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Ridley B.K. — Quantum Processes in Semiconductors |
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Oscillator displacement 237
Oscillator strength 34
Overlap integrals 84 271 277
Overlap integrals in magnetic field 290 304
Overlap integrals, non-parabolic band 85
Overlap radius 191 192
Pade approximant 374
Paige, E.G.S. 82 395
Pantelides, S. 66 67 71 77
Parametric processes 416 ff
Paranjape, B.V. 396
Parity 193 209 210
Partial waves 139 146 152 190 191
Particle continuity 411
Partin, D.L. 77
Passler, R. 252 278
Pauling, L. 21
Pearson, G.L. 152
Pelzer, H. 63
Perel, V.I. 267 423 424
Periodic boundary conditions 5
Permitivity 259 330 332 339
Permitivity, hydrogenic levels 62
Perturbation theory, second-order transition rate 212
Phillips, J.C. 21 25 32 40
Phonons 2
Phonons, cascade 265 ff
Phonons, lifetime 352 ff
Phonons, LO emission rate 365
Phonons, scattering 366 ff
Phonons, symmetries 264
Photo deionization 198 199
Photoionization cross section 188 189
Photoionization cross section, acceptor-conduction band 199
Photoionization cross section, deep levels 208 ff
Photoionization cross section, direct interband 194
Photoionization cross section, donor 201
Photoionization cross section, hydrogenic donor 200 ff
Photoionization cross section, Lucovsky model 70 204
Photoionization cross section, plane wave and Coulomb wave models 207
Photoionization cross section, quantum defect 202 ff
Photoionization cross section, spectral dependence 194
Photoionization cross section, table 211
Photoionization cross section, thermal broadening 71 72 249
Photon, drag 188
Photon, momentum 188
Photon, scattering 222 223
piezoelectric scattering 119 ff
Piezoelectric scattering in a degenerate gas 321 ff
Piezoelectric scattering in a magnetic field 299 ff
Piezoelectric scattering, coupling coefficient 121
Piezoelectric scattering, energy relaxation rate 124
Piezoelectric scattering, momentum relaxation rate 123
Piezoelectric scattering, scattering rate 123
Piezoelectric scattering, screening 124
Piezoelectric scattering, tables 125
Piezoelectric tensor 410
Piezoelectricity 41
Pikus, G.E. 39 106 107
Pines, D. 59 146 175
Plasma, frequency 59 331
Plasma, oscillations 58 69 331
Poisson distribution 248
Polar coupling constant 119 331 335
Polar coupling constant, table 62
Polar optical mode scattering 113 ff
Polar optical mode scattering, energy and momentum relaxation 117 118
Polar optical mode scattering, non-parabolic band 118
Polar optical mode scattering, scattering rate 116 117
Polarization 371
Polaron 62 63
Polder, D. 121 123
Pomeranchuk, I. 295 296 303
Poynting vector 184
Prezcori, B. 67
Price, P.J. 407
Probability operator 370
Pryce, M.H.L. 252
Quantum defect model 69 70 164 202
Quarrington, J.E. 218 220
Quasi-elastic approximation 399
Quiesser, H.J. 75
Rabi frequency 376
Rabi, L. 376
Radiative transitions 184 ff
Radiative transitions, capture cross section 188 189
Radiative transitions, deep level impurities 208 ff
Radiative transitions, donor-conduction band 200 ff
Radiative transitions, free carriers 218 ff
Radiative transitions, free-carrier scattering 227 ff
Radiative transitions, indirect 210 ff
Radiative transitions, indirect interband 214 ff
Radiative transitions, interband 193 ff
Radiative transitions, quantum defect 202 ff
Ralph, H.I. 167 168 178
Reciprocal lattice vector 5
Recombination 275
Recombination, waves 421 ff
Reduced mass 84 196
Rees, H.D. 396
Reggiani, L. 396 407
Reik, H.G. 395 396 402 417
Reissland, J.A. 352
Resonance scattering 156 ff 192
Resonance scattering, scattering factor 177
Resonance states 67
Rhys, A. 238 251
Rhys-Roberts, C. 276
Richter, W. 329
Rickayzen, G. 252
Ridley, B.K. 113 117 149 154 179 205 209 252 260 262 264 267 278 294 362 386 390 391 393 398 404 405 411 416 417 418 419 421
Risken, H. 396 402
Robbins, D.J. 276
Roberts, V. 218 220
Rode, D.L. 125 131 133 134 135
Rodriguez, S. 267
Rose, A. 411
Roth, L.M. 287
Rumer, G. 356
Rutherford scattering 142
Ryder, E.J. 395
Ryzhik, I.M. 225 304 305
Sanders, T.M. 141
Sasaki, W. 395
Sasaki, Y. 416
Scattering cross section 140
Scattering cross section, Brooks — Herring 144 145
Scattering cross section, Conwell — Weisskopf 143
Scattering cross section, dipole 170
Scattering cross section, electron hole 173
Scattering cross section, electron-electron 174
Scattering cross section, Erginsov's 152
Scattering cross section, free carriers by photons 231
Scattering cross section, resonance 157
Scattering cross section, Sclar 156
Scattering factor 153 160 177
Scattering rate 82
Scattering rate, acoustic phonon 99
Scattering rate, Brooks — Herring 144
| Scattering rate, free carrier 223
Scattering rate, light 231
Scattering rate, optical phonon 109
Scattering rate, piezoelectric 123
Scattering rate, polar optical mode 116 117
Scattering rate, uncertainty broadened charged impurity 148
Scattering states 75
Scattering states, resonant 67
Scattering states, wave function 140 190
Scattering-determined distributions, non-polar acoustic 400
Scattering-determined distributions, non-polar optical 402
Schenter, G.K. 401
Schiff, L. 139 156 173 212
Schirmer, R. 417
Schmidt-Tiedermann, K.J. 395
Schoell, E. 380 419 420
Sclar's formula 156
Sclar, N. 153 154
screening 145 146 170 325 328 372
Screening, coefficient 114 143
Segar, K. 226
Seitz, F. 107
Selection rules, intervalley processes 110
Selection rules, intravalley processes 107
Selection rules, phonon impurity coupling 263 ff
Self-energy 125 ff
Shibuya, M. 395
Shockley, W. 395
Shubnikov — de Haas effect, longitudinal 310 ff
Shubnikov — de Haas effect, transverse 304 ff
Si 23
Si, band structure 8 17
Si, conduction band 33 34
Si, donor and acceptor energies 66
Si, electron mobility 129 168 178
Si, exciton binding energy 68
Si, impurity levels 76 77
Si, interband absorption 217
Si, intervalley coupling constant 113
Si, intervalley scattering 111
Si, scattering coefficients 102
Si, valence band 32
Simpson, G. 167 168 178
Sinha, D. 153
Sinyavskii, E.P. 256
Smith, C. 277
Smith, E.F. 267
Smoluchowski, R. 11
Sn, band structure 18
Soft X-ray emission 6
Space-charge waves 412 ff
Space-group to point-group reduction 264
Sphalerite 6 14
Spin 271 287 309
Spin-orbit coupling 13 ff 27
Spin-orbit coupling, alloys 42
Srivastava, G.P. 352
Stafeev, V.I. 419
Staromylnska, J. 306
Starred space 93 100
Static coupling theory 278
Static screening 393
Stokes shift 72
Stoneham, A.M. 72 252 254
Stradling, R.A. 58 306 314
strain 38 39 95
Strain, energy 237 238
Stratton, R. 170 402
Streitwolf, H.W. 110
Sturge, M.D. 195
Sussmann, R.S. 418
Suzuki, T. 416
Swain, S. 396
Takimoto, N. 145 146
Taniguchi, K. 317
Taylor, B.C. 420
Temkin, A. 154
Temperature dependence of energy gaps 35 ff
Thermal broadening 71 72 244
Thermal broadening, semi-classical 240
Thermal expansion 37
Thermal generation rate 254 263
Thermal generation rate, comparison of quantum and semi-classical results 225
Thermal generation rate, semi-classical 241 ff
Thermal velocity 98
Third body exclusion 148 ff
Thomas — Fermi potential 114 145
Thomas — Fermi screening 374
Thomson scattering 231
Thomson, J.J. 267
Tight binding 77 78
Titeica, S. 304
Toyozawa, Y. 252
Trapping 411
Tsarenkov, G.V. 424
Two-level system 375 ff
Uchida, I. 416
Umklapp processes 84
Uncertainty broadening 147 148
Unit cell 5 12
Unit cell, dimension 259
Valence band 8
Van-Vechten, J. 21 24 26 35 40 42
Vassamillet, L.F. 77
Vassell, M.O. 118 119
Vibrational barrier 225 240
Vibrational energy, probability 240
Vogt, E. 38 95 102 107
von Hippel, A. 394
Wannier function 6 77
Wannier — Stark states 378 ff
Watkins, T.B. 405 419
Watson, G.N. 70
Watts, R.K. 77
Wave vector 139
Weinreich, G. 141
Weisbuch, C. 195
Weisskopf, V. 142
Welborne, J. 419
Westgate, C.R. 111
Wheatley, G.H. 133
White, D.L. 414
White, H.G. 141
Whittaker, E.T. 70
Wigner, E.P. 11
Wolfstirn, K.B. 178
Wood, R.A. 314
Woolley, J.C. 42
Wurzite 14
Yassievitch, I.N. 267
Zener tunnelling 379 394
Zener — Bloch oscillations 50 ff 232 379
Zener, C. 50 242 394
Zieman, S. 63
Ziman, J.M. 324 367
ZnSe, band structure 22
Zook, J.D. 121 125
Zukotynski, S. 404
Zwerdling, S. 287
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