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Constantinescu F., Magyari E. — Problems in quantum mechanics |
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"j-j" coupling 321
"L-S" coupling 321
-emitting nucleus 31
-mesic atom 343
-mesons 182
Absorption of photons 227
Addition of angular momenta 145
Adiabatic potential 316
Angular momenta, addition of 145
Angular momenta, orbital and spin 143—179
Angular momentum operator 143
Anharmonic oscillator 205
Anisotropic harmonic oscillator 28
Annihilation operator 183
Anti-commutation 183
Anti-particle 356
Anti-symmetrical states 181
Associated Legendre functions 396
Atoms and molecules 321—336
Atoms, -mesic 343
Atoms, hydrogen-like, treated relativistically 347
Atoms, many-electron 321
Atoms, scattering of slow electrons by 290
Atoms, two-electron 78 331
Axial four-vector 345
Axial vector 150
Balmer series 231
Bargmann strip 273
Bessel functions 400
Bessel functions, spherical 401
Bi-spinor 340 362 368 387
Black-body radiation 231 254
Bloch's relations 152
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization rule 102
Born approximation 230 270
Bose gas 187 202
Bosons 181
Bound states 23
Bra vector 2
Branching ratio 184 185
Central field 21
Centre of mass system 70 264
Channels 266
Charge conjugation 346 355
Cini — Touschek transformation 370
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 145
Clifford algebra 361
Closure relation 4
Cold emission 30
Collision theory 263—320
Commutator 3
Completeness 3
Compton wavelength 367
Conduction electrons 28
Confluent hypergeometric function 403
Coordinate representation 4 113
Coulomb scattering 281
Creation operator 183
Crossing symmetry 301
d'Alembert operator 339
Darwin term 378
Degeneracy 2
Density matrix 115
Density operator 115 119
diamagnetic susceptibility 328
Diatomic molecules, rotational and vibrational spectra of 323
Dielectric constant of rarefied gas 262
Dipole, electric 228 231
Dipole, magnetic 229 231
Dirac conjugate 344
Dirac's equation 340
Dispersion, anomalous 262
Dissociation energy 336
Double spinor 340
Dynamical variable 75
Eigenfunction 20
Eigenvalue 2
Eigenvector 2
Elastic scattering 185
Electric Dipole 228 231
Electric quadrupole 229 231
Electrical image force 62
Electromagnetic field tensor 338
Electromagnetic radiation 226
Electrons, conduction 28
Electrons, slow, scattering by atoms of 290
Emission, spontaneous 228
Emission, stimulated 228
Energy representation 114
Energy spectrum 20
Energy-momentum Four-vector 338
Exchange effect 285
Exchange energy 331
Fermi — Thomas statistical model 321
Fermi's golden rule 225
fermions 181
Feshbach — Villars metric 351
Fine structure 325 359 386
Fock and Hartree 321
Foldy — Wouthuysen representation 344 368
Foldy — Wouthuysen transformation 346
Form factor 264
Four-tensor 337 345
Four-vector 337 345
Four-vector, axial 345
Four-vector, energy-momentum 338
Galilean transformation 117
Gamma function 399
Gamow's penetrability factor 31 62
Gas, Bose 187 202
Gauge transformation, first kind 345
Gauge transformation, second kind 339 345
Green's function of Schroedinger equation 116
Hamiltonian 338
harmonic oscillator 27
Hartree and Fock 321
Heisenberg picture 112
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation 76
Helicity 365
Helium atom 205
Hermite polynomials 396
Hermitian adjoint 2
Hermitian operator 2
Hilbert space 1
Homogeneous field 28
Hydrogen atom 32 73 77 78 205 207 322
Hydrogen-like atoms treated relativistically 347
Hydrogen-like ions 74
Hypergeometric function 402
Identical particles 180
Inelastic scattering 230
Interaction picture 112
Ionization 250
Ions, hydrogen-like 74
Isotopic corrections 208
Isotopic spin 181
Jost functions 266
K shell 260 322
Ket vector 1
Klein — Gordon equation 339
Klein's paradox 347 381
Kramer's relation 77
Kramer's representation 340
Kubo's identity 7
Laboratory system 264
Laguerre polynomials 399
Lamb shift 386
Lande factor 327
Larmor precession 178 239
Legendre functions, associated 396
| Legendre polynomials 396
Levinson's theorem 273
Linear operator 2
Linear space 1
Lippmann — Schwinger equations 268
Lorentz transformation 337
Magnetic dipole 229 231
Magnetic resonance 152 230
magnetic susceptibility 152
Majorana representation 340
Many-electron atoms 321
Mass, reduced 32
Matrix elements, rotation 148
Matrix representation of vectors and operators 3
Mean value 75
Mean value and uncertainty relations 75—92
Minimal wave-packet 89 117
Molecules and atoms 321—336
Molecules, diatomic, rotation and vibrational spectra of 323
Momentum representation 114
Momentum space, wavefunction in 75
Morse potential 323
Neutron-proton scattering 270
Neutrons, polarized 151
Norm 1
Nuclear forces, charge independence of 181
Nucleon 181
Nucleus, -emitting 31
Observable 3
Occupation numbers 182
Operators and vectors, matrix representation of 3
Orbital angular momentum and spin 143—179
Orbital angular momentum operator 22 143
Ortho state 331
Orthonormality condition 20
Oscillation theorem 23
Para state 331
Paramagnetic effect 328
Paramagnetic ion 205
Paramagnetic resonance 205
Parity 23 147
Parseval's relation 9
Partial waves 264
Particle number operator 183
Particles, identical 180
Particles, transmission of, through potential barriers 21
Paschen — Back effect 322
Pauli matrices 144
Pauli representation 340
Pauli's equation 172
Pauli's exclusion principle 181
Penetrability 31 62
Periodic potential 27
Perturbation theory, stationary state (Rayleigh — Schroedinger) 203 220
Perturbation theory, time-dependent 130 225
Perturbation theory, variational method 204
Phase-shifts 265
Phenomenological two-body potential 168
Phonons 195
Photoelectric-effect 231 258
photons 227
Pictures and representations 112—142
Pictures, Heisenberg 112
Pictures, interaction 112
Pictures, Schroedinger 112
Planck's formula 231 254
Poeschl — Teller potential 27
Point-event 337
Polar vector 150
Polarization tensor 232
Polarization vector 177
Polarized neutrons 151
Positive-definite operator 5
Potential barrier 30
Potential barrier, transmission of particles through 21
Potential scattering 263
Potential well 23
PQM 27
principal quantum number 73 359 386
Projection operator 4
Propagator 131
Proton-proton scattering 270
Pseudo scalar 345
Quadrupole, electric 229 231
Quantization, second 182
Quantum mechanics, functions used in 396
Quantum mechanics, mathematical formalism of 1—19
Quantum mechanics, relativistic 337—395
Quantum number, principal 73 359 386
Quantum systems, simple 20—74
Quasi-bound states 216
Radial equation 22
Radial momentum operator 21 383
Radiation 226
Radiation, black-body 231 254
Rayleigh — Schroedinger perturbation theory 220
Reciprocity 301
Reflection coefficient 21
Regge poles 267
Relativistic quantum mechanics 337—395
Relaxation processes 152
Representations and pictures 112—142
Resolvent 206 218
Resonance 303
Resonance scattering 290
Rigid rotator 32 205
Rotation matrix elements 148
Rotation operator 144
Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules 323
Rotator, rigid 205
Russell — Saunders coupling 321
Rutherford formula 280
S-matrix 246 265
scalar 345
Scalar product 1
Scattering amplitude 263
Scattering cross-section 263
Scattering of slow electrons by atoms 290
Scattering, Coulomb 281
Scattering, elastic 185
Scattering, inelastic 230
Scattering, neutron-proton 270
Scattering, potential 263
Scattering, proton-proton 270
Scattering, resonance 290
Schroedinger equation 20
Schroedinger equation, Green's function of 116
Schroedinger metric 350
Schroedinger picture 112
Schwartz's inequality 4
Second quantization 182
Selection rules 150 231 253
Self-consistent field 321
Semi-classical approximation 93—111
Slater determinant 181
Spectrum 2
Spherical Bessel functions 401
Spherical harmonics 22 398
Spin and orbital angular momentum 143—179
Spin hamiltonian 205
Spin operator 144
Spin space 161
Spin, istopic 181
Spin- 143
Spin-orbit coupling 322
Spontaneous emission 228
Stark effect 205 212
Stern — Gerlach experiment 78 148
Stimulated emission 228
Stokes' coefficients 177
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