Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Cvitanovic P., Artuso R., Dahlqvist P. — Classical and quantum chaos |
Предметный указатель |
Symmetry, 3-disk 206 382 397 403
Symmetry, cyclic 242
Symmetry, discrete 205
Symmetry, dynamical system 661
Symplectic, form 82
Symplectic, group Sp(2D) 612
Symplectic, integrator 620
Symplectic, invariance 82 611
Symplectic, transformation 82 109 228
Systems, open 123
Tangent space 74
Tangent, bundle 38
Tauberian theorem 376
Teaching combinatorics 212
Tessalation, smooth dynamics 671
Thermodynamical pressure 130
Time, arrow of 22
Time, as parametrization 42
Time, average 103 128
Time, averaging 118
Time, ceiling function see "Ceiling function"
Time, ordered integration 80
Topological index 517 610
Topological, conjugacy 213
Topological, dynamics 198 200 202 203
Topological, entropy 6 240 252
Topological, entropy, Henon attractor 284
Topological, equivalence 79
Topological, future coordinate 212
Topological, index 492
Topological, invariant 87
Topological, parameter 214
Topological, polynomial 248
Topological, trace formula 243
Topological, transitivity 240
Topological, zeta function 247 248
Totient function 430
Trace, formula, classical 21
Trace, formula, flows 142
Trace, formula, Gutzwiller 516
Trace, formula, maps 138
Trace, formula, topological 243 248
Trace, local 242
Trace-class operator 681
Trace-class operator, determinant 683
Trajectory 35 75 see
| Transfer operator 159
Transfer operator, spectrum 148
Transfer, matrix 101
Transformation, canonical 228
Transformation, coordinate 53
Transformation, symplectic 228
Transient 35 82 199 227 286
Transition matrix 199 240 242
Transition matrix, 3-disk 199
Transverse, stability 502
Trotter product formula 681
Truncation, Galerkin 48
Truncations, Fourier 49
Ulam map 288 315
Unimodal map 210
Unimodal map, symbolic dynamics 211
Unstable, cycle 11
Unstable, manifold 14 91 216
Unstable, manifold, flow 91
Unstable, manifold, map 91
Unstable, periodic point 11
Unsung heroes xii
Van Vleck propagator 496
Vector field 37
Vector fields, singularities 43
Vertex 203
Visitation sequence see "Itinerary"
Viswanath 597
Volume preservation 85
Von Neumann, ergodicity 109
Wandering point 35
Wave function, semiclassical 491
Wave function, WKB 492
Wave, partial differential equations 46
Weight, multiplicative 29
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin 485 see
Winding number 426 428
WKB 47 485
WKB, wave function 492
Young, L.-S. 66
Zero eigenvalue 499
Zeros, false 155
Zeta function, Artin — Mazur 247
Zeta function, dynamical 16 151
Zeta function, Ruelle see "Dynamical"
Zeta function, topological 247 248
Реклама |