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Kittel Charles, Kroemer Herbert — Thermal Physics
Kittel Charles, Kroemer Herbert — Thermal Physics

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Название: Thermal Physics

Авторы: Kittel Charles, Kroemer Herbert


Numerous real-world problems and examples, chapter outlines and summaries, and clarity of presentation make this an effective text for upper-division students in physics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Supplement: Teacher's Manual

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 1980

Количество страниц: 475

Добавлена в каталог: 03.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Free energy, Helmholtz      68
Free energy, paramagnetic system      69
Free energy, photon gas      112
Free energy, two state system      81
Fruton, J. S.      142
Fuel cell      247 248
Fundamental assumption      29
Fundamental temperature      41
Gallium arsenide, semi-insulating      372
Gamma function integral      440
Gas constant      166
Gas, critical temperatures      277
Gas, degenerate      182
Gas, degenerate boson      221
Gas, degenerate Fermi      219
Gas, ideal      72
Gas, liquefaction      337
Gas, one-dimensional      86
Gas, potential energy      145
Gas, quantum      182
Gas, rarefied      413
Gas, sound waves      430
Gauss integral      439
Gaussian distribution      20
Generalized forces      404 405 458
Generation, electron-hole pair      388
Geothermal energy      259
Giauque, W.      167
Gibbs factor      134 138
Gibbs free energy      246 262
Gibbs free energy, van der Waals gas      291
Gibbs sum      134 138 146
Gibbs sum, ideal gas      169 180
Gibbs sum, two level system      146
Giffard, R. R.      103
Goldman, M.      350
Grand canonical distribution      138
Grand partition function      138
Grand sum      138
Guth, E.      86
Guyer, R. A.      210
Half-cell potentials      131
Hall — Shockley — Read theory      383
Hall, R. N.      385
Hansen, M.      323
harmonic oscillator      52 82
Harmonic oscillator, free energy      82
Harmonic oscillator, multiplicity function      24
Harwit, M.      219
Heat      44 68 227 240
heat capacity      63 165
Heat capacity, degenerate boson gas      221
Heat capacity, electron gas      189
Heat capacity, intergalactic space      113
Heat capacity, liquid helium-4      113
Heat capacity, photons and phonons      113
Heat capacity, solids      113
Heat capacity, two state system      62
Heat conduction equation      424
heat engine      228 230
Heat engine, refrigerator cascade      258
Heat exchanger, counterflow      336
Heat flow      44
Heat pump      235 257
Heat shield      112
Heat shield, reflective      115
Heat transfer, sound wave      434
Heat, definition      227
Heat, isobaric      245
Heat, path dependence      240
Heat, vaporization of ice      305
Heer, C. V.      348
Helium dilution refrigerator      342
Helium liquefier      351
Helmholtz free energy      68
Heme group      140
Hemoglobin      141
Henshaw, D. G.      216
High vacuum region      397
Hill, J. S.      348
Hobden, M. V.      349
Holes      177 355
Holes, conductance      415
Holes, quantum concentration      361
Hook, J. R.      217
Huiskamp, W. J.      342
Hydrogen, equilibrium      269
Ice, heat of vaporization      305
Ideal gas      72 74 160 169
Ideal gas, calculations      180
Ideal gas, Carnot cycle      237
Ideal gas, chemical potential      120 169
Ideal gas, chemical work      251
Ideal gas, energy      76
Ideal gas, Gibbssum      180
Ideal gas, internal degree of freedom      179
Ideal gas, isentropic relations      179
Ideal gas, Kelvin      446
Ideal gas, law      77
Ideal gas, law, kinetic theory      391
Ideal gas, one-dimensional      86
Ideal gas, sudden expansion      243
Ideal gas, thermodynamic identity      177
Ideal gas, two dimensions      180
Impurity atom ionization      143
Impurity level      368 383
Impurity level, carrier recombination      383
Increase of entropy, law of      45
Inequality, Carnot      232
injection laser      381 388
Integrals containing exponentials      439
Intensive quantities      264
Intergalactic space, heat capacity      113
Internal chemical potential      122 124
International Practical Temperature Scale      451
Intrinsic conductivity      387
Intrinsic Fermi level      362
Inversion temperature      336
Ionization, deep impurities      388
Ionization, donor impurities      273
Ionization, impurity atom      143
Ionization, thermal      273
Ionization, water      269
IPTS      451
Irreversibility, sources      232
Irreversible thermodynamics      406
Irreversible work      242
Isentropic demagnetization      346
Isentropic expansion      114 148
Isentropic process      173
Isentropic relations, ideal gas      179
Isobaric process      245
Isotherm      276
Isotherm, Langmuir adsorption      143
Isothermal work      245
James, H. M.      86
Johnson noise      98
Johnson, J. B.      98
Johnston, H. L.      167
Joule — Thomson effect      337
Joule — Thomson effect, van der Waals gas      338
Joyce — Dixon approximation      366
Joyce, W. B.      366
Juettner, F.      219
Kelvin temperature      41
Kelvin temperature, scale      445
Kinematic viscosity      404
Kinetic model, mass action      270
Kinetic theory, ideal gas law      391
Kinetics, detailed balance      407
Kirchhoff law      96 115
Klein, M. J.      463
Knudsen regime      397 413
Kramers, H. C      114
Kurti, N.      348 349
Laloee, F.      459
Lambda point, helium-4      210
Landau function      69 298
Landau theory, phase transitions      298
Langmuir adsorption isotherm      143
Laser, injection      381 388
Latent heat      281 284
Latent heat, enthalpy      284
Latent heat, increase of entropy      45
Latent heat, vaporization      281
Laudau free energy function      298
Law of corresponding states      290
Law of increase of entropy      45
Law of mass action      268 362 382
Laws of rarefied gases      413
Laws of thermodynamics      48 49
Leff, H. S.      259
Leggett, A. J.      217
Lein, W. H.      195
Linde cycle      339
Liouville theorem      408
Liquid $^{3}{He-}^{4}{He}$ mixture      320
Liquid $^{3}{He-}^{4}{He}$ mixture, mixing energy      330
Liquid helium II      209
Liquid helium-3      217
Liquid helium-3, superfluid phases      217
Liquid helium-4      207
Liquid helium-4, heat capacity      113
Liquidus curve      323
Long tube, flow      416
Loschmidt number      396
Lounasmaa, O. V.      342
Low orbital free atoms      201
Low temperature thermometry      448
Lynds, B.      111
Magnetic concentration      145
Magnetic diffusivity      425 437
Magnetic energy      252
Magnetic field, adsorption of ${O}_{2}$      147
Magnetic field, in superconductors      253
Magnetic field, mobile magnetic particles      127
Magnetic field, spin entropy      170
magnetic susceptibility      81
Magnetic system      23
Magnetic work      252
magnetization      70
Marcus, P. M.      394
Mass action, law      268 270 362 387
Maxwell distribution of velocities      392 419
Maxwell relation      71 272
Maxwell transmission distribution      395
Maxwell velocity distribution      393
McFee, J. H.      394
Mean field method      288
Mean free path      395
Mean speeds, Maxwellian distribution      419
Mean value      22
Meissner effect      252
Merzbacher, E.      459
Metastable phases      278
Meyer, L.      215
Milner, J. H.      348
Minority carrier lifetime      388
Mixing, energy      314 330
Mixing, entropy      78 178 314
Mixture, binary      310
Mixture, crystalline      319
Mixture, liquid $^{3}{He-}^{4}{He}$      320
Mixture, phase equilibria      322
Mobile magnetic particles, chemical potential      127
Mobility, electron      380
Molecules, Earth's atmosphere      145
Monkey — Hamlet      53
Most probable configuration      33 35
Multiple binding of ${O}_{2}$      148
Multiplicity      7
Multiplicity function      15 18
Multiplicity function, harmonic oscillator      24
Myoglobin      140 142
Negative temperature      460
Niels — Hakkenberg, C. G.      114
Nondegenerate semiconductor      358
Nonequilibrium semiconductors      379
Normal phase      203
Nuclear demagnetization      348
nuclear matter      198
Nuclear reactor, critical size      437
Nucleation      294
Nucleation, critical radius      295
Nyquist theorem      98
Occupation donor levels      369
Onsager relation      406
Orbital      9 152
Orbital, occupancy      202
Orbital, symmetry      177
Order parameter      298
Osborne, D. W.      209
Overhauser effect      84
p-n junction      373
p-n junction, reverse-biased      377
Paramagnetic system      69
Paramagnetism      52 446
Particle diffusion      399 409
Particle-antiparticle equilibrium      274
Partition function      61
Partition function, two systems      85
Path dependence      240
Pauli exclusion principle      152
Peltier effect      336
Penetration, temperature oscillation      426
Pennings, N. H.      345
Peritectic systems      330
Perpetual motion      50
Ph      269
Phase      267
phase diagram      321
Phase transitions      298
Phase transitions, Landau theory      298
Phase transitions, superconducting      306 307
Phase, condensed      203
Phase, equilibria      322
Phase, normal      203
Phase, relations of helium      210
Phenomenological laws      398
Phillips, N. E.      195 196 254
Phonon      102
Phonon, heat capacity      113
Phonon, mode      104
Phonon, solids      102
Photon gas      112 114
Photon gas, free energy      112
Photon gas, isentropic expansion      114
Photon gas, one dimension      112
Photon, Carnot engine      258
Photon, condensation      221
Photon, heat capacity      113
Photon, thermal      110
Pillans, H.      111
Planck distribution function      89 91
Planck law      91 95
Poise      403
Poisson distribution      138 453
Poisson distribution, distribution law      455
Poisson equation      375
Pollution, thermal      258
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