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Bernstein P.L. — Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins Of Modern Wall Street
Bernstein P.L. — Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins Of Modern Wall Street

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Íàçâàíèå: Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins Of Modern Wall Street

Àâòîð: Bernstein P.L.


When the 1974 recession hit Wall Street, investment professionals desperately turned to academia to help regain the value of their clients' holdings. Bernstein shows how Wall Street finally embraced the advences wrought in academic seminars and technical journals tht ultimately transformed the art of investing.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1992

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 340

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.02.2010

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Insurance companies, investments of      110 168
Intelligent Investor, The (Graham)      157
Interactive Data Corporation (IDC)      267
Interest/interest rates      68 69—71 72 159 203
Interest/interest rates, corporate debt      222—223
Interest/interest rates, junk bonds and      178
Interest/interest rates, payments      179
Interest/interest rates, risk-free      200
Interest/interest rates, stock indexes and      84
Interest/interest rates, stock prices and      159 201 207
Interest/interest rates, stock valuations      207
Interest/interest rates, swaps      230
International Flavors and Fragrances      52 242
Intertemporal capital asset pricing model      215 224
Investment Company Institute (ICI)      250
Investors, active vs. passive      135
Investors, corporate/institutional      8 166—168 301
Investors, equity      168
Investors, individual      8—9 264 301 303
Investors, response of to risk      185
Invisible hand market theory      122 306
Ito, Kiyoshi      185—186 201 215
Jensen, Michael      140—142 144 145 149 181 195—196 240 250
Johnson, Alvin      165
Jones, Eddie      25 120
Journal of Business      129 131 132 140 175 195 196 261
Journal of Finance      41 42 46 55 80 91 98 137 155 194 195 198
Journal of Political Economy (JPE)      220 221 222 225
Journal of Portfolio Management, The      14 113 180 225—256
Journal of the American Statistical Association      94
Journal of the History of Ideas      214
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society      96
Kaplan, Gilbert      132—133 154 254—255
Kendall, Maurice      96—98 99 104 106 107 109 112 116 131 133 149 209 306
Kennedy, John F.      67—68 83 113 133 196
Ketchum, Marshall      46
Keynes, John Maynard      6 19 48 50 53 55 66 68—71 70 74 93 118—119 129n 192
Kidder Peabody      283—284
King, Benjamin      261
Kirby, Robert      303
Koestler, Arthur      110
Koopmans, Tjalling      45—46 49 50 53 67 78—79 165
Kruizenga, Richard      115—116 131 207 208
Law of One Price      see "Arbitrage"
Law of the Conservation of Investment Value      169 170
Leavens, Dickson      55
LeBaron, Dean      249n
Leibowitz, Martin      85—86
Leland O'Brien Rubinstein Associates, Inc. (LOR)      281—282 283 284 289—290 293 294
Leland — Rubinstein Associates      278—279 281
Leland, Hayne      269—276 278 279 280—284 292 293 294 301
Leland, John      270
Leontief, Wassily      151 152
Leverage      172—173 176 178 179
Leveraged buyouts      178—179
Levy, Paul      20
Linear programming      45—46 49 50 78—79 165 247
Lintner, John      194 198—199 200 209 259 305
Liquidity management      68—69
Liquidity market      190 289 293 304
Liquidity money      69
Liquidity preference theory      69 70 71
Liquidity stock      7 8
Loading charges      see "Brokerage commissions"
Loeb, Gerald      48—49 53
London School of Economics (LSE)      275
London Stock Exchange      5
Lorie, James      128—131 137 193 237 239 240
Love, Douglas      264
Luckett, Dudley      194
Lynch, Peter      142 143 144
Mabie, John      281
Macroeconomics      65 168—169
Magee, John      99 104
Management science      78 82 85
Mandelbrot, Benoit      20 131—132
Marginal utility concept      59
Market theories (general discussion)      17—18 30—31 42 43 112 200—201 see
Market theories (general discussion), competitive      134—135 171 173 192
Market theories (general discussion), disaster avoidance      55—57
Market theories (general discussion), invisible hand      122 306
Market theories (general discussion), linear regression/econometric      31—38
Market theories (general discussion), seasonal fluctuations      144 290
Market theories (general discussion), stochastic process      18—23 186
Markowitz, Harry      41—46 47—51 53 54—55 56—60 63 66 67 71—72 74 76—79 80 85 91 105 128 135—136 149n 150 152 165 166 174 175 181 182 186 187 192 193 202 215 234 240 267 294 301 305 306
Marschak, Jacob      46 60 66—67 165
Marshall, Alfred      122
Marx, Karl      117 263
Mathematical economics      129n
Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases, The      103—104
Maximum expected return concept      53 63 73
McAvoy, Paul      221—222
McCormick Harvester      28
McKibben, Walt      260
McNamara, Robert      83
McQuown, John Andrew      236—237 238—242 245—252 257
Mean-variance analysis      54—55 84
Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets (Markowitz)      55
Meid, David      87
Mellon Bank      243 244
Merck      51
Merrill Lynch      129 237
Merton, Robert C.      185 186 201 213—214 215—217 221—224 228—229 230 270n 294 305
Merton, Robert K.      270
Milken, Michael      292 297 302 305
Mill, John Stuart      122
Miller, Merton      98 127 163—164 166—169 170 171 173 174—178 179 180 181—182 183 185 186 187 192 193 194 202 209 211 212 217 221 222 229 240 294 305
Minnesota Mining      149
MIT      46 114 128 130 131 208
Mitchell, Wesley      165
MM Theory      174—178 179 181—182 209 222
Modigliani, Franco      163 164—166 167—171 173 174—178 179 180 181—182 183 185—187 194 202 209 214—215 222 224 294 305
Molodovsky, Nicholas      132 196—197
Money Managers, The ("Adam Smith")      87
Money market funds      3
Morgan, J.P.      42
Morgenstem, Oskar      59
Mortgages, government-guaranteed      3 230
Mortgages, prepaid      206
Mortgages, rates on      119 205
Mossin, Jan      198 200
Multiple manager risk analysis (MULMAN)      264—265
Mutual funds      3 4 7 301
Mutual funds, individual investment in      110
Mutual funds, performance analysis of      140—142
Mutual funds, portfolio management and      51
Mutual funds, Value Line      136
Myers, Stewart      224
National Bureau of Economic Research      167—168
National General      224—225
Naval Research Logistics Quarterly      57 79
Neff, John      142 143 144 145
Nelson, Samuel      28
New School for Social Research      164—165 166
New York Stock Exchange      73 123 128 247
New York Stock Exchange, volume of trading      5 27 91 226 282
New York Times averages      27
Newton, Isaac      56
Nixon, Richard      3
Noise trading      108 124—125 134 149 160 161 192 303
Noise trading, asset prices and      209
Noise trading, inefficiency of      181
O'Brien, John      281—282
October, 1987, crash      285—294
OPEC countries      3
Operations research      103
Optimal capital structure      167
Optimal investment strategy      see "Diversification" "Portfolio(s) optimal"
Optimization theory      216 267—268
options      7 204 205 208 230 302 304
Options markets      2 205
Options markets, over-the-counter      206 209 225
Options, call      206 218—219 222 226 227
Options, contracts      115 204 207
Options, expected return on      213
Options, implicit      205
Options, out-of-the-money/in-the-money      207 277—278
Options, pricing formulas      131 208 211 213 217—223 224 227—228 270n 274 278
Options, put      206 217 226 227 271—272 285
Options, valuation      204 215
Osborne, M.F.M.      103—106 114 116 120 131 149 181 305
Pacific Stock Exchange      226 276
Paul A. Samuelson: Critical Reassessments      114
Paul Samuelson and Modem Economic Theory      114
Pecora, Ferdinand      42
Pension funds      140 248 249 264
Pension funds, corporate      4 8 9 10—11 242 250 251
Pension funds, performance evaluation      239
Pension funds, stock holdings      110 270
performance analysis      240
Performance measurement      238—240 241 242 247 249 250
Performance quotient (P.Q.)      143—144
Perold, Andre      304
Personal trusts      168
Philadelphia Stock Exchange      226
Pogue, Gerald      223—224
Polaroid      119
Pollard, Spencer      66
Portfolio insurance      4 269—273 279—282 283—284
Portfolio insurance, Black Monday and      288—290 292—293
Portfolio management      9—10 43—44 76 234 244—246 256—268 303
Portfolio management by bank trust departments      51
Portfolio management, economic policy and      68
Portfolio management, equity management and      264—265
Portfolio management, interior decorator approach to      61—63 68 163
Portfolio management, intertemporal capital asset pricing model for      215 224
Portfolio management, Ito's lemma and      185—186
Portfolio management, Liquidity Preference theory of      69 70 71
Portfolio management, risk calculations      54 58
Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investment (Markowitz)      50
Portfolio(s), asset mix      72—73 see
Portfolio(s), computer-based      247 261
Portfolio(s), dart-board      139
Portfolio(s), efficiency of      53 57—58 136 181 192—193
Portfolio(s), market      192—193 196
Portfolio(s), mean-variance analysis of      54—55
Portfolio(s), optimal      186 192 196 250
Portfolio(s), options      272
Portfolio(s), risk      54 81
Portfolio(s), trading      302
Portfolio(s), variance      54
Portfolio(s), volatility      273
Positive sum theory      120—121
Prais, S.J.      116
Predictions of stock movement      see "Forecasting" "Market
Price(s)      see also "Capital Asset Pricing Model" "Random "Specific
Price(s) of growth stocks      156
Price(s), arbitrage      171
Price(s), Black/Scholes formula of      see "Black/Scholes formula"
Price(s), efficient markets and      160—161 211
Price(s), future      213
Price(s), information and      120
Price(s), interest rates and      159 201
Price(s), intrinsic value and      150 151 152—154 158 159—162 182
Price(s), manipulation      123
Price(s), risk and      184—185 186 188 191 192 201 213
Price(s), security analysis and      134
Price(s), shadow      119—120 123 125
Price(s), transfer      79—80
Price(s), trends      136 144—145
Price(s), zero downside limit on      116 121
Price(s)/earnings ratio      150 154 159
Price(s)/value differentiation      117—118 119—120 134 149 299
Probability theory      76—78 93 105 142—143 216
Procter & Gamble      51 54
Profit maximization      170
Program trading      4
Prospective yield      118 119
puts      see "Options"
Railroads      27 28
rand      78—79
Random Character of Stock Prices, The (Cootner)      131 208
Random price fluctuations/random walks      95—96 97 99—103 107 116 117 122 126 131 132—133 134 149 160 304
Random price fluctuations/random walks, selection of securities and      131 139—140
Rational expectations hypothesis      122
Reagan, Ronald      128n 196 270
Regan, Donald      196 209
Regulation of markets      125
Renshaw, Edward      244n
Return analysis      see "Risk/return ratios"
Review of Economic Studies, The      64
Review of Economics and Statistics      198 220
Rhea, Robert      30—31 34 35 99
Ricardo, David      122
Rinfret, Pierre      133 139
Risk      42 47—48 174 300—301
Risk of stocks vs. bonds      160
Risk, arbitrage      4
Risk, calculations      57 64
Risk, diversification and      47—51 54 131 190
Risk, dominant      186 189
Risk, expected return and      53 59 83 84 187 191—192
Risk, minimalization      43 187
Risk, portfolio      54 58 81 261
Risk, premium      187 189
Risk, Rosenberg's model      260—261 263
Risk, stock prices and      184—185 186 188 191 192 201 213 261
Risk, systematic (beta)      188—191 192 200 201 218 260
Risk, trade-offs      43 44 48 50 84
Risk, valuation of assets and      188
Risk-free assets      200 218
Risk/return ratios      130 141 182 187 191 237 239 294
Roberts, Harry      98—103 104 110 138 301 305
Robinson, James Harvey      165
Roll, Richard      201
Roos, Charles      32
Rosenberg Institutional Equity Management (RIEM)      257 267—268
Rosenberg, Barr      256—268 275 280 282
Rosenberg, June      257 259—260 263
Ross, Stephen      201 277 278
Rothschild, Nathan      139 143
Roy, A.D.      55 56—57 59 63—64 103 114
Rubinstein, Mark      274—275 276 277 279 280—281 283 290 293
Sametz, Arnold      110
Samsonite      247 248 249
Samuelson, Paul      17 23 94 112 115—122 126 128 130 143 149 155 158 161 165 170 181 192 202 207—208 214 216 223 234 294 305 306
Savage, Jimmie      22—23 115—116
Savings rates      68—69
Scheinman, William      101
Scholes, Myron      208 210—211 212 213 214 216 217 220—222 223—225 227—229 230 239 240 241 250 251 272 279 294 305
Schumpeter, Joseph      33 151 152 166
Schwayder, Keith      247
Schwert, G. William      303
Scott Paper      149
Securities analysis      195—196 240
Securities and Exchange Commission      9
Security Analysis (Graham/Dodd)      156—157 158 160
Security selection      166 181 186 192 234
Separation theorem      72—74 76 84 186 234
Shadow prices      119—120 123 125
Sharpe, William      57 75—76 78—79 80—85 86—87 88 105 135 137 140 162 181 186 187—195 198—202 209 215 224 234 240 261 267 294 305
Shepard, Alan      85
Shiller, Robert      291
Shultz, George      128n
Singer Manufacturing Company      28
Single-index model      80—85 86 140 188 192 261
Sloan School of Management      130 223 224
Smith, Adam      117 122
Smith, Edgar Lawrence      129 130
Solow, Robert      275
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