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De Gennes P.-G. — Scaling concepts in polymer physics |
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Abrahams, E. 312
Adam, M. 176 185 211
Adelman, M. 200
Adsorption in a self-consistent field picture 252 256
Adsorption of a single ideal chain 35
Adsorption of a single real chain 51
Allen, G. 129
Anderson, E. 227
Astarita, G. 187
Backflow effects for a single chain 171 175
Backflow effects in a tube 194
Backflow effects in critical phenomena 240
Backflow effects in semi-dilute solutions 208
Balard, D. 61
Barrett, A. J. 45
Beinert, G. 130
Belkebir — Mrani, A. 130 157
Benedek, G. 14 214 215
Benoit, H. 16 156
Berry, G. 232 236
Birshtein, T. 23
Blobs for a single chain under traction 47
Blobs for confined chains 50
Blobs for semi-dilute solutions 81
Blobs, near the 0
Blobs, point 120 311
Bly, D. D 20 52
Boue, F. 13 62 263
Branched polymers and percolation 138
Branched polymers reptation of 230
Branched polymers tree approximation for 137 142
Branched polymers, chemical pathways for 129
Brehm, G. 182
Brochard, F. 97 171 193 197 21
Bryce, T. 133
Bueche, A. M. 197
Bueche, F. 222
Burch, D. J. 78
Burchard, W. 138
Burford, R. J. 41
Casagrande, M. 99
Cassasa, E. F. 35
Cerf, R. 199 200 201
Chemical potentials, in semi-dilute solutions 104
Chin, J. C. 51
Chu, B. 121 213
Clusters, in gelation phenomena 138
Coexistence curves 105 108 114 121 124
Compatibility in polymer mixtures, cases of partial 100
Confined chains in good solvents 49 193
Confined chains, ideal 34 250
Correlations (see Pair correlations)
Cotton, J. P. 61 115 118 120
Critical exponents in magnetism 267
Critical exponents in self-avoiding walks 39 42
Critical points in polymer systems 108 115 124 126
Critical points, dynamics at 212
Critical points, fluctuations 121
Crosslinking in special matrices 131
Crosslinking of polymer melts, critical exponents 146
Daoud, M. 50 79 81 82 85 91 118 176 272
Daoudi, S. 157 192 193
Daune, M. 210 211
De Gennes, P. G. 14 16 35 46 50 51 62 88 93 99 112 126 131 137 141 146 147 165 168 171 179 188 190 197 202 211 217 223 224 232 235 245 266 287 300 303
de Groot, S. 193 194
Debye, P. 37 197
Decimation method at the 0-point 304
Decimation method for neutral chains in good solvents 290
Decimation method, polyelectroiytes 299
Delsanti, M. 176 185 212
Depletion layer in a self-consistent field model 255
Depletion layer, scaling predictions for 86
Derham, K. 122
des Cloiseaux, J. 14 15 42 78 177 281 286
Deutch, J. 83
Dev, S. 141
Di Marzio, S. 35
Diffusion coefficient for a single chain 173 175
Diffusion coefficient, cooperative, in gels 214
Diffusion coefficient, cooperative, in semi-dilute solutions 210
Diffusion coefficient, near a consolute critical point 212
Diffusion coefficient, self-diffusion in entangled systems 227
Diffusion coefficient, tube diffusion 225
Diffusion coefficient, various types of 208
Dobson, G. R. 137 142
Doi, M. 223 224 236
Domb, C. 14 45 152
Dominance, of ground state in SCF calculations 250 254
Douglass, D. 227
Dubault, A. 99
Dubois — Violette, E. 179
Dumbbell picture for a single chain 179
Dynamical scaling laws for a single chain 173
Dynamical scaling laws, chains in pores 193
Dynamical scaling laws, chains in transient elongation 191
Dynamical scaling laws, internal modes 178
Edwards, S. F. 14 43 57 73 85 122 136 222 223 224 245 259
Egerton, P. 129
Elastic modulus of gels 140 156
Elastic modulus of transient networks 221
Enhancement factor, absence for ring structures 41 295
Enhancement factor, definition 39
Entanglements, distance between 221 222 228
Entanglements, effects 219
Entropy of ideal chains 29 31
Entropy, real chains in good solvents 39
Entropy, real confined chains 35 51
Epenbeck, J. 14
Epsilon expansion (near four dimensions) 298
Essam, J. W. 138
Excluded volume, effect, scaling laws 39 42
Famoux, B. 82 85 115
Ferrell, R. 174
Ferry, J. 13 165 171 172 185 186 219 223 227
Feshbach, H. 247
Feynman, R. P. 247
Fisch, R. 142
Fisher, M. E. 41 269 270
Flexibility of chains, dynamic 24
Flexibility of chains, static 21
Flory calculation for single chain 43
Flory calculation for single chain parameter, definition 50 73 290
Flory calculation for single chain pertubation calculation 45
Flory calculation for single chain relation to critical phenomena 275
Flory theory of gels, critique of 153 154
Flory theory of gels, summary 152
Flory, P. 13 20 31 43 54 69 102 129 134 146 152 153
Flory-Huggins theory of solutions critique of 76 115
Flory-Huggins theory of solutions, general features 69 101
Flory-Huggins theory of solutions, interaction parameter x 71
Flory-Huggins theory of solutions, validity for mixed polymer melts 112
Flow effects on polymers, longitudinal flows and dilute solutions 186 193
Flow effects on polymers, transverse flows and melts 237
Fluorescent probes, in semi-dilute solutions 83
Fluorescent probes, proposed experiments for interfacial problems 88
Foumet, G. 109
Fox, T. 232 236 237
Frank, F. C. 191
Freed, K. 200
Frisch, H. L. 133
Frisch, K. 133
Gabay, M. 299
Gans, P. J. 39
Garel, A. 299
Gaussian chains (see Ideal chains)
Gelation and precipitation 168
Gelation and vulcanization 146
Gelation, classical picture 137
Gelation, percolation model 137
Goldsbrough, J. 122
| Gordon, M. 122 137 138 141 142
Graessley, W. 13 219 222 237 238
Grant, J. W. 222
Greco, R. 223 227
Green, M. 223
Guinier, A. 109
Guttman, A. 51
Guttman, C. M. 312
Halperin, B. 240
Harris, A. B. 142 146 147
Hermans, J. J. 46 180
Hervet, H. 229
Herz, J. 130
Hild, G. 130
Hinch, E. J. 191
Hiramatsu, H. 43
Hocker, L. 214
Hoeve, C. 35
Hohenberg, P. 240
Huggins, M. 69
Hydrodynamic radius 38 176 183
Ideal chains, adsorption of 35
Ideal chains, free 29 32
Ideal chains, under constraints 33 34
Interfacial effects, polymer plus poor solvent 123
Interfacial effects, semi-dilute solutions plus wall 86
Internal friction, Cerf form for 198 199
Internal friction, theoretical models 200
Internal friction, weakness of 167
Ishimoto, C. 158
Ishiwata, S. 158
Jacob, M. 210 211
Jannink, G. 15 16 62 118 176 263
Jones, A. 182
Jones, I. S. 256
Judd, M. 141
Kajiwara, K. 138 141
Kalal, J. 138
Katchalsky, A. 46
Kawasaki, K. 172 174 176 213
Kennedy, J. 138
Kirkpatrick, S. 138
Kirkwood, J. 165 173 208
Kirste, R. 61
Klein, J. 226 235
Klenine, S. 210 211
Knots and dynamics at the 0
Knots and Olympic gels 132
Knots and point 171
Kogut, J. 290 299
Koningsveld, R. 103
Kramer, O. 223 227
Kramers, H. A. 187 199
Krause, S. 100
Krempner, D. 133
Kronberg, B. 99
Kuhn theorem, for internal friction 168 171
Kuhn, H. 168 199
Kuhn, W. 46 168 199
Kunzie, D. 46
Kuwahara, N. 121 213
Kwei, T. 100 133
Labeling techniques in melts 62
Labeling techniques, deuteration 13
Labeling techniques, mixtures of labeled and unlabeled chains 66
Landau, L. 182 189 194
Langevin, D. 81
Lao, Q. 213
Last, B. 141 142
Le Guillou, J. C. 45
Leger, L. 229
Leighton, R. 247
Leray, J. 200
Lifshitz, I. 182 189 194
Light scattering, elastic 38
Light scattering, inelastic 13 38 177 180
Lovesey, S. 13
Lubensky, T. 87 151
Ma, S. K. 290 305
Mackley, M. 191
Maconnachie, A. 13
Manning, G. 300
Mark, P. 52
Marruci, G. 237
Marshall, W. 13
Massa, D. 185
Mazur, J. 312
Mazur, P. 193 194
McCall, D. 227
McCrackin, F. 312
McKenzie, D. 41
Mclnnes, D. 201
Mesh size, in semi-dilute solutions 80
Messiah, A. 288
Meyehoff, G. 176 185
Middlemiss, K. 52
Miinomi, M. 223
Mixtures, long chain plus short chain 59
Mixtures, polymer A plus polymer B plus
Mixtures, polymer plus solvent 69
Mixtures, solvent 123
Mobility of a confined chain 197
Mobility of a reptating chain 227
Mobility of a single chain 176
Moore, M. 41 78 254 312
Morse, P. 247
Munch, J. P. 157 214
Neira, R. 223 227
Nicodemo, L. 187
Nierlich, M. 115
Nishi, T. 100
Ohmine, I. 83
Okano, K 43
Olympic gels 132
Oosawa, F. 299 300
Order parameter for polymer statistics 287
Order parameter, mean field functional 254
Orr, W. J. 29
Orwoll, R. 168
Osmotic pressures in the Flory — Huggins picture 74
Osmotic pressures, scaling form in semi-dilute solutions 79
Osmotic pressures, virial expansion 77
Overbeek, J. 46
Overlap threshold for athermal solvents 76
Overlap threshold for confined chains 89
Overlap threshold for good solvents 119
Pair correlations and correlation hole in melts 63
Pair correlations and response functions 260
Pair correlations for spin systems 276
Pair correlations in a real chain (good solvents) 42
Pair correlations in an ideal chain 36
Pair correlations in gels 153
Pair correlations, near the point 118
Paul, D. 141
Peniche — Covacs, C. 141
Percolation and elastic networks 141
Percolation, exponents 139
Percolation, model for gelation 137
Perturbation calculations for a single chain 45
Perturbation calculations for one chain in a melt 59 60
Perturbation calculations, near four dimensions 298
Peterlin, A. 237
Peyser, P. 35
Pfeuty, P. 46 146 269 303
Phase diagrams, gelation versus precipitation 148
Phase diagrams, polymer plus polymer 106
Phase diagrams, polymer plus polymer plus solvent 124
Phase diagrams, polymer plus solvent 108 114
Photon beat experiments (see Light scattering)
Pincus, P. 47 188
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