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Galileo G. — Dialogues concerning two new sciens |
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Accelerandosi = displace 252
Accelerated motion 160
Accelerated motion, reduced to uniform motion 173
Acceleration of gravity measured 178
Acceleration, definition of uniform 169
Accelerazione, used m the sense of speed 167
Achilles and the Tortoise, problem of 164
Acoustics 95
Adhesion of plates 11 12
Aggiunti x
Air, resistance of, to projectiles 252 256
Altitude of parabola, determina¬tion of 285
Amplitude of parabola defined 260 273
Amplitude, tables of 284
Apollonius 242 245 246
Apollonius theorem of 38 44
Aproino, Paolo ix
Arcetri xi xviii
Archimedes v 41 110 144 147 242 251
Archimedes’ Principle 81
Ariosto, quotation from 131
Aristotle 12 13 20 26 49 64 76 77 80 95 110 125 135 291
Aristotle’s idea of falling bodies 61
Arrighetti x
Atmospheric pressure 17
Augmented Fourth 104
Axioms of uniform motion 154
Beam carrying a constant load in a fixed position 140 et sq.
Beam carrying a constant load which moves from one end to the other 140
Beams, similar, relative strength of 124
Beams, strength of 115
Beams, variation of strength with diameter 119
Beams, variation of strength with length 123
Bending strength 119
Bernoulli, James 149
Bernoulli, John 183
Bones, of birds 150 239
Bones, proportion of 131
Brachistochrone 225 239
Capillarity as seen in drops on cabbage leaves 70
Capillarity, effect seen in shortening of rope 20
Catenary 149 290
Cause, speed considered as a 255
Causes, search after, futile 166
Cavalieri 41
Chords of circles, times of descent along 188 et sq.
Cicero xix
Cohesion of solids ix et sq. 18
Comandino, Federigo 294
Compass, Galileo’s military 149
Composition of motions 244 257 267
Continuity, mathematical 24 et sq.
Continuous quantities 31 34-36
Contraction, theory of 51
Cylinders, relative strength of similar 124
Definition of uniform motion 154
Definition of uniformly accelerated motion 161
Definitions, mathematical 28
Density, see Specific Gravity Diapason 99
Diapente 99
Diminished Fifth 104
Diodati, Elia ix xii
Elzevir, Louis xi
Elzevirs, The xviii
Energia 269 271 290
Errors in parabolic trajectories 251 et sq.
Euclid 242 243 246 248 283
Expansion, theory of 51
Falling bodies, Aristotle’s notion of 61 64-68
Falling bodies, laws of 265
Falling bodies, sphere as locus of 192 193
Feather and com result predicted 72
Fifth, a musical interval 100
Fire escape, devised by kinsman of Galileo 10
Force, synonyms for 114 271 286 291 293
Forza, in the sense of mechanical advantage 124
Forza, in the sense of momentum 267 269 271 286
Frequenza = frequency of pen¬dulum 97
Geometry compared with Logic iv
Gilding, thickness of 53 et sq.
Gravity, centers of 294 295
Gravity, experimental determination of 178
Guevara (di) Giovani 20 126
Hammer blow, problem of 271
Heath, T. L. v 145
Huygens v
Impenetrability of matter 49 51 61
Impulsive forces 293
Inclined plane, principle of 184 et sq.
Inclined plane, used to “dilute” gravity 178
Inclined planes of equal height, speed acquired on 169 184
Indivisibility 30 36
infinity 26 30 31 37 39
Isochronism of pendulums of different materials 85
Isochronism of the simple pendulum 97
Isoperimetric problems 58
Jealousy of investigators 83
Law of lever 112
Law of motion, Newton’s first 244
Law of motion, Newton’s second 250
Law of simple pendulum 96
Laws of air resistance 253
Laws of falling bodies 174 et sq. 265
Lever, law of 112
Levity of air 77 78
Lift pump, theory of 16
Light, speed of 42
Limiting speed of bodies in vacuo 72
Lincei, Academy of the xx
Loaded beams 140
Logic and geometry compared 137
Marsili x
Mathematical definitions 28
| Mathematics, role of in physics 276
Maximum range of a projectile 275
Media, effect of, on speed of falling bodies 76
Medici, Antonio de’ x
Medici, Prince Mattia de’ xi
Mersenne, M v
Micanzio xi
Minimum momentum theorem 273
Mirrors, spherical 41
Mole — volume 80 82
Momenio = force 183
Moment, used in sense of importance 65
Momento in the sense of magnitude 124
Momentum 258 259 263 266; 270
Momentum, measure of 264
Monochord 99
Monte, G. del ix 294
Motion of falling bodies 160
Motion of projectiles 244
Motion, axioms of uniform 154
Motion, natural 153
Motion, supernatural 255
Motion, uniform, laws of 154
Motte v
Naturally accelerated motion 160
Newton v
Newton’s First Law of Motion 215 216 244
Newton’s second law of motion 250 257 263
Noailles, Count of xii xvii
Octave, ratio involved in 99
Orbits of planets 261
Padua ix x xii 182
Parabola, description of 148 246 258
Parabola, quadrature of 147
Parabola, to find the sublimity of a given 272
Parallelogram of velocities 257
Pendulum motion, law of air resistance to 254
Pendulum with string striking against nail 170
Pendulums of lead and cork 84
Pendulums, time of descent 95
Periodo = period of pendulum 97
Peripatetics 48 61
Peso = specific gravity 69 72
Pieroni, G. xi
Planetary orbits 261
Plato 90 137 261
Point blank firing 289
Potenza, meaning of “in potenza” 257 266
Principle of virtual work 183
Problem of Achilles and the Tortoise 164
Problem of stretched rope 290
Projectile, speed of 279
Projectiles, motion of 244
Pythagorean problem in music 95 103
Quadrature of parabola 147 251
Quickest descent 225 239
Range tables 256 284
Range, maximum 275
Range, minimum momentum re¬quired for a given 273
Resistance of air proportional to speed 74
Resistance of air to projectiles 252
Resonance of a bell 98
Resonance of pendulum 97
Resonance of strings 99
Resultant 257 258 267
Ripples, produced by sounding a goblet 99
Rope-making, theory of 8 et sq.
Ropes, shortening due to moisture 20
Ropes, stretched, problem of 290
Sack, proper design of 56
Sacrobosco (John Holywood) 57
Salusbury, Thomas v
Sarpi, Fra Paolo ix x
Second minute, as a unit of time 264 265
Siena x
Space, described in uniformly accelerated motion 173 et sq.
Spear as unit of length 265
Specific gravity of air 78 et sq.
Specific gravity of aquatic animals 132
Specific gravity, balls adjusted to equal that of water 69
Speed of projectile 279
Speed, standard of 260 265
Speed, terminal 91
Speed, uniform, definition of 154
Statics, fundamental principle of 110
Steelyard 291
Strength of materials 109
Strings, laws of vibrating 100
Subsidence of small particles 87
Tangent, used in two senses 282
Terminal speed 91 256 260
Theorem of Apollonius 38 44
Tritono 104
Tubes, bending strength of 150
Ubaldi ix
Uniform acceleration, definition of 169
Uniform motion, laws of 154
Valerio, Luca 30 148 294
Velocities, parallelogram of 257
Velocity, standard of 260
Velocity, uniform, definition of 154
Velocity, virtual 291
Venice xi
Vigore = force 291
Vinta, Belisario x
Virtual work, principle of 291
Viviani, Vincenzio ix 180
Weighing in vacuo 81-83
Weston, Thomas vi
“Natural” Motion 153
“Sublimity” defined 260
“Sublimity” of any parabola, to find 272
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