Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Continentino M. — Quantum scaling in many-body systems |
Предметный указатель |
Anderson — Higgs mechanism 168
Chaotic sequence 126
Coherence line 71 87
Coherence temperature 85 96
Coherence temperature, values of 98
Coleman — Weinberg potential 172
Correlation length exponent, first order transition 181
Critical exponents 4
Critical exponents, first order quantum phase transition 181
Critical exponents, from -expansion 50
Critical exponents, Gaussian 29
Critical exponents, Gaussian versus mean-field 73
Critical exponents, mean field 25
Critical exponents, Mott transition 151
Crossover exponent 14 16
Crossover line 16
CrV 104
Density-driven transition in Ytterbium 131
Density-driven transition, dynamic exponent from RG 126
Density-driven transition, effect of disorder 136
Dimensional transmutation 172
Dynamic exponent in scaling relation 5
Dynamic exponent in thermodynamic quantity 14
Dynamic exponent, antifcrromagnetic metal 69
Dynamic exponent, definition 5
Dynamic exponent, density-driven transition 124
Dynamic exponent, ferromagnetic metal 59
Dynamic exponent, general 21
Dynamic exponent, Ising model in transverse field 27
Dynamic exponent, non-linear sigma model 156
Dynamic exponent, spin density wave 69
Effective potential 45
Excitonic phase transition 132
First order phase transition 177 181
Goldstone mode 33 35 167
Heavy fermions 83
| Heavy fermions, local regime 112
Heavy fermions, microscopic approach 95
Heavy fermions, phase diagram 88
Hyperscaling, classical 5
Hyperscaling, quantum 5
Hyperscaling, violation of 92
Irrelevant interaction 10 43
Irrelevant interaction, dangerous 10 24 68 73
Ising model in transverse field, Hamiltonian 3
Ising model in transverse field, mean field approximation 26
Ising model in transverse field, real space renormalization group approach 76
Kadowaki — Woods ratio 101
Kondo lattice 84
Kondo temperature 85
Meissner effect 168
Mott transition, phase diagram 150
Non-Fermi liquid 71 87
Quantum non-linear sigma model, phase diagram 163
Scaling relations 5
Scaling, charge stiffness 119
Scaling, compressibility 124
Scaling, conductivity 118
Scaling, conductivity mass 119
Scaling, extended 20
Scaling, generalized 19
Scaling, naive 18
Scaling, thermal mass 71
Shift exponent 17 20 67
Spin-fluctuation temperature 74
Thermal mass 119
Universal conductivity 124
Upper critical dimension 30 69
Upper critical dimension for Mott transition 154
Upper critical dimension, density-driven transition 152
Wilson ratio, critical regime 102
Wilson ratio, local regime 99
Ytterbium 129
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