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Efetov K. — Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos
Efetov K. — Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos

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Название: Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos

Автор: Efetov K.


The development of the supersymmetry technique has led to significant advances in the study of disordered metals and semiconductors. Proven of great use in the analysis of modern mesoscopic quantum devices, the technique has also found applications in other areas, such as localization and quantum chaos. This volume provides comprehensive treatment of the ideas and uses of supersymmetry. The first four chapters set out the basic results and some straightforward applications of the technique. Thereafter, Professor Efetov covers a range of topics in detail, including random matrix theory, persistent currents in mesoscopic rings, transport in mesoscopic devices, localization in quantum wires and films, and the quantum Hall effect. Special features include problems and solutions drawn from mesoscopics, localization, and quantum chaos, and extended introductions that make each chapter self-contained. The text will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in condensed matter, statistical, and mathematical physics and in quantum chaos.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Методы квантовой теории поля/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 441

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Gradescul, S.      292
Gradshteyn, I.S.      335 336 339
Granulated metal      276 312 328
Granulated metal, superconducting      326
Grassmann algebra      9
Grassmann algebra, even elements of      19 20
Green function, advanced      36 51
Green function, retarded      36 51
Grempel, D.R.      279
Gross, D.J.      269 270 272 379
Group, hyperbolic      281
Group, noncompact      281 329
Group, renormalization      79 318 355—356 358 389
Grussbach, H.      364 391
Gunter, L.      152 326
Gutzwiller, M.C.      94
Haake, F.      94 264 273
Hackenbroich, G.      117
Haldane, F.D.M.      267
Hall plateau      382 386
Halperin, B.I.      376 382
Halperin, W.P.      92 119 122 125 135 136 139 149
Halsey, T.C.      364 391
Harmonics, generalized spherical      357
Harmonics, space      98
Harmonics, zero      167 357 394
Hartmann, U.      305
Hauser, W.      209
Heeger, A.J.      367
Heldt, N.      381
Helgason, S.      298
Henneke, M.      364
Henry, C.R.      119
Hentschel, H.G.E.      364
Hibbs, A.R.      269 280
Highly conducting polymers      366—367
Hikami, S.      35 47 78 79 85 86
Hopkins, F.      386
Hornung, M.      364 365
Hough ton, A.      58
Huang, K.      325
Huckestein, B.      391
Huo, Y      391
Hypothesis, ergodic      194 277
Hypothesis, Riemann      95
Iida, S.      168 172—174 187 205 206 210 217 225 228 232 237 245 278
Impurity, magnetic      66—67
Impurity, potential      66
Impurity, spin-orbit      66—67 69 184
Imry, Y      94 152 162 164 190 219 292 311 326 386
Instanton      380 383—384 389
Insulator      343
Insulator, Hall      384 386
Integral over anticommuting variables      17
Interference      29 32 189
Ioffe, L.B.      72
Iordansky, S.V.      377
Ishigoro, T.      367 372
Isihara, A.      38 246
Itzykson, C.      378
Izergin, G.      268
Izrailev, F.M.      278 279 293
Jain, D.K.      376
Jalabert, R.A.      212 217 233 235 238 239 243
JanBen, M.      364 376 379 381 384 391 392
Javadi, H.H.S.      367 372
Johnson, M.      366
Kamenev, A.      254
Kane, C.L.      197 220
Kang, W.      376
Kanter, I.      372
Karawarabayashi, T.      391
Kastner, M.A.      235
Katsumoto, S.      364
Kazakov, V.A.      269
Kazarinov, R.F.      377
Keller, M.W.      213 217
Kettemann, S.      311 317
Khmelnitskii, D.E.      32 33 35 44 47 50 58 78 79 85 104 190 194 195 322 355 362 388—390 395
Khveshchenko, D.V.      72
Kidambi, V.      399—401
Kirk, W.P.      189
Kirkpatrick, S.      325 365
Kirkpatrick, T.R.      32 364
Kivelson, S.      386
Klebanov, I.R.      269
Knight shift      148—150
Knight, W.D.      149
Kobayashi, S.      149
Kogut,J.B.      321 322 358
Kopietz,P.      182
Korepin, V.E.      268
Kostant, B.      9
Kosterlitz, J.M      318 326
Kramer, B.      31 32 196 343 363 364 391
Kramers degeneracy      184
Kramers, H.A.      184
Kravchenko, S.V.      386
Kravtsov, V.E.      31 79 86 117 133 184 185 229 362 391 398
Kubo,R.      92 120
Kudrolli, A.      399—401
Kumar, N.      276
Kunz, H.      326 366
Kurchatov, I.V.      319
Lakshmanan, M.      273
Landau level      378—379
Landau level, center of      388
Landau, L.D.      184 319 326 331
Landauer, R.      152 190 197
Lane, A.M.      199
Langer, J.S.      44 380
Langreth, D.C      197
Laplacian      269 298 344
Larkin, A I.      32 33 35 44 47 50 58 78 79 85 104 267 275 280 281 291 322 329 355 388
Laughlin, R.B.      382
Law, Mott      316
Law, Ohm      300
Law, particle conservation      39 77
Law, Poisson      94 114 120
Law, Wigner semicircle      89 117
Le Guillou, J.C.      79 83
Lee, D.-H.      386
Lee, P.A.      31 32 46 94 189 190 191 193 194 197 220 235 262 267 268 271 272 364 376
Leites, D.A.      8
Leitner, D.M.      279 293
Length      53 363
Length, localization      29—30 98 290—293 344—345
Length, magnetic      34
Length, phase coherence      361
Lerner, I.V.      31 79 86 146 229 292 362 391 398
Leschke, H.      381
Level crossing      311 313
Level repulsion      92 112 114 153 172
Level repulsion, suppression of      311—313
Level velocity      254
Level width      206
Levine, H.      50 80 386 388
Levy, L.P.      152 156 157 164 182 188 317
Libby, S.B.      50 80 386 388
Lichtenberg, A.J.      93
Lichtman, E.P.      8
Liebermann, M.A.      93
Lifshitz, E.M.      184 319 326 331
Lifshitz, I.M      292
localization      29—30
Localization, center of      114 316
Localization, dynamic      279
Localization, weak      35 209—210
Log-normal asymptotics      398
London gauge      136 166
Lozovik, Y.E.      377
Lucini, C.      195
Lurui, S.      377
Luttinger liquid      268
Ma, S.K.      321
MacDiarmid, A.G.      372
Macedo, A.M.S.      276
MacKinnon, A.      31 32 343 363
Magnetic field      34 76
Magnetic field, crossover      136
Magnetic field, hydrogen in      95 262—263
Magnetoresistance      78
Mailly, D.      152 156 157 160 165
Mandelbrot, B.B.      391
Marcus, C.M.      210 213 217
Marichev, O.I.      295
Marikhin, V.G.      379 380 382 384
Martin, I.L.      8
Mathur,H.      187
Matrix, Pauli      67
Matrix, scattering      209 217 276
Matrix, transfer      276
Maximal entropy ansatz      291
McKane, A.J.      9
Mean free time      29 40
Mean free time, inelastic      33
Mean level spacing      88 96 120
Mehta, M.L.      71 79 92 95 96 102 109 111 117 172 185 250 253 272 273
Meir, Y.      235
Mello, P.A.      212 217 224 276
Melnikov,V.I.      291 316
Meshkov, S.V.      72
Mesoscopic object      157 189 190
Metal cluster      119 126
Metallic boundary conditions      200
Mezard, M.      372
Miek, B.      391
Mikeska, H.J.      264
Milnikov, G.V.      391
Mirlin, A.D.      71 117 133 278 279 294 296 297 341 366 372—374 377 398—400
Mode, diffusion      45—47
Mode, Goldstone      49 55 64
Model, Anderson      365
Model, Brownian motion      246 249 266 272
Model, Calogero — Sutherland      251 253 272
Model, continuous matrix      268—270
Model, Coulomb gas      246—247 266 273
Model, Heisenberg      48 277
Model, kicked rotator      278 293
Model, nonlinear or      50 64
Model, O(3)      389
Model, one-dimensional fermionic      267—268
Model, spin      322
Molchanov, S.A.      114 274
Molinary, L.      279 293
Montambaux, G.      156 174 182 183 254
Montgomery, H.L.      95
Moser, J.      268
Mott,N.F.      29 274 316 345
Mucciolo, E.R.      238
Muehlschlegel, B.      124 125
Mueller-Groeling, A.      297
Multifractality      364 391 399
Multiprobe structure      197
Muzykantskii, B.A.      362 395
Nagaev, E.L.      119
Nagaoka,Y.      31 35 78 85
Nakamura, K.      273
nanotechnology      94
Narayan, O.      273
Neal, T.      44
Neemann, J.      9
Nelson, D.R.      79
Nishioka, H.      94 205
Nogami, Y      367 372
Noncompactness      329—330 334 355—359
Nozieres, P.      267
Nuclear magnetic resonance      125 138
Odlyzko, A.M.      95
Oh, S.      162
Ohtsuki, T.      364 391
Ono, Y.      364 377 391
Onsager relation      385
Operator, charge      39
Operator, current      39 42 191
Operator, momentum      36
Optimization problem      372
Orbital paramagnetism      173
Order parameter      59 65 319
Order parameter, functional      341 366
Ornstein, L.S.      246 250
Oscillator strength      263
Ott, E.      278
Pakhomov, V.F.      8 21
Paladin, G.      391
Pandey,A.      172 185
Parametric correlations      246
Parametrization, magnetic field      168 172
Parametrization, standard      168 172
Parisi,G.      8 9 341 372 418
Pastur, L.A.      274 292
Patashinskii, A.Z.      321
Path      32—33
Path, self-intersecting      32—33
Pechukas, P.      273
Pelcovits, R.A.      79
Peliti, L.      391
Pepper, M.      376
Pereyra, P.      276
Pichard, J.-L.      212 217 233 291
Pikin, S.A      280 329
Pines, D.      267
Piran, T.      269 270 272
Pluhar, Z.      211
Point contact      226—227
Pokrovskii, V.L.      321
Polarizability      121—122 134 135
Polyakov, A.M      79 80 389
Pook, W.      391
Porter, C.E.      92 235
Power spectrum      219
Prange, R.E.      279 376
Prigara, F.V.      114 228 239 311
Prigodin, V.N.      138 147 225 232 237 238 275 295 367 370
Procaccia, I.      364
Pruisken, A.M.M.      50 80 386 388 390
Pudalov, V.M.      386
Quantization, Hall      382
Quantization, transversal      197
Quantum correction      34 35 48 73
Quantum dot      94 190 196
Quasi particle      45 137 234
Quasi-localized states      359 361 395 400
Ramakrishnan, T.V.      31—33 78 364
Random magnetic field      67—68
random matrix      89
Random matrix, band      278 293
Random matrix, sparse      372
Random potential      36 42 44 53
Random potential, $\delta$-correlated      41
Random potential, white-noise      43
Random walk      33
Rashba, E.I.      291 316
Read, N.      376
Reed, M.A.      189
Regime of chaotic dynamics      93 212
Regime, ballistic      165 312
Regime, diffusive      157—158 290
Regime, insulating      343 360
Regime, metallic      361
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