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Antoulas A.C. — Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems
Antoulas A.C. — Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems

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Название: Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems

Автор: Antoulas A.C.


SIAM's Advances in Design and Control series consists of texts and monographs dealing with all areas of design and control and their applications. Topics of interest include shape optimization, multidisciplinary design, trajectory optimization, feedback, and optimal control. The series focuses on the mathematical and computational aspects of engineering design and control that are usable in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 479

Добавлена в каталог: 31.01.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hankel singular values (HSV)      138
Hankel singular values (HSV), assignment of      307
Hankel singular values (HSV), continuous-time      139
Hankel singular values (HSV), cross gramian and      140
Hankel singular values (HSV), decay rates      285 294
Hankel singular values (HSV), decay rates, Cauchy kernel      288
Hankel singular values (HSV), decay rates, Cauchy matrices      287
Hankel singular values (HSV), decay rates, multiplicative majorization      294
Hankel singular values (HSV), decay rates, numerical examples      298
Hankel singular values (HSV), discrete-time case      138
Hankel singular values (HSV), lemma      139
Hankel-norm approximation      249
Hankel-norm approximation, AAK theorem      252
Hankel-norm approximation, all suboptimal solutions      259
Hankel-norm approximation, construction of approximants      254
Hankel-norm approximation, error bounds      262
Hankel-norm approximation, Hankel operator, eigenvalue equation      270
Hankel-norm approximation, Hankel operator, Schmidt pairs      269
Hankel-norm approximation, input-output construction of approximants      254
Hankel-norm approximation, main ingredients      250
Hankel-norm approximation, main result      252
Hankel-norm approximation, polynomial approach      267
Hankel-norm approximation, polynomial approach, balanced canonical form      273
Hankel-norm approximation, polynomial approach, error formulae      275
Hankel-norm approximation, polynomial approach, Hankel operator and SVD      268
Hankel-norm approximation, polynomial approach, Nehari problem      272
Hankel-norm approximation, unitary dilation      256
Hankel-norm approximation, unitary dilation, optimal case      258
Hankel-norm approximation, unitary dilation, suboptimal case      258
Hardy norms, frequency domain      149
Hilbert space      123
Hilbert — Schmidt norm      141
Hilbert — Schmidt operator      141
Homework assignments      421—439
Implicitly restarted Arnoldi method (IRAM)      336
Implicitly restarted Arnoldi method (IRAM), convergence      337
Impulse $\delta$      62
Impulse response      65
Induced 2-norm of convolution operator      132
Induced 2-norm, bisection algorithm      133
Induced norms and noninduced norms of convolution operator      150
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators      147
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators, (p,q) Lebesgue spaces      147
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators, (p,q) norms      148
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators, equi-induced norms      148
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators, mixed-induced norms      148
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators, spatial norm      147
Induced norms, convolution, Hankel operators, temporal norm      147
Inertia, definition      188
Inertia, iterative proof of      195
Inertia, Lyapunov equations, and      188
Inertia, Sylvester law of      189
Input      59
Input energy      71
Interlacing      53
Internal description      59 63
International Space Station (ISS)      20
Iterative approximation, approximate balanced reduction      371
Iterative approximation, approximate balanced reduction, algorithm      375 377
Iterative approximation, approximate balanced reduction, cross gramian and      373
Iterative approximation, Smith methods      380 381
Iterative approximation, Smith methods, ADI iteration      381
Iterative approximation, Smith methods, cyclic Smith(l)      382
Iterative approximation, Smith methods, low rank ADI and cyclic Smith      382
Iterative approximation, Smith methods, modified low rank Smith(l)      384
Iterative approximation, Smith methods, trapezoidal rule, and      387
Iterative approximation, SVD-Krylov methods      371
Kernel (weighting pattern)      61
Krylov methods, eigenvalue estimation      324
Krylov methods, eigenvalue estimation, Arnoldi method      328
Krylov methods, eigenvalue estimation, convergence of Lanczos method      326
Krylov methods, eigenvalue estimation, Lanczos method      325
Krylov methods, eigenvalue estimation, motivation      324
Krylov methods, generality of rational Krylov      357
Krylov methods, implicitly restarted Arnoldi method      336
Krylov methods, Krylov subspace      68
Krylov methods, Krylov, basic iteration      313
Krylov methods, preservation of passivity      358
Krylov methods, rational Arnoldi method      336
Krylov methods, rational Krylov methods      335
Lagrange polynomial      100
Lanczos method, algorithm      334
Lanczos method, eigenvalue estimation      325
Lanczos method, eigenvalue estimation, convergence of      326
Lanczos method, moment matching      346
Lanczos method, moment matching, continued fractions      351
Lanczos method, moment matching, error      349
Lanczos method, moment matching, tridiagonal form      347
Lanczos method, properties      332
Lanczos method, three-term recurrence      332
Lanczos method, two-sided Lanczos      333
LAPACK software      51
Laplace transform      62
Laurent operator      60 128
Least squares problem      40 53
Least squares system approximation      368
Least squares system approximation, moment matching      370
Least squares system approximation, Prony's method      370
Lebesgue norms, frequency domain      149
Lebesgue spaces, time domain      124
Linear matrix inequality (LMI), dissipative systems      161
Loewner matrix      99 102
LU decomposition      28 323 336 347 355
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations      173
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations in Schur basis      191
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, algorithms      200
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, Bartels — Stewart algorithm      191
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, characteristic polynomial methods      179
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, complex integration method      176
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, eigenvalue/eigenvector method      178
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, eigenvalue/eigenvector method, generalized, reachability/observability, matrices      179
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, Hammarling algorithm      196
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, inertia      188
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, invariant subspace method      184
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, Kronecker product method      175
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, numerical issues, condition number of solutions      203
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, numerical issues, forward/backward stability      201
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, sign function method      184
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, square root method      196
Lyapunov and Sylvester equations, triangular coefficients      191
Lyapunov equation, continuous-time      78
Lyapunov equation, discrete-time (Stein)      79
Lyapunov equation, Schur basis      193
Lyapunov equation, Schur basis, iterative proof of inertia      195
Lyapunov equation, sign function, and the      184
Majorization and interlacing      53
Markov parameters      62 66
Matrix exponential      64
Matrix exponential, formula      70
Matrix theory      27
Matrix theory, big six matrix decompositions      28
Matrix theory, Cholesky decomposition      28
Matrix theory, eigenvalue computations      313
Matrix theory, Jordan blocks      315
Matrix theory, LU decomposition      28 323 336 347 355
Matrix theory, norms of vectors and matrices      28
Matrix theory, QR decomposition      28 314 321 324 332 337 348
Matrix theory, Schur decomposition      28 320 323
McMillan degree      96 100
Minimal residual method (MINRES)      331
Modal approximation      282
Model reduction by balanced truncation      207
Model reduction by balanced truncation, $\mathcal{H}_{2}$ error norm      218
Model reduction by balanced truncation, additive error bound      213 215
Model reduction by balanced truncation, bounded real balancing      231
Model reduction by balanced truncation, canonical form      224
Model reduction by balanced truncation, continuous-time      213
Model reduction by balanced truncation, continuous/discrete systems      211
Model reduction by balanced truncation, discrete-time      215
Model reduction by balanced truncation, four algorithms      220
Model reduction by balanced truncation, frequency weighted balancing      235 237
Model reduction by balanced truncation, frequency weighted balancing (gramians)      236 239
Model reduction by balanced truncation, Lyapunov balancing      229
Model reduction by balanced truncation, positive real balancing      232
Model reduction by balanced truncation, positive real balancing, error bound      234
Model reduction by balanced truncation, proof of error bound      216
Model reduction by balanced truncation, stochastic balancing      229
Model reduction by balanced truncation, stochastic balancing, multiplicative error bound      230
Model reduction by balanced truncation, time-limited balancing      241
Model reduction by balanced truncation, types of balancing      228
Model reduction by balanced truncation, unstable systems      242
Model reduction by balanced truncation, weighted balancing and Krylov      366
Model reduction by Hankel-norm approximation      249
Model reduction, algorithms, complexity of      415
Model reduction, algorithms, software      415
Model reduction, Arnoldi and moment matching      348
Model reduction, Arnoldi and moment matching, Hessenberg form      349
Model reduction, case studies      389
Model reduction, eigenvalues of gramians, decay rate bound      293
Model reduction, eigenvalues of gramians, decay rate estimate      291
Model reduction, exercises      421
Model reduction, Hankel singular values, Cauchy kernel      288
Model reduction, Hankel singular values, Cauchy matrices      287
Model reduction, Hankel singular values, decay rate      285 294
Model reduction, Hankel singular values, decay rate, numerical examples      298
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, AAK theorem      252
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, all suboptimal solutions      259
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, construction of approximants      254
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, error bounds      262
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, input-output construction of approximants      254
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, main ingredients      250
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, main result      252
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, polynomial approach      267
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, unitary dilation      256
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, unitary dilation, optimal case      258
Model reduction, Hankel-norm approximation, unitary dilation, suboptimal case      258
Model reduction, Krylov methods      343
Model reduction, Krylov methods, generality of rational Krylov      357
Model reduction, Krylov methods, preservation of passivity      358
Model reduction, Krylov methods, properties      350
Model reduction, Lanczos and moment matching      346
Model reduction, Lanczos and moment matching, error      349
Model reduction, Lanczos and moment matching, tridiagonal form      347
Model reduction, modal approximation      282
Model reduction, moment matching      346
Model reduction, moments of a function      345
Model reduction, open problems      416
Model reduction, projectors, summary      413
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)      277
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), adjoint system      281
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), empirical eigenfunctions      278
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), Galerkin projection      279
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), Petrov — Galerkin projection      279
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), POD and balancing      279
Model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), snapshots      278 279 281
Model reduction, special topics      277
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods      365
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, approximation balancing algorithm      375 377
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, cross gramian      373
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, iterative approximate balanced reduction      371
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, iterative methods      371
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, Krylov and Sylvester equations      366
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, least squares approximation      368 370
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, Smith methods      380
Model reduction, SVD-Krylov methods, weighted balancing and Krylov      366
Model reduction, truncation and residualization      285
Moment matching      346
Moments of a function      345
Moore — Penrose pseudoinverse      40
Multi-input, multi-output (MIMO)      60
Network synthesis      169
Nevanlinna — Pick problem      100
Nevanlinna — Pick problem, algebraization of      117
Normed spaces      123
Normed spaces, Banach space      123
Normed spaces, Cauchy sequence      123
Normed spaces, convergence      123
Normed spaces, Hilbert space      123
Normed spaces, inner prduct      124
Normed spaces, maximum modulus theorem      126
Normed spaces, orthogonal complement      124
Norms, Cauchy — Schwarz inequality      29
Norms, definition of      28
Norms, equi-induced      148
Norms, equi-induced norms      30
Norms, Hilbert — Schmidt      141
Norms, Hoelder inequality      29
Norms, matrix induced norms      30
Norms, mixed-induced      148
Norms, noninduced and induced of convolution operator      150
Norms, p-norms of vectors      29
Norms, Schatten matrix norms      30
Norms, spatial      147
Norms, submultiplicativity of matrix norms      31
Norms, temporal      147
Norms, unit balls      29
Norms, unstable system      154
Norms, vectors and matrices      28
Notation      xxiv
Numerical analysis      41
Numerical analysis, accuracy of numerical result      48
Numerical analysis, condition numbers      42
Numerical analysis, distance to singularity      50
Numerical analysis, floating point arithmetic      44
Numerical analysis, ill-posedness of rank      49
Numerical analysis, LAPACK software      51
Numerical analysis, Lyapunov equation, condition number of solutions      203
Numerical analysis, Lyapunov equation, forward/backward stability      201
Numerical analysis, numerical rank      50
Numerical analysis, stability of algorithms      44
Numerical analysis, stability of algorithms, backward error      44
Numerical analysis, stability of algorithms, forward error      44
Numerical analysis, stability of SVD      49
Numerical rank      50
Nyquist plot, Hilbert — Schmidt norm      141
Nyquist plot, spectrum of convolution operator      128 130
Observability      75
Observability, degree of      80
Observability, distance to unobservability      78
Observability, generalized observability matrix      102 179
Observability, gramian (finite)      76
Observability, infinite gramians      78
Observability, observability conditions      78
Observability, observability gramian      76
Observability, observability matrix      75
Observability, observable decomposition      77
Observability, observable subsystem      77
Observability, reachable-observable decomposition      77
Observability, unobservable state      75
Observability, unobservable subspace      75
Open problems in model reduction      416
Output      59
Output equations      63
Partial realization      97
Periodic convolution      128
Petrov — Galerkin condition      315
Petrov — Galerkin projection      277 279 281
Polynomial time algorithms      4
Popov — Belevich — Hautus (PHB) test      72
Positive real lemma      163
Problems, open in model reduction      416
Prony's method and least squares system approximation      370
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)      277
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), adjoint system      281
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), autocorrelation      278
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), empirical eigenfunctions      278
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), Galerkin projection      279
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), gramian      278
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), Petrov — Galerkin projection      279
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), POD and balancing      279
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