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Mayer R. — How to Win Any Argument: Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, or Coming to Blows
Mayer R. — How to Win Any Argument: Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, or Coming to Blows

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Название: How to Win Any Argument: Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, or Coming to Blows

Автор: Mayer R.


Are you the parent of an argumentative teen or a teen with an argumentative parent? Are you anticipating an argument with your boss when you ask for a raise? Are you expecting trouble from a supplier, contractor, landlord, or subordinate? Or do you just ignore conflict situations hoping that they'll magically disappear or solve themselves? The art of argument. It's mysterious and powerful. It's the art of having things go your way. But also it's the art of getting out of your own way. It's having The Moves. But it's also about having The Touch. Arguing. There's the rough and tumble of the norm, the amateur's game. Then there's the pro's game-always knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Winning arguments without quarreling, squabbling, tussling, wrangling, bickering, raising your voice, losing your cool, or coming to blows. Winning arguments without bulldozing and browbeating the other guy. Winning arguments by finessing rather than forcing, kickin' butt or being in the other guy's face. Winning arguments without offending or embarrassing anyone, including yourself. Winning arguments with confidence, grace and ease.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 223

Добавлена в каталог: 06.03.2010

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