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Амензаде Ю.А. — Теория упругости |
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Предметный указатель |
Principal strains 64
Principal stresses 52
Principle, of Castigliano 222
Principle, of minimum complementary work 224
Principle, of minimum potential energy 222
Principle, of Saint Venant 96
Principle, of virtual displacements 220
Principle, variational, of Reissner 228
Prismatic bodies, bending of 206
Prismatic bodies, bending of, by couples 105
Prismatic bodies, bending of, of elliptical cross section 216
Prismatic bodies, torsion of 182
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of circular cross section 103
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of circular cross section, Hooke's law in 105
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of circular cross section, with groove 199
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of circular cross section, with hole 201
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of elliptical cross section 198
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of equilateral triangular cross section 198
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of hollow cross section 188
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of rectangular cross section 200 226
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, of square cross section 227
Prismatic bodies, torsion of, unconstrained 225
Pure bending, of circular bars 125
Pure bending, of plates 252
Pure bending, of prismatic bars 105
Pure bending, of rectangular strip 120
Quotient law of tensors 20
Rayleigh waves 262
Rayleigh — Ritz method 224
Reciprocal contravariant base 23
Reciprocal theorem, Betti's 219
Reissner's functional 228
Reissner's variational principle 228
Relative heat transfer coefficient 87
Resultant Moment 40
Resultant moment, complex representation of 132
Resultant vector 40
Resultant vector, complex representation of 131
Riemann — Christoffel tensor 35
Riemann's boundary value problem 151
Rotation tensor 59
Rotation tensor in Cartesian co-ordinates 62
Rotation tensor in cylindrical co-ordinates 62
Rotation tensor in spherical co-ordinates 62
Saint Venant's compatibility conditions 65
Saint Venant's compatibility conditions in Cartesian co-ordinates 65
Saint Venant's compatibility conditions in Cartesian co-ordinates, for plane strain 109
Saint Venant's compatibility conditions in cylindrical co-ordinates 66 92
Saint Venant's compatibility conditions in cylindrical co-ordinates, for axially symmetric problems 92
Saint Venant's principle 96
Saint Venant's semi-inverse method 98
Saint Venant's torsion function 183
scalar 16
Scalar product 20
Scalar product, triple 38
Semi-inverse method of solution 98
Shear 57
Shear circulation theorem 190
Shearing stress 42
Shearing stress, lines of 187
Shearing stress, maximum 187
Shearing stress, on perpendicular planes 48
Shearing stress, properties of 187
Simple solutions 99
Small strain tensor 59
Small strain tensor in Cartesian co-ordinates 61
Small strain tensor in cylindrical co-ordinates 62
Small strain tensor in plane polar co-ordinates 63
Small strain tensor in spherical co-ordinates 63
Small strain tensor, components of, in terms of displacements 61
Sokhotskii — Plemelj formulas 151
Sophie Germain, equation of 271
Specific heat 86
Sphere, compression of 244
Sphere, hollow, thermal stresses in 256
Sphere, indentation by 245
Strain energy 79 82
Strain invariants 54
Strain tensor 56
Strain tensor, finite see "Finite strain tensor"
Strain tensor, small see "Small strain tensor"
Strain, components of 57 61
Strain, components of, identical relations between 60
Strain, finite 55
Strain, invariants of 54
Strain, plane 63 108
Strain, principal 64
Strain, principal directions of 64 78
Strain, small 59
Strain, volume 65 85
Stress function, for torsion problem 186
Stress function, of Airy 116
Stress function, of Prandtl 186
Stress invariants 54
Stress tensor 43
Stress tensor, complex 129 163
Stress tensor, symmetry of 47
Stress vector 42
Stress, components of 42
Stress, couple- 42
Stress, invariants of 54
Stress, normal 42
Stress, plane 111
Stress, plane, generalized 113
Stress, principal 52
Stress, principal directions of 52 78
| Stress, shearing or tangential 42
Stress, thermal 80 256
Stress, vector 42
Stress-strain relations 69
Summation convention 16
Surface conditions 47
Surface forces 39
Surface forces, intensity of 40
Surface forces, resultant moment of 40
Surface forces, resultant vector of 40
Surface heat transfer coefficient 87
Tensors, absolute derivative of 34
Tensors, addition of 19
Tensors, antisymmetric 19
Tensors, associated 25
Tensors, components of 17
Tensors, contraction of 19
Tensors, contravariant 17
Tensors, covariant 17
Tensors, covariant derivative of 35
Tensors, definition of 16
Tensors, finite strain see "Finite strain tensor"
Tensors, inner multiplication of 20
Tensors, metric 23
Tensors, mixed 18 24
Tensors, multiplication of 19
Tensors, physical components of 27
Tensors, quotient law for 20
Tensors, Riemann — Christoffel 35
Tensors, rotation 59
Tensors, small strain see "Small strain tensor"
Tensors, strain 56
Tensors, stress 43
Tensors, symmetric 19
thermal conductivity 86
Thermal stresses 80 256
Thermal stresses in hollow spheres 256
Three-dimensional problems 232
Three-dimensional problems, Boussinesq's formulas 239
Three-dimensional problems, contact 240
Three-dimensional problems, half-space, indentation by sphere 245
Three-dimensional problems, half-space, under concentrated load 238
Three-dimensional problems, half-space, under distributed load 238
Three-dimensional problems, half-space, vibrations of 262
Three-dimensional problems, indentation by 245
Three-dimensional problems, indentation by, thermal stresses in 256
Three-dimensional problems, solutions, Boussinesq's 237
Three-dimensional problems, solutions, Boussinesq's, Boussinesq — Papkovich 234
Three-dimensional problems, solutions, Boussinesq's, Kelvin's 232
Three-dimensional problems, sphere, compression of 244
torque 185
Torsion function 183
Torsion function, complex 196
Torsion of body of revolution 253
Torsion of prismatic bodies 182
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of circular cross section 103
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of circular cross section, Hooke's law in 105
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of circular cross section, with groove 199
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of circular cross section, with hole 201
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of elliptical cross section 198
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of equilateral triangular cross section 198
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of hollow cross section 188
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of rectangular cross section 200 226
Torsion of prismatic bodies, of square cross section 227
Torsion of prismatic bodies, unconstrained 225
Torsion problem, analogies for 191 196
Torsion, lines of shearing stress in 187
Torsion, stress function for 186
Torsional rigidity 185
Transformations, affine 16
Transformations, of co-ordinates 15
Transformations, orthogonal 16
Twisting moment 185
Uniqueness of solution 94 95
Variational equation of equilibrium 228
Vectors, absolute derivative of 33
Vectors, angle between 27
Vectors, associated 24
Vectors, base 23
Vectors, base, differentiation of 28
Vectors, components of 16 17
Vectors, contravariant 16
Vectors, covariant 17
Vectors, covariant derivative of 34
Vectors, definition of 16
Vectors, orthogonal 28
Vectors, parallel, in space 30
Vectors, physical components of 27
Vectors, reciprocal base 23
Vectors, scalar product of 20
Vectors, scalar product of, triple 38
Vibrations, free, of half-space 262
Volume forces 40
Wave front 259
Waves of compression-dilatation 258
Waves of shear 258
Waves, longitudinal 259
Waves, Love 265
Waves, plane 259 261
Waves, propagation of 258
Waves, Rayleigh 262
Waves, spherical 260
Waves, surface 262
Waves, transverse 259
Waves, velocity of 259
Work, done by external forces 70 81
Work, done by external forces, elastic deformation 83
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