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Debnath L. — Nonlinear water waves
Debnath L. — Nonlinear water waves

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Название: Nonlinear water waves

Автор: Debnath L.


Wave motion in water is one of the most striking observable phenomena in nature. Throughout the twentieth century, development of the linearized theory of wave motion in fluids and hydrodynamic stability has been steady and significant. In the last three decades there have been remarkable developments in nonlinear dispersive waves in general, nonlinear water waves in particular, and nonlinear instability phenomena. New solutions are now available for waves modulatedin both space and time, which exhibit new phenomena as diverse as solitons, resonant interactions, side-band instability, and wave-breaking. Other achievements include the discovery of soliton interactions, and the Inverse Scattering Transform method forfinding the explicit exact solution for several canonical nonlinear partial differential equations.
This monograph is the first to summarize the research on nonlinear wave phenomena over the past three decades, and it also presents numerous applications in physics, geophysics, and engineering.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Колебания и волны/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 544

Добавлена в каталог: 16.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Surging breaker      408—409 411
Svendsen      406
Symmetric deformation tensor      22
Symmetric derivative      15
Symmetric differentiability      19
Synclastic surface      332
Theta function      166
Thomas      455
Thorpe      481
Toland      398
Total derivative      3—4 67
Total impulse vector      19
Total nonlinear force      286
Transform, Fourier      28 45 78 83 111 130 240 249 446
Transform, Fourier sine      28
Transform, Hankel      30 89 104
Transform, Hilbert      207 376
Transform, Inverse Scattering      170 174
Transform, Laplace      26 28 83 89
Transient integrals      94 117
Transient solution      28 30 97 122
Transient wave resistance      256
Transmission coefficient      177
Transverse wave      216 218
Trochoid      63
Troyon      472
Tsuchiya      294
Tuck      294—298
Turbulent bores      147—148
Turpin      369
Type I instability      412 457 459
Type II instability      412 460—462
Ulam      159
Undular bore      164
Ursell      212 270
Van Dorn      408
Variable extension      287
Variational derivatives      445
Variational equation      326 383
Variational Principle      10
Velocity potential      5 15—16 36 40 45 62 70 77 110 234—236 238—239 251 261 279 281 287 295 298 445 469
Venkatanarasalah      294
Viscous damping coefficient      76 79
Viscous dissipation      76
Viscous stress tensor      22—23 32
Volume flux      31
Vorticity      5 24 102
Vorticity transport equation      24
Wahlquist      189 191 203
Ward      271
Water line force      288
Water wave equation      5 12 129 134 275 352 371 418
Watson      428
Wave action      61
Wave breaking      147—148 406—412
Wave drag coefficient      219
Wave equation      145 201 316 400
Wave interactions      429—438
Wave number curve      107
Wave number surface      112
Wave resistance      209 219 225—233 241—251 256—259 261—263
Wave, Alfven-gravity      307
Wave, anisotropic      103
Wave, capillary      44 53 56 474
Wave, capillary-gravity      42—44
Wave, cnoidal      164—165 366
Wave, damping gravity      79
Wave, de Broglie      307
Wave, dispersive      36 38 304—305 311 318 370 376 379 470
Wave, diverging      216 218
Wave, electromagnetic      307
Wave, gravity      36 39—42 53
Wave, incident      176
Wave, inertial      307
Wave, internal      306
Wave, internal-inertial      307
Wave, Kelvin ship      214—218 220—221
Wave, nonlinear capillary      65
Wave, reflected      176
Wave, Rossby      307
Wave, shear      26
Wave, ship      214—218 220—221
Wave, shock      147
Wave, solitary      158 161—162 193 345 347 367
Wave, standing      475—476
Wave, Stokes      62—63 425
Wave, transverse      216
Wave-action conservation law      61 330
Wave-action density      61 323 329
Wave-action flux      330
Webb      381
Webster      139
Wehausen      52 139 212
Weidman      161
Weissman      488
West      428 443
Whipple      472
Whitham      10 61 64 165 167 308 390—394 399 416 422
Whitham averaged Lagrangian      318—320 392
Whitham averaged variational principle      314 318 320 329
Whitham equation      60—61 314—315 317 319 329 350 383—385
Whitham's instability      413—417
Williams      294
Wilton      343 439 466
wronskian      177
Wu      128
Wurtele      127
Yamaguchi      294
Yue      298—302 417
Yuen      360 362 370 374 378 412 413 428 442 443 456—457 462 464 468
Zabusky      160 174 202—203
Zakharov      173 346 360 373 399 442—443 445—452 457 460
Zakharov integral equation      445 449 451 453
Ziemkiewicz      469
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