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Di Francesco P., Mathieu P., Senechal D. — Conformal field theory
Di Francesco P., Mathieu P., Senechal D. — Conformal field theory

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Название: Conformal field theory

Авторы: Di Francesco P., Mathieu P., Senechal D.


Filling an important gap in the literature, this comprehensive text develops conformal field theory from first principles. The treatment is self-contained, pedagogical, and exhaustive, and includes a great deal of background material on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, Lie algebras and affine Lie algebras. The many exercises, with a wide spectrum of difficulty and subjects, complement and in many cases extend the text. The text is thus not only an excellent tool for classroom teaching but also for individual study. Intended primarily for graduate students and researchers in theoretical high-energy physics, mathematical physics, condensed matter theory, statistical physics, the book will also be of interest in other areas of theoretical physics and mathematics. It will prepare the reader for original research in this very active field of theoretical and mathematical physics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 890

Добавлена в каталог: 16.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Lie algebra, semisimple      491
Lie algebra, simple      491
Lie algebra, simply laced      496
Lie algebra, stucture constants      490
Lie algebra, universal enveloping      511
Lie group      39 490
Lie group center      574
Liouville field theory      110
Littlewood — Richardson rule      526
Littlewood — Richardson rule tableau      526
Locality      117
Loop algebra      557
Lorentz transformation      37
Macdonald identities      612 747
Macdonald — Weyl denominator identity      582
Magnetic charges (boson)      351
magnetization      63
Marginal parameter      77
Mark      496 540
Mark affine      562
Maverick coset      804 849
Maximal embedding      537
McKay correspondence      780
Mermin — Wagner — Coleman theorem      74
Metric tensor convention for      32
microcanonical ensemble      61
Minimal models      200
Minimal models, ADE classification of      265
Minimal models, characters of      242
Minimal models, coset description      807
Minimal models, definition of      217
Minimal models, Ising model      221
Minimal models, modular invariance      356
Minimal models, partition function      364
Minimal models, Potts model      225
Minimal models, RSOS models      227
Minimal models, tricritical Ising model      222
Minimal models, unitary      218
Minimal models, Verlinde formula for      289 375
Minimal models, Yang — Lee      219
Minimal representation      624
Minimality proof of, from modular invariance      358
Mode expansion of boson in an external potential      58
Mode expansion of compactified boson      167
Mode expansion of energy-momentum tensor      155
Mode expansion of fermion on a cylinder      169
Mode expansion of free boson      161
Mode expansion of primary field      152
Modular anomaly      583
Modular covariance of spin-spin correlator in Ising model      484
Modular group      338
Modular group double covering of      383
Modular group generators of      339 396
Modular invariance      722
Modular invariance in minimal models      356
Modular invariance, fusion rules and      374
Modular invariants for nonunitary $\widehat{su}(2)$ diagonal cosets      837
Modular invariants from conformal embeddings      739
Modular invariants, ADE classification of      372
Modular invariants, automorphisms      370
Modular invariants, block-diagonal      368
Modular invariants, block-diagonal Galois      754
Modular invariants, conjugation      744
Modular invariants, coset      807
Modular invariants, diagonal      365 722
Modular invariants, Galois permutation      755
Modular invariants, method of outer automorphisms      726
Modular invariants, nondiagonal      365 722
Modular invariants, permutation      370 744
Modular invariants, permutation by outer automorphism      744
Modular invariants, physical      722
Modular parameter      336
Modular S matrix      423
Modular S matrix for nonunitary $\widehat{su}(2)$ diagonal cosets      837
Modular S matrix in affine Lie algebra      591
Modular S matrix of minimal models      363
Modular S matrix relation to the asymptotic form of characters      594
Modular S matrix, properties      383
Modular S matrix, relation to the charge conjugation matrix      593
Modular S matrix, relation to the finite characters      595
Modular S matrix, relation to the outer automorphism      595
Modular T matrix in affine Lie algebra      591
Modular T matrix of minimal models      360
Modular transformation admissible representations      844
Modular transformation in WZW model      638
Modular transformation of affine characters      591
Modular transformation of generalized theta functions      604
Monodromy invariance      644
Monodromy of conformal blocks Ising energy two-point function on the torus      459
Monodromy of conformal blocks Ising spin two-point function on a torus      462
Monomial representation of finite algebras      660
Multicritical point      228 232
Multiple fusions Fibonacci numbers      711
Neutrality condition      296 437
Neveu — Schwarz algebra      224
Neveu — Schwarz boundary conditions      24 169 337 345
Noether’s theorem      39 40
Non-Abelian bosonization      646
Non-Abelian orbifold      775
Nondiagonal invariant      722
Nonlinear sigma model      617
Nonunitary diagonal coset      845
Nonunitary models Yang — Lee      220
Normal ordering      20 166 173 194
Normal ordering rearrangement lemma      190 194
Normality condition      767
Normalized character      584
Normalized string function      592
Notation for Lie algebras      546
Notation for metric tensor      32
Null state      see “Singular vector”
Null vector      see “Singular vector”
O(n) model      229 406
Octahedral group      778 779
Operator algebra      180
Operator algebra, truncation of      214
Operator product expansion      127
Operator product expansion, calculation of coefficients from covariance      266
Operator product expansion, contour integrals and      154
Operator product expansion, covariance of      265
Operator product expansion, of energy-momentum tensor      135
Operator product expansion, of free boson      128
Operator product expansion, of free fermion      131
Operator product expansion, of ghosts      133
Operator product expansion, of Ising fields      452
Operator product expansion, of vertex operators      162
Orbifold      354 774
Orbifold, non-Abelian      775
Orbifold, operator content      783
Orbifold, partition function of      356 775
Orbit of an outer automorphism      703
Order parameter      73
Order parameter profile near a boundary      416 419
Orthonormal basis      514
Outer automorphism      571
Outer automorphism modular invariants      726
Outer automorphism modular invariants $\widehat{su}(2)_k$      731
Outer automorphism, action on a Young tableau      704
Outer automorphism, action on fusion coefficient      677
Outer automorphism, action on the modular S matrix      595
Outer automorphism, action on weights      572
Outer automorphism, branching rules      599
Outer automorphism, orbit      703
Outer automorphism, relation with the center of the group      574 596
Outer-automorphism permutation invariant      744
Parafermionic formulation of $\widehat{su}(2)$ diagonal cosets      824
Parafermions      117 823
Parity rule      752
Parity transformation      22 414
Parity transformation of boson      164 456
Parity transformation of Ising model      435
Partial waves      184
Partition      513
Partition function      33 61
Partition function coset      807
Partition function modular invariance      722
Partition function multiplicities      357
Partition function of $\mathbb Z_2$ orbifold      356
Partition function of boson on the torus      340
Partition function of boson with fixed boundary conditions      437
Partition function of fermion      349
Partition function of fermion on the torus      344
Partition function of minimal models      364
Partition function of multicomponent chiral boson      353
Partition function on the torus      337
Partition function orbifold construction      775
Partition function twisted      775
Partition function with changing boundary conditions      422
Partition function WZW models      721
Partition numbers      158 193
Partition reduced      514
Path      609
Path integrals      25—30
Path integrals of quantum field      28
Pentagon identity      332
Percolation      427—433
Percolation illustration of      428
Percolation Monte Carlo simulation      434
Permutation invariant      744
Permutation invariant outer-automorphism      744
Pfaffian      55 345 444 483
Phase transition      67
Phase transition extraordinary      414 416 436
Phase transition ordinary      414
Physical invariant      722
Pieri formula      695 715
Pieri formula, level truncation      697
Planck’s constant      27
Poincare group      95
Poisson resummation formula      394 603
Polyakov — Wiegman identity      669
Polymers      231 406
Positive and negative frequencies      20
Potts model      64
Potts model, $\widehat{su}(3)$ diagonal coset description      814
Potts model, as minimal model      225
Potts model, characters in      242
Potts model, extended fusion rules      387
Potts model, extended S matrix of      386
Potts model, fusion rules in      367
Potts model, modular-invariant      365
Potts model, one-dimensional      91
Potts model, parafermionic description      823
Potts model, Q-state, and percolation      429
Principal specialization      584
Projection matrix      535
Projective transformations      114
Propagator      26
Quadratic-form matrix      499 540
Quanta      20
Quantum chain      412
Quantum dimension      687
Quantum dimension coset field      849
Quantum equivalence      646
Quantum gravity and random surfaces      453
Quantum KdV equation      195 196 198 333
Quasi-primary field      see “Field quasi-primary”
Radial ordering      153
Radial quantization      151
Ramond algebra      224
Ramond boundary conditions      24 169 337 345
Rank      491
Rational conformal field theory      375 423
Rational conformal field theory, $\mathbb Z_2$-orbifold at rational square radius      406
Rational conformal field theory, boson on a circle of rational square radius      405
Rational conformal field theory, center of      679
Rational conformal field theory, coset      806
Rational conformal field theory, definition      389
Rational conformal field theory, WZW model as      636
RCFT      see “Rational conformal field theory”
Real root      561
Reduced partition      514
Reduced tableau      514
Reduction formulas      30
Regular embedding branching rules      538
Regular subalgebra      538
Regularization      21 82 128
Relative modular anomaly      592
Relevant parameter      77
Renormalization      20
Renormalization group      234
Renormalization group, momentum-space      82—87
Renormalization group, real-space      71 74—82
Reparametrization invariance      124
Representation      490
Representation adjoint      491
Representation admissible      827
Representation affine highest-weight      575
Representation conjugate      510
Representation dimension of      519 522 551
Representation finite-dimensional      494
Representation height of      539
Representation index of      512
Representation integrable      577 634
Representation irreducible      490
Representation of conformal group in d > 3      99
Representation reducible      204
Representation unitary      510 577
Resolution of fixed point      803
Riemannian manifold      123
Ring      289
Robinson — Schensted correspondence      610
Rogers — Ramanujan identities      612
Root      491
Root affine      560
Root imaginary      561
Root lattice      502
Root real      561
Rotation      38
RSOS models      227
Rushbrooke’s law      73
Scalar product for affine weights      560
Scalar product for roots      493
Scale invariance      4—9
Scale invariance fixed points and      84
Scale invariance in momentum space      109
Scale transformations      see “Dilation”
Scaling      70
Scaling dimension      38 83
Scaling tree-level      84
Schrodinger equation      28
Schur function      521
Schwarz — Christoffel transformation      432
Schwarzian derivative      136
Schwinger function      107 110 144
Screened vertex operators      323
Selection rule      802
Self-dual lattice      352 503
Semisimple Lie algebra      491
Semistandard tableau      515 610
Serre relations      497
Serre relations affine      564
Shifted affine Weyl reflection      568
Shifted Weyl reflection      502
Signature of a Weyl reflection      502
Simple current      679
Simple Lie algebra      491
Simple root      495
Simple root affine      561
Simply laced Lie algebra      496
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