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Platzner I.T. — Modern isotope ratio mass spectrometry |
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factor 26 76
notation 36
notation, C 226 428
notation, D 205 430
notation, N 231 430
notation, O 236
notation, S 232
Abundance sensitivity 21 87 89 111 135 139 361
Abundance, calculations 44
Abundance, isotopic 487
Accuracy data evaluation
Analyzer, double focusing 46 86 135 137 138 139 421
Analyzer, electrostatic sector 46 86 89 133 137
Analyzer, magnetic sector 36 7 8 14 135 137
Analyzer, multistage 144
Analyzer, quadrupole mass filter 109
Analyzer, three stage, BBE configuration 139
Analyzer, three stage, EBE configuration 136 140
Appearance potential 151
Applications of IRMS 403
Atomic mass 487
Atomic weight 3 103 403 495
Avogadro constant 250 411
Biological studies with stable isotopes 424
Calculation of isotopic abundance 449
Calibration of helium mass spectrometer 215
Calibration of TIMS 172 371
Chemical reaction mechanism and IRMS 438
Cosmochemistry 416
Data evaluation 64—71 183
Data evaluation, accuracy 74 94 171 186
Data evaluation, error estimation in SRMs 189
Data evaluation, error propagation analysis 209
Data evaluation, precision 94 101 171 184 196 206 229 235 241 358
Data evaluation, random and systematic errors 183
Data evaluation, rejection of measurement 187
Double internal standard, double internal standard 384
Double spike technique 299 302 305 314 354 373 383
Drawing out field 26
Drawout/repeller plate 152
Dynamic range of GI-IRMS 139
Dynamic range of quadrupole mass spectrometer 112 114
Electron affinity 113 155 156
Electron beam focusing 25
Electron multipliers, Daly multiplier 45 67 86 102
Electron multipliers, secondary 40 67
Electron multipliers, secondary, conversion coefficient 41 43 44
Electron multipliers, secondary, conversion dynode 41
Electron multipliers, secondary, counter threshold 43 44
Electron multipliers, secondary, dead time 45 75
Electron multipliers, secondary, linearity 45 74
Electron work function 113 155
Environmental studies 431
Environmental studies, atmosphere and air pollution 432
Environmental studies, climatic changes 433
Environmental studies, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 436
Environmental studies, hazardous elements in humans 419 435
Environmental studies, hydrology and water resource 431
Environmental studies, lead in atmosphere 96 358 435
Environmental studies, lead in gasoline additives 358 435
Environmental studies, lead in human body 435
Environmental studies, lead in natural origin 96 358
Environmental studies, plutonium in environment 380 434
Faraday collector, cup efficiency 35 38 73
Faraday collector, cup efficiency, ratio measurement of 39 67
Faraday collector, detection systems, dual 7
Faraday collector, detection systems, multiple 8 13 34 36 40 84 86 136 138 369
Faraday collector, detection systems, multiple, fixe 39
Faraday collector, detection systems, multiple, variable 39 67
Food and stable isotopes (caffeine, fruit juices, honey, vine, whisky), adulteration control 428
Food and stable isotopes (caffeine, fruit juices, honey, vine, whisky), authentication 428
Gas conductance 49
Gas conductivity 24
GC-IRMS 7 227 233 249 254 266
Geological dating (geochronology), age of earth 412
Geological dating (geochronology), methods 413 415 416
Geological samples 98 99 104 106 357
Half-life of radioactive nuclides, daughter growth method 410
Half-life of radioactive nuclides, double decay 411
Half-life of radioactive nuclides, parent decay method 409
Half-life of radioactive nuclides, specific activity method 411
Interference in electron impact ion source 25
Interference isobaric 21 95 104 105 199 322 335
Interference isobaric and pumping systems 21
Ion beam collection 33
Ion beam collection, multiple 35 38
Ion beam collection, multiple, dynamic 35 38
Ion beam collection, multiple, static 38
Ion beam focusing, axial 18
Ion beam focusing, direction 4
Ion beam focusing, radial 15
Ion beam focusing, stigmatic 17
Ion beam shaping 86
Ion counting 41 102
Ion molecule reaction 190 198 203
Ion optics 19
Ion sources, duoplasmatron 137
Ion sources, EI 22 152
Ion sources, EI, cross-beam 112 122
Ion sources, EI, lineanty 26
Ion sources, EI, sensitivity 24
Ion sources, ICP 32 84 158
Ion sources, ICP, ion extraction interface 161
Ion sources, RI 33 138
Ion sources, SID 377 381
Ion sources, SIMS 135 138
Ion sources, spark, low voltage d.c. arc 161
Ion sources, spark, radio frequency 161
Ion sources, TI 26 28 84 135
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon and isotopic fractionation 172
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, dimple 155 157 247 266 361 368
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, double (also multiple) 27 153 154
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, evaporation 27 30 154
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, ionization 27 30 154
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, material 155
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, melting points 155
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, sample magazine/turret 27 67
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, sensitivity 32 72
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, single 27 153
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, triple (also multiple) 27 153
Ion sources, TI, filament/ribbon, V or boat shaped 140 154 247 264 265 378
Ion statistics 33
Ionization coefficient 29
Ionization degree 28
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents 30 156 368
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, amyl acetate 296
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, anion exchange (resin) brad 295 368 378 380
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, barium hydroxide/oxygen 346
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, barium nitrate 346
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, benzene 368
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, bone acid 293 351
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, boron/phoaphonc acid 339
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, Freon 157
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, graphite 245 256 285 318 360 363 368
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, iridium/molybdenum/carbon 339
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, oxygen 348
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, porous platinum 261
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, rhenium powder 368 371
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, rhenium/lanthanum hexaboride 311
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, rhenium/plalinum/ascorbic acid 294
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, rhenium/platinum/ascorbic acid/ammonium iodide/hydrochloric acid 338
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, silica gel 293 354 359
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, silica gel/aluminum trichloride 309
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, silica gel/barium hydroxide 283
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, silica gel/boric acid 113 272 273 297
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, silica gel/boric acid/aluminum oxide 281 304
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, silica gel/phosphoric acid 113 247 254 265 266 273 276 278 279 281 296 300 301 302 307 355
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, tantalum/phosphoric acid/hydrofluoric acid 290 359
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, tungsten 280
Ionization efficiency enhancement agents, vanadium pentoxide/barium hydroxide 344
| Ionization potential/iomzauon energy 113 151 153 487
Ionization processes, EI 23 122 150
Ionization processes, EI, energetics or 151
Ionization processes, GD 162
Ionization processes, GD, Penning ionization 162
Ionization processes, ICP 158
Ionization processes, ICP, argon plasma torch 159
Ionization processes, ICP, ionization yield 160
Ionization processes, ICP, nebulization 159
Ionization processes, ICP, plasma temperature 159
Ionization processes, ICP, sample transmission 89
Ionization processes, negative ions 114 155 222 252 256 283 293 307 309 311 341 343 345 348
Ionization processes, RI 163
Ionization processes, RI, ionization schemes 163
Ionization processes, SIMS 135 137 168
Ionization processes, spark 161
Ionization processes, TI 28 153
Isotope analysis, bulk sample (BSIA) 50 55
Isotope analysis, compound specific (CSIA) 50 57
Isotope archaeometry, carbon-14 in 441
Isotope archaeometry, lead in 439
Isotope dilution analysis 114 379 380 405
Isotope effects 436
Isotope enrichmen 436
Isotope ratio accuracy see "data evaluation"
Isotope ratio determinations, in space 421
Isotope ratio determinations, of multielement samples 157
Isotope ratio determinations, of noble gases 125
Isotope ratio determinations, with RI 167 344 362 385
Isotope ratio determinations, with SIMS 219 249 281 346 357
Isotope ratio in elements, aluminum 144 249
Isotope ratio in elements, antimony 306
Isotope ratio in elements, argon 126 257
Isotope ratio in elements, arsenic 282
Isotope ratio in elements, barium 314
Isotope ratio in elements, beryllium 141 144 219
Isotope ratio in elements, bismuth 359
Isotope ratio in elements, boron 220
Isotope ratio in elements, bromine 284
Isotope ratio in elements, cadmium 113 115—117 119
Isotope ratio in elements, calcium 144 260
Isotope ratio in elements, carbon 12 129 130 144 223
Isotope ratio in elements, cerium 317
Isotope ratio in elements, cesium 313
Isotope ratio in elements, chlorine 144 255
Isotope ratio in elements, chromium 113 115—117
Isotope ratio in elements, cobalt 274
Isotope ratio in elements, copper 113 115—117 275
Isotope ratio in elements, dysprosium 333
Isotope ratio in elements, erbium 334
Isotope ratio in elements, europium 328
Isotope ratio in elements, fluorine 242
Isotope ratio in elements, gadolinium 329
Isotope ratio in elements, gallium 278
Isotope ratio in elements, germanium 280
Isotope ratio in elements, gold 349
Isotope ratio in elements, H/D/T 12 197
Isotope ratio in elements, H/D/T, abundance calculation 213 451
Isotope ratio in elements, H/D/Tm analyses at high mass resolution 211
Isotope ratio in elements, H/D/Tm analyses at low mass resolution 207
Isotope ratio in elements, hafnium 98 104 136 338
Isotope ratio in elements, helium 112 214
Isotope ratio in elements, holmium 334
Isotope ratio in elements, indium 303
Isotope ratio in elements, iodine 144 310
Isotope ratio in elements, iridium 347
Isotope ratio in elements, iron 113 115 117 272
Isotope ratio in elements, krypton 128 286
Isotope ratio in elements, lanthanum 315
Isotope ratio in elements, lead 94 96 104 113 115—118 138 353 440
Isotope ratio in elements, lithium 216
Isotope ratio in elements, lutetium 337
Isotope ratio in elements, magnesium 245
Isotope ratio in elements, manganese 272
Isotope ratio in elements, mercury 349
Isotope ratio in elements, molybdenum 103 292
Isotope ratio in elements, neodymium 91 320
Isotope ratio in elements, neon 3 126 243
Isotope ratio in elements, neptunium 377
Isotope ratio in elements, nickel 275
Isotope ratio in elements, niobium 292
Isotope ratio in elements, nitrogen 12 129 229
Isotope ratio in elements, osmium 344
Isotope ratio in elements, oxygen 12 137 235
Isotope ratio in elements, palladium 139 298
Isotope ratio in elements, phosphorus 252
Isotope ratio in elements, platinum 348
Isotope ratio in elements, plutonium 377
Isotope ratio in elements, potassium 258
Isotope ratio in elements, praseodymium 320
Isotope ratio in elements, promethium 326
Isotope ratio in elements, protactinium 362
Isotope ratio in elements, radium 359
Isotope ratio in elements, rhenium 342
Isotope ratio in elements, rhodium 298
Isotope ratio in elements, rubidium 287
Isotope ratio in elements, ruthenium 296
Isotope ratio in elements, samanum 326
Isotope ratio in elements, scandium 267
Isotope ratio in elements, selenium 283
Isotope ratio in elements, silicon 249
Isotope ratio in elements, silver 300
Isotope ratio in elements, sodium 244
Isotope ratio in elements, strontiu 106 289
Isotope ratio in elements, sulfur 12 138 168 252
Isotope ratio in elements, tantalum 340
Isotope ratio in elements, technetium 295
Isotope ratio in elements, tellurium 307
Isotope ratio in elements, terbium 333
Isotope ratio in elements, thallium 94 104 113 117 351
Isotope ratio in elements, thonum 136 360
Isotope ratio in elements, thulium 335
Isotope ratio in elements, tin 103 304
Isotope ratio in elements, titanium 267
Isotope ratio in elements, tungsten 103 106 340
Isotope ratio in elements, uranium 363 419 420
Isotope ratio in elements, uranium, electron impact ionization 126 364
Isotope ratio in elements, uranium, induclively coupled plasma ioni/ation 99 375
Isotope ratio in elements, uranium, thermal ionization 367
Isotope ratio in elements, vanadium 269
Isotope ratio in elements, xenon 127 312
Isotope ratio in elements, ytterbium 336
Isotope ratio in elements, yttrium 290
Isotope ratio in elements, zinc 113 115117 277
Isotope ratio in elements, zirconium 290
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers 7 12 64
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, accelerator mass spectrometry 143
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, basic systems 65
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, CAMECA IMS-1270 138
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, data systems 53 68
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, glow discharge 138
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, H/D/T 211
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, helium 215
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, high isotopic abundance sensitivity 139
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, ICP-multiple collector 85 158 181 290 295 306 310 325 339 341 356 375
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, ISOLAB-120 140
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, ISOLAB-54 135
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, SIHRIMP (sensitive high resolution ion micro probe) 37 249
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, EI mass spectrometer baseline stability 73
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, EI mass spectrometer, factor 76
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, EI mass spectrometer, method specific tests 76
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, EI mass spectrometer, ratio linearity 75
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, EI mass spectrometer, system stability 76
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI magnetic sector 369
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI mass spectrometer, accuracy 74
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI mass spectrometer, baseline stability 73
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI mass spectrometer, cup efficiency 73
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI mass spectrometer, peak flatness 72
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI mass spectrometer, recording system 73
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers, specifications of, TI mass spectrometer, reproducibility external 74
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