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Stroh L.K., Johnson H.H. — The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting
Stroh L.K., Johnson H.H. — The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting

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Название: The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting

Авторы: Stroh L.K., Johnson H.H.


This is the book! I believe The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting is a book you will be drawn to repeatedly over your career in consulting. Just as Stroh and Johnson note throughout the book, when most consultants fail, its because they have never learned (or have forgotten) the basics of doing consulting...The basic principles can be applied regardless of your specialty area. Whether its IT, or Marketing, Six Sigma, Engineering or Golf Course design, the consulting model outlined in this book is outstanding; and it works!
—Robert L. Lorber
CEO, Lorber Kamai Consulting Group, From the Foreword

Stroh and Johnson have done a great service to those who are starting out in the consulting industry: they have distilled the essence of what it is that consultants need to know. They have also provided a handy reference for those who are already in the consulting industry and occasionally need to be reminded of the importance of the basic principles of consultancy that are necessary for successful organizational change. The reader gets not only the benefit of the insight and original perspective of these academics, but also the practical experience and advice from seasoned consultants. This is a how-to book that is destined to become the go-to book for novice and seasoned consultants alike.
—Margaret A. Neale
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

Stroh and Johnson have written a book that consultants will want in their briefcase, both to view for self when challenged with a client dilemma, and to use with clients to support the consulting process. The From the Experts sections will excite, inform, and assure clients that the work being done in their company is on the money!
—Marilyn Blair
Managing Editor, Organization Development Network Publications

Язык: en

Рубрика: Психология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 175

Добавлена в каталог: 13.03.2010

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