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Guru B.S., Hiziroğlu H.R. — Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals |
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Right-handed screw rule in electric fields 100
Right-handed screw rule, fields 3 32
Right-handed screw rule, functions, gradient of 41—4
Right-handed screw rule, line integral 37
Right-handed screw rule, multiplication by a vector 16
Right-handed screw rule, projection 17
Right-handed screw rule, quantities 14
Right-handed screw rule, scalars, directional derivatives 43
Right-handed screw rule, self inductance 290—4 337
Right-handed screw rule, triple product of three vectors 20 62
Rrewxter’s law directing polari/alion 408—9
Short-circuit termination 455—6
Short-circuit termination, voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) 457—9
SI (international system of units) 1
SI (International System of Units) and the constant of proportionality 71
SI (International System of Units), derived units 2
SI (International System of Units), field quantities 3
SI (International System of Units), unit conversion factors 2
Single coils, in a magnetic field 301 3
Skin depth 367 489—93
Skin effect 485—90 492
Skin effect from Maxwell's equations 486—9
Skin effect, attenuation constant 488—9
Skin effect, internal impedance (surface impedance) 488—90
Skin resistance (surface resistivity) 371—2
Slot antenna 547—8
Smith chart 620
Smith chart and input impedance matching 636—40
Smith chart, application examples 623—31
Smith chart, description and usage 620—3
Smith chart, input admittance: of a transmission line from impedance 634—6
Smith chart, matching with shunt stub lines 636—40
Smith chart, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). determination with 631—4
Snell's law of reflection 395—6 407
Snell's Law of Refraction 395—6
Spherical coordinate systems 28—32
Spherical coordinate systems, differential volume elements 35—6 36
Spherical coordinate systems, transformation of vectors 30—2
Spherical waves 547—8
Standing waves in transmission lines: about standing waves 453—5
Standing waves with dielectric-perfect conductor interface 388
Standing waves, matched termination 457
Standing waves, open-circuit termination 456—7
Standing waves, resistive (characteristic impedance) termination 457
Static fields 6—7 33
Static fields, applications of: cathode-ray oscilloscope 243—6
Static fields, cyclotron 256—8 268
Static fields, deflection of a charged particle 241—3 267
Static fields, direct-current motor 265—7
Static fields, electromagnetic flowmeter 264
Static fields, electromagnetic pump 264—5
Static fields, electrostatic generator 250—2
Static fields, electrostatic voltmeter 252—3 267-8
Static fields, Hall-effect voltage 261—3 268
Static fields, ink-jet printer 246—7
Static fields, isotope separators 261
Static fields, magnetic deflection 254—6
Static fields, magnetic separator 253
Static fields, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator 263—4
Static fields, mass spectrometer 259—61 268
Static fields, mineral sorting 247—9 679
Steady electric currents (see Current)
Steady/direct Stokes’ theorem 53—5 63 196 198 296
Stub lines, shunt 460—2
Successive over-relaxation (SOR) method, computer-aided analysis 596—8
Surface charge density 76
Surface impedance, from skin effect 488—90
Surface integrals 39—41
Surface resistivity (skin resistance) 371—2
Synchroton 258
Synchroton, velocity selector/filter 258—61 (see also Electrostatics; magnetostatics)
Taylor series expansion, with curl 50 1
Telegraphist's equations 431
TEM (see Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves)
Temperature, SI units I teslas 178
Time domain equations for transmission lines 469
Time-harmonic fields 319—24
Time-varying electromagnetic fields 7—9 33
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, applications of 324—5
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, autotransformers 331 4
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, betatron 334—6
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, energy in a magnetic field 301—4
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, Faraday’s law of induction 282 6
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, inductance of coupled coils 298—301
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, Maxwell’s equation (Faraday's law) 286—90
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, Maxwell’s equation from Ampere’s law 304—8
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditioned 309—14
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations from Gauss’s laws 308—9
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, motional electromotive force (emf) 276—82 336
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, mutual inductance 294—8
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, Poynting’s theorem 314—19
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, self inductance 290—4 337
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, time-harmonic fields 319—24
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, transformers 325—31 338
Toroids 217
Transformation of 25 30
Transformation of Van de Graaff generator 250—2
Transformation of Van de Graaff, Robert J. 250
Transformer electromotive force (emf) 285
Transformer equation 285
Transformers 325—6 338
Transformers, a-ratio of transformation 327
Transformers, air-cored 326
Transformers, autotransformers 331—4
Transformers, cfficicncy 329 331
Transformers, equivalent circuit 328—30
Transformers, ideal 326—8
Transformers, iron-cored 326
Transformers, magnetization current 326
Transformers, power considerations 327—8
Transformers, real 328—31
Transient response/waveforms 468—85 492
Transient waveforms in transmission lines 468—85
Transient waveforms, about transmission line transients 468—9
Transient waveforms, equations, time domain 469
Transient waveforms, impulse response 470—3
Transient waveforms, lattice/bounce diagrair.s 476 8 480 5
Transient waveforms, step response 473—6
Transit time, lossless transmission line 432
| Transmission coefficients 382 451—2
Transmission line/telegraphist’s equations 431
Transmission lines 10 421—31
Transmission lines, characteristic impedance 465—7 492
Transmission lines, discontinuity points 4 1—3
Transmission lines, equations, time domain 469
Transmission lines, input impedance 443—50 491-2
Transmission lines, lossless 424 491
Transmission lines, parallel-plate 423—40
Transmission lines, power loss with imperfect materials 462—8
Transmission lines, skin effect and resistance 485—90 492
Transmission lines, standing waves 453 60
Transmission lines, stub lines 460—2
Transmitted waves 380
Transmitted wavesuniform transmission line 422
Transmitted wavesuniqueness theorem 57—8
Transmitted wavesunit conversion factors 2
Transmitted wavesunit vector 15
Transmitting antenna (see Antennas)
Transverse electric (TE), cavity resonators 524—6
Transverse electric (TE), power flow 523—4
Transverse electric (TE), rectangular waveguides 10 518—26
Transverse electric (TE), waves 325 421
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves 10 324—5 421
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves in a diclcctric medium 353—4 (see also Transmission lines: wave propagation plane
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves 325 421
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, cavity resonators 532—4 534-6
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, power flow 514—18
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves, rectangular waveguides 10 508—18
Trigonometric identities, conductor-conductor interface 380—5
Trigonometric identities, dielectric perfect conductor interfaces 387—90 399—406 409
Trigonometric identities, dielectric-conductor interface 390—2
Trigonometric identities, dielectric-dielectric interface 385—6 396—9 408-9
Trigonometric identities, incident waves 380—92
Trigonometric identities, list of 663—4
Trigonometric identities, reflected waves 380
Trigonometric identities, uniform medium, and plane wave propagation 352
Trigonometric identities, uniform plane waves 380
types of 422
Types of sending and receiving 440—3 (see also Transient waveforms in
Types of uniform transmission line 422
Types of voltage and current: imperfect lines 466—8
Vector fields 32
Vector fields, classification 58—60
Vector fields, curl of 49—55 62
Vector fields, divergence 44—9 62
Vector fields, identities 60—1
Vector fields, rotational 52
Vector operations, addition 15—16
Vector operations, associative law of addition 16
Vector operations, calculus 33—4
Vector operations, commutative law of addition 16
Vector operations, cross products 18—20 25 62
Vector operations, dot product of two vectors 17—18
Vector operations, multiplication by a scalar 16
Vector operations, product of two vcctors 17 20
Vector operations, products 61
Vector operations, projection 17
Vector operations, subtraction 16
Vector operations, sum 61
Vector operations, transformation of vectors 25—7 30—2
Vector operations, triple product of three vectors 201 (see also Scalars)
Vector(s) 3 4 5 14
Vector(s), analysts 4—5
Vector(s), dependent vectors 16
Vector(s), divergence theorem 5 46 9 63
Vector(s), gradient of a scalar function 41—4 62
Vector(s), Green s theorem 57 63
Vector(s), identities 60—1 205
Vector(s), irrotational/conservative vector field 52
Vector(s), Laplacian operator/Laplace's equation 55—6 63
Vector(s), null/zero vector 15 60
Vector(s), orthogonal vectors 22
Vector(s), quantities 14—15
Vector(s), uniqueness theorem 57—8
Vector(s), unit vectors 15 25 30
Velocity of propagation, parallel-plate transmission lines 432
Velocity selector/filter 258—61
Voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) 457—9 491-2
Voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR), determination with Smith chart 631—4
Volume charge density 76
Volume current density 140 160 162
Volume integrals 41
Wave(s) and Maxwell’s equations 9 352 549
Wave(s) plane waves 9
Wave(s) radio 362
Wave(s) reflected 380 381 436—8 451-3
Wave(s) refracted 358 395—6
Wave(s) spherical 9
Wave(s) transmitted 380 547 plane
Wave(s), equations in terms of potential functions 549—52
Wave(s), guided 421
Waveguides circular 503
Waveguides circular, equations in Cartesian coordinates 505 8
Waveguides circular, parallel plate 502 681
Waveguides circular, power flow 523—4
Waveguides circular, power losses, imperfect dielectric medium, perfectly conducting walls 529—31
Waveguides circular, power losses, perfect dielectric medium, finitely conducting walls 526—9
Waveguides circular, rectangular: about waveguides 10 502—5 540-1
Waveguides circular, transverse electric (TE) mode 10 518—26
Waveguides circular, transverse magnetic (TM) mode 10 508 18
Waveguides wave propagation and Maxwell’s equations 9 352 549
Waveguides wave propagation in a conducting medium 363—70
Waveguides wave propagation in a dielectric medium 353—62
Waveguides wave propagation in a good conductor 370—3
Waveguides wave propagation in a good dielectric 374—5
Waveguides wave propagation in free space 362—3
Waveguides wave propagation incident waves 380—92
Waveguides wave propagation polarization of a wave 376—80
Waveguides wave propagation uniform medium 352 (see also Uniform plane)
Waveguides wave propagation, backward-traveling waves 358
Waveguides wave propagation, forward-traveling waves 356—8
Waveguides wave propagation, general wave equations 351—3
Waveguides wave propagation, oblique incidence on a plane boundary 392—410
Waveguides wave propagation, plane waves: about plane waves 351 410—12
Wavelength 356—7
Wavelength in free space 363
Waves wave speed in free space 362
Zero/null 15 60
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