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Cohen-Tannoudji C., Dupont-Roc J., Grynberg G. — Photons and atoms: introduction to quantum electrodynamic |
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Absorption (of photons) 316 325 338e 344e 348e 348e 349e
Action for a discrete system 81
Action for a field 92
Action for a real motion 134 152e
Action, functional derivative 128
Action, principle of least action 79 81
Adiabatic (switching on) 299
Adjoint (relativistic) 411
Angular for a general field 152
Angular for a spin-1 particle 49
Angular for a spinless particle 137
Angular for the field + particle systems 8 20 118 174 200
Angular of the transverse field 20 27 47
Angular, conservation 8 139 200
Angular, contribution of the longitudinal electric field 20 45
Angular, eigenfunctions for a spin 1
Angular, particle 53
Annihilation and creation operators (see also “Expansion in a and ” “Translation
Annihilation and creation operators for electrons and positrons 414 433
Annihilation and creation operators for photons 33 121 294
Annihilation and creation operators for scalar photons 381 391 443 446
Annihilation and creation operators, and operators 394 429
Annihilation and creation operators, and operators 391
Annihilation and creation operators, anticommutation relations 163
Annihilation and creation operators, commutation relations 121 171 391
Annihilation and creation operators, evolution equation 179 217 249
Antibunching 211
Anticommutation relations and positivity of energy 99 416 440 453
Anticommutation relations for a complex field 98
Anticommutation relations for the Dirac field 414 415 453
Anticommutation relations for the Schroedinger field 99 162
Antihermiticity (see “Scalar potential”)
Antiparticle 187 413 433
Approximation, long wavelength 202 269 275 304 342
Approximation, nonrelativistic 103 122 200
Autocorrelation 229
Basis in reciprocal space 25 36
Basis of vector functions 51 55
Bessel functions 345
Bessel, spherical Bessel functions 56 71
Born expansion 300
Bose — Einstein distribution 234 238
Bosons 99 161 187
boundary conditions (see “Periodic boundary conditions”)
Canonical (commutation relations) (see also “Commutation relations” “Quantization
Canonical (commutation relations) for a discrete system 89 90 147 155 258
Canonical (commutation relations) for a field 94 98 148 158 380
Center of mass 232 342
Change (see also “Gauge” “Lagrangian
Characteristic functions 236
Charge (see also “Density”)
Charge conjugation 438
Charge, conservation 7 12 108 368 411 416 421
Charge, total 416
Classical electrodynamics in real space 7
Classical electrodynamics in reciprocal space 11
Classical electrodynamics in the Coulomb gauge 111 121
Classical electrodynamics in the Lorentz gauge 364
Classical electrodynamics in the Power-Zienau-Woolley picture 286
Classical electrodynamics, standard Lagrangian 100
Coherent state (see “Quasi-classical states of the field”)
Commutation relations for electromagnetic fields in real space 120 173 230
Commutation relations for electromagnetic fields in reciprocal space 119 145 380
Commutation relations for free fields in the Heinsenberg picture 223 355 382
Commutation relations for the operators a and a 391 395
Commutation relations for the operators a and o 34 171 241 391 394 443
Commutation relations for the particles 34 118 145 171
Commutation relations of the fields with the energy and the momentum 233 383 417
Commutation relations, canonical commutation relations for a discrete system 89 147 155 258
Commutation relations, canonical commutation relations for an arbitrary field 94 98 148
Commutation relations, covariant commutation relations 381 382 391
COMPLEX (see “Dynamical variables” “Fields
Compton, scattering 198
Compton, wavelength 202
Conjugate momenta of the electromagnetic potentials in the Coulomb gauge 115 116 143
Conjugate momenta of the electromagnetic potentials in the Lorentz gauge 369
Conjugate momenta of the electromagnetic potentials in the Power — Zienau — Woolley representation 289 291 294
Conjugate momenta of the particle coordinates for the matter field 157
Conjugate momenta of the particle coordinates in the Coulomb gauge 20 115 143
Conjugate momenta of the particle coordinates in the Goeppert — Mayer representation 270
Conjugate momenta of the particle coordinates in the Henneberger representation 276
Conjugate momenta of the particle coordinates in the Power — Zienau — Woolley representation 289 290 293
Conjugate momenta of the particle coordinates, transformation in a gauge change 267
Conjugate momentum (general) in quantum mechanics 258 266
Conjugate momentum (general) of a complex generalized coordinate 88 96 154
Conjugate momentum (general) of a discrete generalized coordinate 83 147 256
Conjugate momentum (general) of a field 93 96 148
Conjugate momentum (general), transformation in a change of generalized coordinates 85
Conjugate momentum (general), transformation in a change of Lagrangian 257
Conservation of angular momentum 8 139 200
Conservation of charge 7 12 108 368 411 416 421
Conservation of energy 8 61 137 200
Conservation of momentum 8 61 138 200 232
Constant of the motion 8 61 134 152 200 370
Contact interaction 42
Continuous limit (for a discrete system) 126 147
Convolution product 11
Correlation function 181 191 227
Correlation time 191
Coulomb (see also “Coulomb gauge”)
Coulomb gauge (see also “Hamiltonian (total)” “Lagrangians
Counting signals (see “Photodetection signals”)
Covariant Lagrangians for classical particles 106
Covariant Lagrangians for coupled electromagnetic and Dirac fields 45
Covariant Lagrangians for the electromagnetic field (standard Lagrangian) 106 365
Covariant, commutation relations 391
Covariant, formulation 361
Covariant, notation and equations 10 17 364 411 449
Creation operator (see “Annihilation and creation operators”)
Cross-section (see “Scattering”)
Current of magnetization 284
Current of polarization 284
Current, density 7 101 115 410 419
Current, four-vector 10 365 411
Cutoff 124 190 200 287
Damping (radiative) 71 76
Darwin term 440
Delta function (transverse) 14 36 38 42 64 120 173 231
density (see also “Quasi-probability density”)
Density of charge 7 101 309 410 419 434 454
Density of current 7 101 115 410 419
Density of magnetization 42 284 285 292
Density of polarization 281 292 308 329
Density, Hamiltonian 93 106 147 158 370
Density, Lagrangian 91 101 106 113 147 157 167 365 369 441
Diamagnetic energy 290 293
Dipole moment (see “Electric dipole” “Magnetic
Dipole-dipole interaction, electric 313
Dipole-dipole interaction, magnetic 43
Dirac, delta function 94
Dirac, Hamiltonian 410
Dirac, matrices 409
Dirac, quation 408 449 452
Discretization 31
Dispacement 282 291 292 308 310
Dynamical variables for a discrete system 81
Dynamical variables for a field 90
Dynamical variables, canonically conjugate 34 86 93 257 258 369
Dynamical variables, change of dynamical variables in the Hamiltonian 86 260
Dynamical variables, change of dynamical variables in the Lagrangian 84
Dynamical variables, complex dynamical variables 87 90
Dynamical variables, redundancy 109 113 154 157 362
d’Alambertian 10 367
Effective (Hamiltonian) 435 438
Einstein 204
Electric dipole, approximation 270
Electric dipole, interaction 270 288 304 306 312 313 342
Electric dipole, moment 270 288 306 343
Electric dipole, self-energy 312
Electric dipole, wave 71
| Electric field in the Coulomb gauge 117 122 172 “Expansion”)
Electric field in the Power — Zienau — Woolley picture 295
Electric field of an oscillating dipole moment 71 353
Electric field, longitudinal 15 64 117 172 283
Electric field, total 66 117 172 291 295 310 330 355
Electric field, transverse 21 24 27 32 64 117 171 287 295 310
electromagnetic field (see also “Expansion in normal variables” “External
Electromagnetic field in real space 7
Electromagnetic field in reciprocal space 12
Electromagnetic field, associated with a particle 68
Electromagnetic field, free 28 58 181 221 230 241
Electromagnetic field, mean value in the indefinite metric 396
Electromagnetic field, tensor 17 106 365 378
Electromagnetic potentials (see also “Free (fields potential)” “Gauge”)
Electromagnetic potentials, covariant commutation reactions 382
Electromagnetic potentials, definition and gauge transformation 9
Electromagnetic potentials, four-vector potential 10 364 376
Electromagnetic potentials, mean value in the indefinite metric 396 406
Electromagnetic potentials, retarded 66
Electromagnetic potentials, volution equations 9 10 366 367
Electron (see also “Matter field”)
Electron, classical radius 75
Electron, g-factor 439
Electron, lastically bound 74
Electron-positron pairs 123 413 417
Elimination of a dynamical variable 85 154 157
Elimination of the scalar potential 111
Emission (of photons) 344 348 349
Energy of the free field 183 378
Energy of the system field + particles 8 19 116
Energy of the transverse field 26 31
Energy, coulomb energy 18 114 173 283 401 403 426
Energy, interaction 18 122 330 401 426 435
Energy, interaction by exchange of photons 403
Energy, negative energy states 413
Energy, potential 16 67 172 407
Energy, scalar photons field 16 122 172 295
Energy, self-energy 18 71 201
Equivalence between relativistic Q. E. D. in the Lorentz and the Coulomb gauges 424
Equivalence between the and pictures 272 296 316 321 337 356
Equivalence between the and pictures 349
Equivalence between the various formulations of electrodynamics 253 300 302
Expansion in and (or in a and a) of the electric and magnetic fields 171 241
Expansion in and (or in a and a) of the four-vector potential 391
Expansion in and (or in a and a) of the Hamiltonian and momentum in the Lorentz gauge 382 391
Expansion in and (or in a and a) of the Hamiltonian and momentum of the transverse field 172
Expansion in and (or in a and a) of the transverse vector potential 171
Expansion in normal variables of the electric and magnetic fields 27 28 32
Expansion in normal variables of the four-vector potential 372 376
Expansion in normal variables of the Hamiltonian and momentum in the Lorentz gauge 378 379
Expansion in normal variables of the transverse field angular momentum 27 48
Expansion in normal variables of the transverse field Hamiltonian 27 31
Expansion in normal variables of the transverse field momentum 27 31
Expansion in normal variables of the transverse vector potential 29 31
External field 141 172 178 180 198 “Lagrangians
External sources (for radiation) 24 219 314 370 372 400 418
Factored states 207
Fermi, golden rule 323
Fermi, Lagrangian 366
Fermion 99 161 413 414
Fields (in general) (see also “Angular momentum” “Energy” “Hamiltonian “Lagrangian “Momentum”)
Fierz (see “Pauli-Fierz-Kramers transformation”)
final (see “Initial and final states of a process”)
Fock space 31 175
Four-vector, current 10 365 411
Four-vector, field energy-momentum 379
Four-vector, potential 10 364 376
Fourier transform 11 12 15 56 97
Free (fields, potentials) 28 58 183 205 373 376 382 414
Fresnel mirror 208
Functional derivative 92 126 “Lorentz
Gauge transformation and phase of the matter field 167 449
Gauge, invariance 8 17 107 269
Gauge, transformation 9 13 108 255 267 270 331 368 375 397
Generalized coordinates, change of 86 260
Generalized coordinates, complex 87 88
Generalized coordinates, real 81 84
Goeppert — Mayer transformation 269 275 304
Ground state of the quantized Dirac field 417
Ground state of the radiation field 186 189 252 385 386 394
Hamiltonian (total) in the Coulomb gauge 20 33 116 138 173 439
Hamiltonian (total) in the Coulomb gauge with external fields 144 174 198
Hamiltonian (total) in the Power-Zienau-Wooley picture 289 292 295 329
Hamiltonian (total) of coupled Dirac and Maxwell fields 419 431 451
Hamiltonian and energy 83 136 146
Hamiltonian for a discrete system 83 147
Hamiltonian for a field 93 97 148
Hamiltonian for particles in an external field for a Dirac particle 410
Hamiltonian for particles in an external field for an ion 342
Hamiltonian for particles in an external field for the quantized Dirac field 419
Hamiltonian for particles in an external field, electric dipole representation 271 304 320
Hamiltonian for particles in an external field, Henneberger picture 277
Hamiltonian for particles in an external field, standard representation 144 198 266 317
Hamiltonian for radiation coupled to external sources in the Couilomb gauge 218
Hamiltonian for radiation coupled to external sources in the electric dipole representation 314 353
Hamiltonian for radiation coupled to external sources in the Lorentz gauge 370 400 418
Hamiltonian in quantum theory 89 259
Hamiltonian of the particles for two particles with opposite charges 23 2
Hamiltonian of the particles for two separated systems of charges 313 328
Hamiltonian of the particles of the quantized Dirac Field 415
Hamiltonian of the particles, Dirac Hamiltonian 410
Hamiltonian of the particles, expression of 144 197
Hamiltonian of the particles, Pauli Hamiltonian 432
Hamiltonian of the particles, physical meaning in various representations 271 297
Hamiltonian with complex dynamical variables 88 97 154 157
Hamiltonian, transformation of 258 261 263
Hamilton’s equations for a discrete system 83
Hamilton’s equations for a field 94 132 371
Heaviside function 226
Heisenberg, equation 89
Heisenberg, equations for and 179 217 249 420
Heisenberg, equations for the matter fields 99 161 420
Heisenberg, equations for the particle 177
Heisenberg, picture 89 176 185 218 221 382
Heisenberg, relations 241 248
Henneberger transformation 275 344 349
Hilbert space 89 387
Hole theory 413
Hydrogen atom, two-photon transition 324 338
Hydrogen atom, Lamb transition 327
Indefinite metric 387 391 445
Indefinite metric and probabilistic interpretation 390 392
Independent variables 95 109 121 362
Initial and final states of a process 264 271 296 300 302 317 326 337
Instantaneous (see also “Nonlocality”)
Instantaneous, Coulomb field and transverse field 16 21 64 67 122 291 292
Instantaneous, interactions 18 122 313 330
Intensity correlations 186
Intensity of light 185
Interaction Hamiltonian between particles and radiation in relativistic Q. E. D. 419
Interaction Hamiltonian between particles and radiation in the Coulomb gauge 197 232
Interaction Hamiltonian between particles and radiation in the electric dipole representation 271 307 312 315
Interaction Hamiltonian between particles and radiation in the Power — Zienau- Woolley representation 290 292 296 329
interactions (see “Contact interaction” “Coulomb” “Dipole-dipole “Electric “Instantaneous” “Magnetic “Quadrupole “Retarded”)
Interference phenomena with one photon 208 210
Interference phenomena with two laser beams 208 212
Interference phenomena with two photons 209 211
Interference phenomena, quantum theory of light interference 204
Interferences for transition amplitude 213
Invariance (see also “Covariant”)
Invariance, gauge invariance 9 107 167 267
Invariance, relativistic invariance 10 15 106 114
Invariance, translational and rotational 134 153 200 370
Ion (interaction Hamiltonian with the radiation field) 342
Kramers (see “Pauli — Fierz — Kramers transformation”)
Kronecker (delta symbol) 94 148
Lagrange’s equations for a discrete system 82 129 147
Lagrange’s equations for a field 92 96 131 147 150
Lagrange’s equations for a matter field 157 167 367 449
Lagrange’s equations for the electromagnetic potentials 104 142 150 151 366
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