosmical constant 120
Einstein, A., covariance principle 47—48
Einstein, A., equivalence principle 42
Einstein, A., field equations 48 71
Einstein, A., geodesic postulate 59
Einstein, A., special relativity 23 35
Electromagnetism 34 38
electrostatic forces 24
Entropy of universe 133
Equivalence principle 41—45 49 55 85
Ergosphere 100
Ether 34—35
Event 23 43 47
Event horizon see "Horizon"
Evolution of galaxies 112 116—118 134—135
Evolution of universe models 119—133
Expansion of universe and red shift 20
Expansion of universe and scale factor 105—106
Expansion of universe and time's arrow 133
Extremal path see "Geodesic"
Field equations 48 59 71 72 120 128
Fluctuations in ylem 146
Frame of reference 23 47
Frame of reference, cosmic 104 143—144
Frame of reference, dragging of 97—99
Frame of reference, local inertial 43—44 49 55 59 60 70
Frame of reference, Newtonian inertial 31—34 36
Friedmann's equation 123—124
Galactic evolution see "Evolution"
Galaxies, brightest 14—15
Galaxies, clustering 103
Galaxies, condensation 143—153
Galaxies, mass 15—17
Galaxies, number density 113—114
Galaxies, origin of disc shape 152—153
Galaxies, recession 18—19
Galaxies, types, frontispiece 3
Galileo, G., equality of inertial and gravitational mass 27
Galileo, G., relativity 31—33 35
Galileo, G., transformation of coordinates 23 35
Gauss, K., curvature formula 66—67 76 119 160—163
Gauss, K., geometry near Earth 61 73
Gauss, K., intrinsic geometry of surfaces 60
Geodesic 55—60
Geodesic circle 62
Geodesic coordinates 160
Geodesic in Schwarzschild spacetime 79 86
Geodesic on cylinder 64—5
Geodesic triangle 67
Gilbert, W.S. 157
Gold, T. 134
Gravitational collapse 92 100
Gravitational shift see "Red shift"
Gravitational waves 39—41 73 102
Gravity, variation of 136—139
Hafele — Keating experiment 76—79
Helium formation 154—155
Hertzsprung — Russell relation 11—12
Hierarchical model of universe 103
Homogeneity of universe 103—104 110 145—146
| Horizon, 'event' and 'object' 109—111
Horizon, 'event' and Hubble's law 22 39
Horizon, 'event' in early universe 146
Horizon, 'event' near black hole 100
Hoyle, F. 135
Hubble's Law 18—19 21 22 39 106 110 117
Hubble, and Cepheid variables 13
Hyperspheres 68—70
Icarus, precession of orbit 84
Inertial frame see "Frame of reference"
Inertial induction 39
Initial singularity 156—157
Instability in early universe 146—150
Interatomic forces 25
interval see "Separation"
Isotropy of universe 104 110 146
Jeans' mass 147—150
Kerr, R. 98 101
Kinematics of universe models 103—118
Light cones 93 98—99
Lorentz contraction 50—51
Lorentz transformation 23—24 35 43 49
Luminosity and Dirac's theory 138
Luminosity and number counts 17 116—117
Luminosity and red shift 113
Luminosity and steady state theory 135—136
Luminosity of collapsing star 97
Luminosity, absolute and apparent 9—10
Mach's principle 37—39 97 120 128 139
Magnitude, absolute and apparent 10 112
Main sequence stars 11—12
Mass see also "Missing mass problem"
Mass and spacetime 70—73
Mass, abundance of helium 154—155
Mass, inertial and gravitational 25—28 59 81
Matter-dominated era 141 149
Mercury see "Precession of perihelion"
Metric tensor 53—55 59
Metric tensor and curvature of surface 63—67
Metric tensor of Robertson — Walker spacetime 105
Metric tensor of Schwarzschild spacetime 76 91—92
Metric tensor of space of constant curvature 68—70
Michelson — Morley experiment 35
Microwave background radiation see "Cosmic black body radiation"
Minkowski, H. 37
Missing mass problem 17 123 144 145 151
Moessbauer effect 41 45
Moving cluster method 9
Naked singularity 101
Neutrality of charge 25—26
Neutron star 40 101
Newtonian limit of general relativity 72 81 120—121
Non-Euclidean geometry 15 61 73 121 see
novae 14
Nuclear forces 24—25
Nucleosynthesis 153—155
Null cones 93 98—99
Null geodesic 58 59
Null geodesic in cosmic fluid 107—108
Null geodesic in Schwarzschild spacetime 86—87 89 95
Number counts 17 115—117 134—136
Numerical coincidences 136—139
Object horizon see "Horizon"
Olbers' paradox 4—5 114—115
Orbits in Schwarzschild metric 81—83 100
Orthogonal metric 66
Oscillating universe models 132—133
Oscillations in early universe 146—150
Pair production in fireball 154—155
Parallax 6—8
Parallax, statistical 9
Parsec 7
Particle horizon see "Horizon"
Penzias, A., and Wilson, R. 142
Perfect cosmological principle 22 133—134
Perihelion see "Precession of perihelion"
Planck's law 141—142
Pound — Rebka experiment 45
Precession of perihelion 28—30 36 79—85
Pressure in early universe 146—150
Primaeval fireball see "Ylem"
Proper distance see "Distance"
Proper motion 8
Proper time see "Time"
Pythagoras' theorem 48—50 63
QSOs (quasistellar objects) 4 20 87 117—118 132
Quantum gravity 92 156—157
Radial coordinate 68 72 74 104—105
Radiation-dominated era 140—141 148
Radio background radiation 5 115
Radio sources, evolution of 116—118
Radio sources, evolution of and homogeneity of universe 103
Recombination era 144 151
Red shift and binary stars 101
Red shift and cosmic scale factor 107—109
Red shift and Earth's motion through cosmic fluid 143—144
Red shift and equivalence principle 45—46
Red shift and Hubble's law 17—22
Red shift and luminosity 112—113
Red shift and number counts 115—116
Red shift and steady state theory 134
Red shift in Schwarzschild space-time 96
Red shift of fireball photons 141
Red shift of QSO's 117—118 132
Rigid coordinate rods 47 68 72 74
Robertson — Walker metric 105
Sandage, A. 113
Scale factor see "Cosmic scale factor"
Schwarzschild spacetime 74—102
Schwarzschild spacetime, central singularity 100—101
Schwarzschild spacetime, coordinate singularity 91—93
Schwarzschild spacetime, metric 76
Schwarzschild spacetime, null geodesics 85—91
Schwarzschild spacetime, timelike geodesics 79—85
Scott effect 15 112
Separation 51 56—59
Separation, Robertson — Walker 105
Separation, Schwarzschild 76
Shapiro, I. 90 139
Signature of metric 55
Slipher, V. 18
Space, absolute 33—34 35 37 39
Spacetime 36 44 47 55
Spacetime, cosmic 101—105
Spacetime, Schwarzschild 74—76
Spectral shift see "Red shift"
Static limit 99
Steady state theory 22 113 118 133—136
Summation convention 53
Temperature of cosmic black-body radiation 104 141—145
Tensor, curvature 67
Tensor, metric 53
Theorema egregium 160—163
Tidal effects 44
Time, absolute 23
Time, arrow of 133
Time, cosmic 104
Time, gravitational dilation 46 72 96—97
Time, proper 48—51 76—78
Time, relativistic delay 88—91
Time, Schwarzschild 74—75
Time, special-relativity dilation 49—50
Tired light effect 21
Turbulence in early universe 153
Twin paradox see "Clock paradox"
Venus, echo from 90—91
Venus, precession of orbit 84
Viscous damping in early universe 146 150—152
von Leibniz, G. 37
von Soldner, J. 85 179
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