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Audretsch J. — Entangled World: The Fascination of Quantum Information and Computation
Audretsch J. — Entangled World: The Fascination of Quantum Information and Computation

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Название: Entangled World: The Fascination of Quantum Information and Computation

Автор: Audretsch J.


In the quantum world, a particle can behave like a wave and accordingly seems to be in two places at the same time. This of course is contradictory to our daily experiences with classical particles. How then should this be understood? What happens in the transitional area between the classical world and quantum mechanics? The present book answers exciting questions like these in a way that is easy to follow and to understand and is shows that the link between these two worlds will have concrete and applied effects on our daily life in the near future. It will, for example, improve and change the conventional methods of information processing. With the help of quantum cryptography, it will be possible to communicate tap-proof. Using quantum computers we will be able to solve highly complicated problems in a very short time.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 300

Добавлена в каталог: 02.02.2010

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Предметный указатель
Action-at-a-distance      71
Aristotle      274 280
Atom chips      199
Atom interferometer      119
Atom laser      99
Atom optics      6
Beam splitter      119
Bell state      257
Bell's inequality      149 177
Bell's theorem      288 290 292
Bell, J.      88 282 283 285 286 289
Bell-state analysis      162
Bell-state measurement      155
Bell-states      151
Bohm      276
Bohr — Einstein debate      65
Bohr's reply      85
Bohr, N.      65 281—283 286
Born, M.      208
Bose — Einstein condensate      102
Bradley, F.H.      287
Bragg diffraction      119
Brain      228
Brownian motion      222
Calculation basis      188
Cavity      198
Chance      15
Characteristic oscillations      131
Classical information      173
Classical limit      207
Classical properties      34
Classical teleportation      174
CNOT-gate      240 248 255
Coding procedure      56
Coherence      104
Collapse of the wave function      70 206
Collapse of wavefunction      230
Complementarity      69
Complementary      274
Completeness      281
complexity      185
Composed system      40
Cooling techniques      99
Copenhagen interpretation      32
Copenhagen school      281
Correlation      182
Correlation coefficient      52
Correspondence rules      30
Cryptography      56
de-Broglie relation      12 98
Decoherence      105 165 214 223 244 291
Density matrix      211 218
Deterministic process      9
Deutsch — Jozsa algorithm      253
Diffraction optics      4
Dispositions      292
Distinguishability      126
Doppler-cooling      101
Double slit      7 69 77 96 179
Double-slit arrangement      115
Duality relation      128
Dust particle      216
Dynamical evolution      13
Dynamics      205
Dynamics I      22
Eigenstate      17
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen correlations      183 276 277
Einstein, A.      65 208 227 272 273 280—283
Electrodynamics      5
Ensemble experience      8
Ensemble interpretation      33
Entangled photons      149 160
Entangled state      85 132 183 213
Entanglement      88 106 111 114 123 148 183 205 239 249 255 275 277—279 284 292
Environment      210 214
Epistemology      271 289 293
EPR-Experiment      83
Error-correcting codes      197
Everett interpretation      231
Everett, H.      291
Experimental metaphysics      286
Factorization algorithms      186
Factorization problem      189
Fringe pattern      116
Fullerenes      218
Gate      184
Gedanken experiment      115
General relativity      288
Geometrical optics      4
GHZ state      260
Gravity      224
Grover algorithm      236
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation      116 144 274
Heisenberg, W.      227
Hidden variables      47 73 183
Holism      277
Holistic      63
Idealism      289
Improper mixture      284
Incompatible      274
Indetermination      9
Individuality      279
Individuals      278 289
Inner product      20
Input      185
Interaction-free quantum measurement      25
Interference      4 95 211 212
Interference pattern      117
Interpretation      229
Intrinsic properties      272 274 275 279—281 284 288—290 292
Ion trap      198 243 244
Jackson, F.      280 281 287
Kant, I.      281 288
Kinematics      204
Law of motion      205
Lewis, D.      274 280
Light microscope      116
Light quantum      118
Linearity      22
Local action      273
Local realistic theory      50
Locality      50 178 279 285
Locality condition      273
localization      215 217
Mass point      204
Matter-wave laser      104
Measurement      13 20 22 23 41 73 171
Measurement process      212
Metaphysics      287
Minimal interpretation      33
Mixed state      284
Mixture      182
Molecules      221
Moore's law      143
No-cloning theorem      61 176
Nonlocal      30 63 87 88
Nonseparable      122
Nuclear magnetic resonance      111
Nuclear spin resonance      198
Objective      9
Observation      210
Observer      227
One-time-pad      152
Ontology      289 290 293
Optical gratings      198
Optical resonator      129
Output      185
Parametric fluorescence      160
Particle nature      116
Paul trap      245
Pauli principle      278
Period of a function      193
Periodic energy exchange      130
Phenomenalism      289
Planck scale      172
Preparation      170
probability      9 20
Product state      42
PROGRAM      185
Properties, classical      214
Quantum computer      108 145 156 164 184 240 244
Quantum copy machine      60
Quantum cryptography      144 151 158
Quantum domain      13
Quantum dots      111 199
Quantum error correction      268
Quantum field theory      289
Quantum Fourier transformation      195
Quantum gate      164 240
Quantum information      143 173
Quantum information processing      241 251
Quantum information theory      175
Quantum interface      129
Quantum Jump      246
quantum mechanics      3
Quantum parallelism      194
Quantum physics, relation to classical physics      203
Quantum register      239
Quantum state      10
Quantum teleportation      145 154 161
Quantum theory      3
Quantum tomography      259
Quantum Zeno effect      23
Qubit      146 147 175 180 238
Quine, W.V.O.      285
Realism      50 290 292
register      184
Relations      280 284 288—290
Reversibility      188
Sartre, J.-P.      289
Scalability      265
Schroedinger cat      88 223
Schroedinger equation      22 205 230
Schroedinger function      9
Semantics      30
Separability      63 272 273 276—281 283 284 286 293
Separable      183
Shimony A.      286
Shor algorithm      189 236
Single slit      3
Single-photon light source      134
Single-system interpretation      33
Solvay Conference      67 80
Spin      275
Spinoza, B.      287 288
Spontaneous emission      129
State      273
State function      9
State preparation      17
State vector      20
Statistical interpretation      172
Substances      274
subsystems      40
Superposition      4 181 205 211 276
Superposition principle      205 208
Superposition state      122
Supervenience      274
Syntax      30
Teleportation      262
Teleported      140
Time dependent      273
Uncertainty      18
Uncertainty relation      19
Universal gate      240
Unsolvable problems      187
Visibility      126
von Neumann, J.      213
W state      261
Wave function      206
Wave nature      116
Wave-particle duality      67 115
Wheeler — de-Witt equation      226
Wheeler, J.A.      288
Which-path information      43 179
Wigner, E.      230
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