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Animalu A.O. — Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids |
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Acoustic phonons 309
Adiabatic principle 424
Airy functions 263
Al, London penetration depth 453
Al, magnetic breakdown 278
Al, superconducting 422
Alkaline earth metals 132
Anisotropy energy 366
Annihilation operator 101 428 466
Augmented plane wave (APW) method 181
Azbel — Kaner resonance 259 264 265
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer (BCS) theory 437 39
BCS Hamiltonian 437
BIoch — Gruneisen T5 law 224 214
Bloch sum 173
Bloch waves in crystals 38
Bloch waves, diffraction of 44
Bloch’s theorem 39 43 105 122 162 172
Bohr frequency rule 263
Bohr — Sommerfeld phase integral rule 256 263
Boltzmann constant 54
Boltzmann equation 215 249
Boltzmann equation for quasiparticles 461
Boltzmann equation, linearized 218
Bond-orbital model of semiconductors 300
Born approximation 128
Born — Mayer potential 58 89 121
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 424
Born-von Karman cyclic boundary conditions 105
Bragg’s law 29 30
Bragg’s law for Bloch waves 45
Bragg’s law, at normal incidence 32
Bragg’s law, oblique incidence 33
Bravais lattice 2 9
Breakdown effects 274 79
Breakdown effects, magnetic 276 282
Breakdown effects, Zener 274
Brillouin function 384
Brillouin zone 17 20
Brillouin zone, bcc 19
Brillouin zone, diamond lattice 288
Brillouin zone, fee 19
Brillouin zone, hep 19
Brillouin zone, white tin 20
Brillouin zone, wurtzite 290
Brillouin zone, zinc blende 289
Bugolons, excitation energy of 441
Bugolons, in superconductors 477
bulk modulus 55
Burnside theorems 496
Butcher’s formula 236
Catalytic activity 13
Central cell correction 199
Coal molecule 66 67
Coherence length 414 416
Cohesive energy 55 78
Compensated metal 248 252
Compressibility 55
Compton scattering 50
Computer memory 403
Condensation energy 411 438
Conduction band 143
Conductivity tensor 219 246
Continuity equation 344
Cooper pair 433 435 436 442 479
Correlation energy of electron gas 480
Coulomb lattice 120
covalent bond 60 66
Creation operator 101 428 466
Critical magnetic field 410
Critical points 123 124 240
Crystal defects 25
Crystal field theory 369 385
Crystal surface 25
Crystal systems, cubic 12 22
Crystal systems, diamond 23 24 284
Crystal systems, hexagonal 12
Crystal systems, monoclinic 12
Crystal systems, orthorhombic 12
Crystal systems, rutile 360
Crystal systems, spinel 360
Crystal systems, tetragonal 12
Crystal systems, triclinic 12
Crystal systems, trigonal 12
Crystal systems, wurtzite 284
Crystal systems, zinc blende 284
Crystal, fivefold symmetry 13
Crystal, point symmetry 13
Crystalline 1
Crystalline, transition to amorphous state 26 52
Crystallography 1 9
Crystals, one-dimensional 102 174
Crystals, three-dimensional 11
Crystals, two-dimensional 10
Cu, energy bands 183
Cu, hybridization gap 189
Curie — Weiss law 360 61 401
Curie’s law 356
Current density operator 234
Cyclotron frequency 255
Cyclotron mass 255 257
Cyclotron resonance 258 59 246 281
D, d-bandwidth 188 189
Dark diode current 344
Dark diode current, de Broglie relation 426
Dark diode current, de Haas-van Alphen effect 244 269 73 281
Debye frequency 94 97
Debye spectral function 114
Debye temperature 95 100
Debye wave number 93
Debye — Waller factor 52 130 131
Deep impurity level 316
Degenerate semiconductor 307 338
Density matrix 381
Density of states (electron) 122 140 203 242
Density of states (electron) in a magnetic field 266 69
Density of states (electron) in superconductors 446
Density of states (electron), joint 239
Density of states (electron), phonon 431
Density variable 470
Detailed balancing principle 217
diamagnetic susceptibility 371
Diamagnetism of metals 396
Diatomic linear chain 109 111 112
Diatomic molecule 62
dielectric constant 226
Dielectric function, Hartree 474
Dielectric function, Penn 299
Dielectric model of semiconductor 323
Differential susceptibility 365
Diffraction grating 28 52
Diffraction, electron 32
Diffraction, low energy electron (LEED) 32
Diffraction, neutrons 125
Diffraction, X rays 27
Diffusion 310 11 327
Diffusion current 328
Diode laser structure 348
Dirac delta-function 22
Direct exchange 387
Direct transition 231
Dispersion relation, phonon 104 117 474
Dispersion relation, spin waves 478
Double zone scheme 156
Drift velocity 211
Drude absorption 230
Drude formula, de conductivity 212 213
Drude formula, optical conductivity 227
Dulong and Petit law 92 202
Dynamic form factor 128
| Dynamical matrix 110
Effective charge 169
Effective Hamiltonian method 193 216
Effective mass approximation 315
Effective mass, band 176 199
Effective mass, density of states 303
Effective mass, electron-electron interaction 459
Effective mass, electron-phonon interaction 459
Effective mass, optical 230
Effective mass, table 208
Effective mass, tensor 198 240
Einstein relation 337
Einstein temperature 96 100
Elastic constants, brugger 84
Elastic constants, second-order 84 137
Elastic constants, third order 86
Elastic constants, Voight abbreviations 84
Elastic stress-strain relations 82 88
Elastic waves 102 119
Electrical conductivity, de 218
Electrical conductivity, general characteristics 214
Electrical conductivity, liquid state 222
Electrical resistivity, temperature dependence of 223
Electrolyte 351
Electrolyte, semiconductor analogy 306
Electron spin, magnetic interactions of 372 73
Electron-photon interaction 235 424
Electronic properties 201
Electronic specific heat 202 2 06 208 212
Elementary excitations of electron gas 455 63
Energy band structure, III — V compounds 292
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, Cu 183
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, Ge 288
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, InSb 289
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, Ni 183
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, Pb 160 192
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, PbTe 291
Energy band structure, III — V compounds, ZnS 290
Energy bandgap 49
Energy bands, empty lattice 145
Energy bands, formation of 142
Energy bands, group theory of 147
Energy bands, maximum and minimum 175 76
Energy bands, semiconductors 286
Energy bands, width 176
Energy conversion via thermoelectric effects 242
Equilibrium distribution 217
Equipartition theorem 202
Ewald construction 52
Exchange integral 376
Exchange potential 375
Excitation spectra of pair-hole pair 476
Excitation spectra of plasmon 476
Excitations of electron-hole pairs 471
Excitations of plasmon 476
Excitations, collective 455
FE 304 394 402
Fermi Golden Rule 37
Fermi level 306 07
Fermi surface 149 157
Fermi surface, construction 150 200
Fermi surface, displacement by electric field 213
Fermi surface, effect of weak lattice potential 161
Fermi surface, extremal area 271
Fermi surface, pipe model 153 273
Fermi — Dirac statistics 203
Ferrites 402
Ferromagnetic resonance 367
Ferromagnetism, exchange and correlation in 378
Ferromagnetism, Stoner model of 398
Ferromagnetism, theory of 386
Feynman wave functions 450
Finite element groups 485
Flux quantization 256
Flux quantization in superconductor 416
Fock equation 465
Fock exchange 375
Fock representation 465
Fourier series 120
Fourier trannsform 35
Free energy of a lattice 133 136
Free energy of superconductors 420
Friedel oscillations 73
Frohlich — Hamiltonian 429
GaAS 239 341 348
Galilean invariance 462
ge 241 249 323
Geometrical structure factor 22
Gibb’s ensemble 215
Ginsberg — Landau theory 415
Goodenough — Kanamori rule 390
Green’s function 430
Group representations 191 486 87
Group theory 9 483
Gunn effect 340
gyromagnetic ratio 383
Hall constant 248
Hall effect 244 247 49 293
Hall field 247
Harrison’s construction of Fermi surface 157
Hartree — Fock approximation 377 78 440
Hartree — Fock approximation in equation-of-motion method 467
Hartree — Fock approximation, time dependent 469
Hartree — Fock energy 381
Hartree — Fock equation 379
HE 3 456
heat capacity 134 139 422
Heisenberg exchange 387
Heisenberg ferromagnet 387
Heisenberg Hamiltonian 375
Heisenberg representation 235
Hexagonal close-packed lattice 6 18 153
High temperature superconductor 410
hole 301 13 198 345
Hund’s rule 384
Hybridization gap 188
Hydrogen bond 80
Hydrogenic impurity 199 313
Hysteresis 364
Impurity levels 323
Impurity potential 195 314 319
Impurity surface states 318
Impurity, isoelectronic trap 302 319
Impurity, optical absorption lines 317
Impurity, p-type 302
Impurity, theory of 313 21
Indirect transition 231
Injection current 328
integrated circuits 330
Intraband transition 341
Ion-ion potential 73 74
Ion-plasma frequency 100
ionic bond 57 60
Ionization energy 78
Ising model 377
Isoelectronic trap 319
Isotope effect 432
Itinerant electron picture 36
Jahn — Teller distortions 368
Jellium temperature 98
Joint density of states 239
Jones Zone 295 96
Josephson effect 444 449
Josephson equation 451
Junction rectifier 326 329
K-p perturbation method 196
Kohler’s rule 254
Koopman’s theorem 458 468
Koster — Slater model 320
Kramers — Kronig relations 229 447
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