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Fritjof Capra — The Tao of physics |
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Reasoning 29 31 33 46
Reasoning, limitations 48
Reasoning, mistrust 113f
Reasoning, transcended 149
Regge formalism 274 294f
Regge, Tullio 274
Regularities in particle world 248ff 254f 256 274
Relativistic framework 150 167 169 200 203
Relativity theory 18 42 45 54 61 62ff 75 77 80f 149 151 161 164ff 192 200 203 207f 210 261 263f 273 275 288 297
Relativity theory, general 63 173 176ff 196f 208ff
Relativity theory, special 62 173 200
Religion 85 244
Religion, Western 90
Research, scientific 30f 35 41
Resonance 228 248 253 269f 276
Rhythm 11 194 223 240ff 247
Riemann, Georg 176
Rig Veda 86 88 190
Rinzai school 49 124
Rita 190
Ritual 85f 89 102 126
Russell, Bertrand 32 46
Rutherford, Ernest 65 67 69
S matrix 262 265 271 274 294f
S matrix, properties 276
S matrix, singularities 276
S matrix, structure 274ff
S-matrix diagram 262f
S-matrix principles 274ff 294
S-matrix theory 262ff 286 294f 299
Sage, Chinese 101f 105 191
Samadhi 131
Samsara 95 191 212
Samskara (sankhara) 204
Sanskrit 86 96
Sanzen 124
Satori 121ff
Scattering 47 80 170 180
Schroedinger, Erwin 66
science 25 28
Science and mysticism 306f
Science, Chinese 34 289
Science, Eastern 163
Science, Greek 257
Science, Western 19ff 162 287
Scientific analysis 307
Scientific framework 276 278 288 294 301
Scientific method 31
seeing 35
Self 23f 95 98 212
Self-consistency 286 288 290 291 294 299
Self-interaction 219 244
Sensory perception 51
Sensuousness in Hinduism 90
Shakti 90
Shikan-taza 40
Shiva 44 89f 148f 191 242ff
Sigma particle 227 264ff
Sir Lovell, Bernard 198
Socrates 27
Solar system 57
Solid aspect 69f 203
Solid aspect in subatomic physics 17 222 293
Solid aspect, structure 257
Solid aspect, ultimate nature 50 72
Soto school 125
Sound 11 241f 269
Space 17 54f 62ff 81 150 161ff 196f 210 275
Space measurements, relativity of 64 164ff 178
Space, absolute 55 61f 161 166 178
Space, beginning of 198
Space, curved 28 63f 176ff 196f 208
Space, empty 64 208 222
Space, structure 208 221
Space-time 62 64 80 150 168 185f 264 297 299 301 306
Space-time diagram 180ff 216ff 236 238 263
Space-time experience of Eastern mystics 71f 185f
Space-time, curved 173ff
Space-time, flat 177
Space-time, structure 178
Spin 248 253
Spontaneity 102 116 124f
Stapp, Henry 132 136 139
Star 64 74 169 176f 194 209 229 235
Star, collapsing 177f
Structures, atomic 278
Structures, composite 285 295
Subatomic world 51 66 80 149 158f 204f 211f 217 225 247 258 278 306
Submicroscopic world 50 74f 199
Substance, material 17 77 80 201ff 212f
Suchness 29 43 94 97 131 155
Sun 74 169 177 196
Sunyata 97 212
Sutra 19 96 121f 215 223
Suzuki, D.T., quoted 34f 45f 52 98ff 122 146 172 179 189 204 270 290 297
symbols 27 31ff 44f
Symmetry 249f
Symmetry in particle physics 251ff 261 274 282f
Symmetry, Eastern view 257 280 282
Symmetry, fundamental 257
Symmetry, Greek view 257
T'ai Chi Ch'uan 38 40 213
T'ai-chi symbol 107 160
Tantra 139
Tantric Buddhism 139 149
Tantric Hinduism 90
TAO 29 35 37 39 102 104ff 113ff 122 131 146f 163 189f 191 204 211 213 278 289
Tao of man 104
Tao of physics 25
| Tao To Ching see "Lao Tzu"
Taoism 19 27 34ff 43 47 81 102ff 113ff 122 131 191 213 289
Tathagata 191
Tathata 97 131 189
Tea ceremonies, Japanese 39 125
technology 17 23 36 199 245 304
Temporal sequence 62 165 185f
Tendencies to exist 68 133 154 240
Thales 20
Theories 30 35
Theories, approximate nature 41 44 287
Things, compounded 96 191 204
Things, essential nature of 20 50f 98 304
Things, separate 131
Thinking, Chinese way of 103f
Thinking, conceptual 39 97 122
Thinking, linear structure of 27 44
Thirring, Walter 214 222
Thought 186 301
Thought, Chinese 101ff 160 204 289f
Thought, Western 23f 173 285
Time 17 54 62ff 81 150 161ff 196 275
Time experience of mystics 179 186f
Time interval 170 177
Time measurements, relativity of 64 164ff 178
Time, absolute 55 61 63 161 166 178
Time, beginning of 198
Time, direction of 183ff 236
Time, flow of 55 64 162 177 178 183ff
Time, slowing down of 170
Tozan 291
Transformation 110 114 168 192 204 261 278 281ff
Trigram 279ff
Trishna 95
Ts'ai-km t'an 205
Uncertainty principle 140 158ff 192 219 263
Unification of concepts 149ff 169 200 215 306
Unification of space and time 150 169 203
Unity of all things 130 142 291 305
Unity of opposites 145ff
Unity of the universe 24 68 81 131 173 209 307
Universe, age 197
Universe, dynamic nature 25 81 173 189ff
Universe, expanding 196ff
Universe, oscillating 198
Universe, structure 176 196f
Upanishads 27 86 89
Upanishads, quoted 26 29 86ff 90 142 154 190 211f
Vacuum, physical 222
Vedanta 33 89 113
Vedas 19 85f 108 291
Velocity 63 165 169f
Velocity of subatomic particle 156 170 193 216 263
Vibration 155 159
Vibration, thermal 194
Vishnu 89 94
Vision 186 293 298 301
Vivekananda, Swami 186
Void in classical physics 55 207f
Void in Eastern mysticism 211ff 222f
Void in modern physics 221ff 245
Void, Buddhist 97 212
Void, Greek 21 55
Void, Taoist 212 214
von Laue, Max 65
W meson 230
Warrior 40f 86 129
Wave 61 152ff
Wave packet 157ff 192f
Wave, electromagnetic 46ff 61 210
Wave, light 60f 153 167 207 235
Wave, radio 60f 207 235
Wave, sound 61 152f 242 269
Wave, standing 70f
Wave, water 61 152f 212f
Wave-particle dualism 67 69 151ff
Wavelength 155f 193
Way of life, Chinese 107 115
Way of life, Eastern 37 146
Way of life, Japanese 121 125
Way of life, mystical 307
Web of relations 68 138 142 159 192 292
Web, cosmic 139 203 296
Web, dynamic 80 192 286
Weisskopf, Victor 153
Weyl, Hermann 213
Wheeler, John 141
Wigner, Eugene 300
Wilhelm, Hellmut 282
Wilhelm, Richard 108 283
World line 180ff 216 237f
World view of modern physics 12 17f 25 54 99 173 204 257f 290 304 307
World view, Chinese 289
World view, Eastern 19 24f 99 130 145 173 203f 211 286 289f 304
World view, mechanistic 22ff 56 64 68 207 286 303 307
World view, organic 24f 54 304
Wu-wei 117
X rays 47 60f 65 235
Yin and Yang 27 106ff 114ff 146ff 160 215 251 279 280f 283 307
yoga 25 38 89 113
Yogacara 277
Yuen-men 191
Yukawa, Hideki 219
Zazen 125
Zen 11 28 34ff 37 43f 48ff 121ff 257
Zen master 43 48ff 52f 123f 291
Zenrin kushu, quoted 34 125
Zimmer, Heinrich 243
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