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Fukushima E., w. Roeder S.B. — Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach
Fukushima E., w. Roeder  S.B. — Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach

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Íàçâàíèå: Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach

Àâòîðû: Fukushima E., w. Roeder S.B.


This book is about pulse nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), with its techniques, the information to be obtained, and practical advice on performing experiments. The emphasis is on the motivation and physical ideas underlying NMR experiments and the actual techniques, including the hardware used. The level is generally suitable for those to whom pulse NMR is a new technique, be they students in chemistry or physics on the one hand and research workers in biology, geology, or agriculture, on the other. The book can be used for a senior or first year graduate course where it could supplement the standard NMR texts.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 539

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.03.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Linder      186 196
Lindon, J.C.      77 77
Livesey, D.L.      188 196
Locher, D.R.      186 196
Locher, P.R.      226 440
Lock solvents      449—452
Look, D.C.      186 196 268 270
Lorentzian function      138
Losche, A.      408 415
Lowe, I.J.      2 14 206 209 252 255 268 270 281 283 367 367 383 383 385 385 395 400 408 416 462 463 479 479 487 489 490 493 494 494 496 497 497 497 497 497
Lurie, F.M.      289 292
Lyerla, J.R., Jr.      140 150
MacDonald, D.K.C.      239 240
Magic angle      225
Magic angle spinning (MAS)      276 279—282
Magic-tee      419—420
Magic-tee as duplexer      393—394
Magic-tee for measuring tank impedance      421—422
Magnet      312—317 346—348 353
Magnet, air-core      312—313
Magnet, iron-core      313—315
Magnet, permanent      313
Magnet, superconducting      315—317
Magnetic field      see also "$H_{1}$" "Homogeneity"
Magnetic field, gradient calibration      210—215
Magnetic field, inhomogeneity      25—28
Magnetic moment, nuclear      4—5
Mahnke, H.      156 157
Malmberg, M.S.      157
Mangelsdorf, P.C.      188 197
Manning, J.R.      197 201
Mansfield, P.      252 255 256 256 293 293 295 295
Marchal, J.P.      88
Martin, G.J.      513
Martin, M.L.      98 138 513
Maryott, A.A.      155 157
Matsui, S.      493 497
McCall, D.W.      385
McKay, R.A.      397 400
McLachlan, A.D.      159 513
McLachlan, L.A.      190 191 197 397 400
McNeil, J.A.      329 397 399
Meadows, M.      387 388
Meakin, P.      57 60 106
Medwar, P.B.      511 512
Mehring, M.      135 135 226 227 276 278 290 292 293 295 295 367 399 415
Meiboom, S.      33 35 335
Menger, E.M.      490
Meyer, B.      105
Millman, J.      328 330
Modulation theorem      49
Moments      227—241
Moments and FID      233—234 253
Moniz, W.B.      291
Moore, W.S.      189 197
Morris, G.A.      112 115 116 116 117 120 291 292
Moskvich, Yu.N.      252 255
Mossbrugger, H.      490
Mullen, K.      513
Multiple pulse line-narrowing in solids      292—295
Murday, J.S.      212 215
Nakashima, T.      116
Neeley, J.W.      474
Neff, B.L.      120 121
Newman, R.H.      102 106
Noack, F.      130 135 135 140 143 150
Noble, J.D.      399
NOE      see "Nuclear Overhauser enhancement"
Noggle, J.H.      102 106 140 150 154
Noise      12—14 303 468—483
Noise, coherent      468—474
Noise, random      468—469
Norberg, R.E.      2 14 252 254 256 282 282
Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE)      101—102 154 163 183
Nuclei, sensitivity of      437—440
Nyquist frequency      62 77 475—476
O'Reilly, D.E.      226 227
Oldfield, E.      75 387 388
Oscilloscope      454—455
Ostroff, E.D.      293 295
Oxygen removal from samples      161—164
Pajer, R.T.      64 75
Palmer, L.      196
Parks, S.I.      71 75
Peat, I.R.      163 164 176 180 181 182 185
Pegg, D.T.      105
Perepezko, J.H.      330
Petersen, S.B.      105 106
Peterson, G.L.      464 467
Peterson, M.E.      227
Phase corrections      84—88
Phase corrections, correction for wide lines      93—94
Phase corrections, setting      432—434
Phase sensitive detector (PSD)      20
Phase shifter      418
Phelps, D.E.      181 393 400
Piezoelectric ringing      466—467
Pines, A.      290 290 292 292 295 367 399 415 490
Piott, J.E.      398 400
Pirkmajer, E.      240
Pirsig, R.M.      511 512
Polak, M.      440 440
Pollak, V.L.      327 330 408 416
Poole, C.A., Porok, J.      197
Pound, R.V.      226
Powder pattern      221—226
Power divider      418—419
Powles, J.G.      233 240 252 252 256 256
Pregosin, P.S.      513
PRFT (partially relaxed FT)      177—178
Probe      342—344
Probe, arcing in      458—460
Probe, construction      375—385
Probe, cross coil      310—311
Probe, cross vs. single coil      342 375
Probe, delay line      383
Probe, for SC magnet      386—388
Probe, high resolution      350—351
Probe, ringing in      463—467
Probe, sideways coil      387
Probe, single coil      311—312
Probe, tuning      427—428
Pulse sequence generator      337—339
Pulse, length adjustment      434—437
Punkkinen, M.      497 497
Purcell, E.M.      31 35 198 201 226
Q, tank circuit      409
Q-meter      457
Q-spoiler, active      328—329
Quadrature detection (QD)      60—76
Quadrature detection (QD), data routing in      69—71
Quadrature hybrid      420—421
Quadrupole coupling      158
Quadrupole splitting, effects on pulse length      106—112
Quadrupole splitting, effects on S/N      106—112
Quarterwave cable      395—397 400—403
Quarterwave cable, how to measure      402—403
Quarterwave network      397—398
Quarterwave network, design and construction      403—407
Raab, r.e.      466 467
Rabenstein, D.L.      113 116
Raber, H.      135 135
Rapid scan NMR      44
Rasmussen, D.H.      330
Receiver      302—309 341—342
Receiver, heterodyne      305—308
Receiver, tuning      429
Recovery, from rf pulse      325—330
Redfield, A.G.      63 64 75 76 114 116 274 275 292 295
Reif, F.      152 156 230 240
Relaxation time, longitudinal      see "Spin-lattice relaxation time"
Resolution, enhancement      89 91—92
Resonant circuit      see "Tank circuit"
Rhim, W.-K.      461 463
Richards, R.E.      386 388 391 392
Rigamonti, A.      160 161 370 373
Rigny, P.      114 116
Roberts, I.      490
Roberts, P.T.      486
Roberts, T.T.      251
Robertson, B.      208 209
Roeder, S.B.W.      261 269 270 280 283 464 467
Root, G.N.      324
Rotating frame      7—9 14—20
Rotating frame, spin-lattice relaxation      261—266
Roth, K.      91 92
Runnels, R.K.      135 135
Rybaczewski, E.F.      117 121
Safin, I.A.      156
Sample, tuning      441 445
Sands, M.      489 490
Santini, R.E.      64 75 100 105 307 312
Sass, M.      188 197
Saturation of spins      272
Saturation of spins, for background      470
Savitzky, A.      482 483
Schaefer, J.      69 71 76 219 227 478 479 488 490
Scheie, C.E.      227
Schirmer, R.E.      102 106 140 150 154
Schmidt, V.H.      108 109 112
Schneider, H.J.      378 385 408 416
Schulman, E.M.      196
Schut, W.      490
Schweitzer, D.      276 278
Scott, T.A.      139 139 155 156 215 330
Second moment, definition      228—229
Second moment, Gaussian line      231—232
Second moment, Lorentzian line      231 233
SEFT (spin echo FT)      34
Selective excitation      112—116
Sergeev, N.A.      256
Shaft, insulated      432
Shaw, D.      51 60 340 350 513
Shen, L.      113 116
Sherfinski, J.S.      121
Shift theorem      48
Shoup, R.R.      122 122
Signal averaging      13—14 43
Signal, searching for      440—446
Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)      12
Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), digital enhancement of      89
Simon, H.E.      139 215
Slak, J.      261 261
Slater, R.R.      327 330 408 416
Slichter, C.P.      130 140 145 221 230 239 276 289 289 290 293 513
Slivnik, J.      240
Smidt, J.      261
Smith, M.R.      190 197 482 483
Soda, G.      145 151
Solid echo      251—256
Solvent signal suppression      114—115
Spectral density      130—133 144—146
Spectrometer, considerations      335—349
Spectrometer, CP/MAS      353—354
Spectrometer, description      297—318
Spectrometer, tuning      425—432
Speight, P.A.      466 467
Spiess, H.W.      135 135 156 157 226 227 276 278
Spin echo      29—35
Spin echo Fourier transform      see "SEFT"
Spin echo, Hahn echoes      251—252
Spin echo, in liquids      123—124
Spin echo, stimulated      124
Spin echo, suppression of      123 472—473
Spin isochromat      25
Spin quantum number (I)      5
Spin temperature      270—275
Spin-flip narrowing      293—294
Spin-lattice relaxation      125—137
Spin-lattice relaxation by chemical shift modulation      148—149 153—155
Spin-lattice relaxation by dipole-dipole interaction      144—145 152—155
Spin-lattice relaxation by inversion recovery      169—172
Spin-lattice relaxation by progressive saturation      see "Spin-lattice relaxation by steady state sequence"
Spin-lattice relaxation by progressive saturation with inversion recovery      174
Spin-lattice relaxation by quadrupole interaction      148 152 155—161
Spin-lattice relaxation by saturating comb      174—176
Spin-lattice relaxation by saturation recovery      169—172
Spin-lattice relaxation by scalar interaction      147 153
Spin-lattice relaxation by spin rotation      149—150 153—156
Spin-lattice relaxation by spin-diffusion      140—143 152
Spin-lattice relaxation by steady state sequence      172—174
Spin-lattice relaxation for spins in a rotating molecule      145—146
Spin-lattice relaxation in high resolution NMR      77—181
Spin-lattice relaxation in rotating frame      261—266
Spin-lattice relaxation time ($T_{1}$)      22—23 126
Spin-lattice relaxation, long $T_{1}$ problems      182—185
Spin-lattice relaxation, measurement of      164—185
Spin-lattice relaxation, mechanisms for      139—156
Spin-lattice relaxation, single-shot methods      183—184
Spin-locking      247—248 264—265
Spin-spin relaxation for spins on a rotating molecule      145—146
Spin-spin relaxation time ($T_{2}$)      27 136—139
Spin-spin relaxation, effects of diffusion      198—199
Spinning, sample      487—490
Spokas, J.J.      326 330 390 392
Sprecher, R.F.      44 46
Spurious ringing      463—467
Spurious ringing, table of properties      465
Squires, R.T.      255
Stejskal, E.O.      69 71 76 202 208 208 208 208 209 209 209 308 312 478 479 490
Stepisnik, J.      186 197 261 261
Sternheimer antishielding factor      152 221
Stokes, H.T.      325 330 391 392
Strange, J.H.      208 252 256
Strombotne, R.L.      250 251
Strong collision      268—269
Swartzendruber, L.J.      513
Swenson, K.D.      368 373
Tailored excitation      115—116
Tank circuit      407—416
Tank circuit, impedance matching      413—415
Tank circuit, impedance measurement      421—422
Tank circuit, parallel resonant      408—410
Tank circuit, series resonant      410—411
Tanner, J.E.      202 207 208 209 209 209
Tarr, C.E.      395 400
Taub, H.      328 330
Terao, T.      493 497
Time-share in decoupling      103
Time-share, modulation      331—334
Tomlinson, B.L.      116 116
Tools, special      457—458
Translational diffusion by pulsed field gradients      201—209
Translational diffusion by steady field gradient      197—201
Translational diffusion in a restricted volume      208
Transmitter, description      299—302 335—337
Transmitter, specifications      351—352
Transmitter, tuning      428—429
Transverse relaxation time      see "Spin-spin relaxation time"
Trotter, C.M.      208
troubleshooting      452—454
Tunstall, D.P.      160 161 239 240
Tuttle, W.N.      398 400
Two dimensional NMR      117—121
Uehling, E.A.      152 156
Valic, M.I.      261
van Dijk, P.A.S.      489 490
Van Hecke, P.      77 77 181
van Os, J.W.M.      490
Van Putte, K.      462 463
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