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Akhiezer A.I., Berestetskii V.B. — Quantum electrodynamics |
Предметный указатель |
-meson 508
Absorption coefficient, photons 432
action 156 223
Advanced potentials 516
Angular correlation, of -rays 362
Anomalous magnetic moment, electron 698
Anomalous magnetic moment, nucleon 150
Anticommutator 200
Anticommutator, field components 205
Asymptotic behavior, wave functions 382
Atomic form factor 395 803
Auger effect 537
Azimuthal asymmetry 136
Bispinor 75
Bispinor, unitary transformations 76
Bohr magneton 698
Bosons 241
Breit formula 517
Bremsstrahlung 378
Bremsstrahlung, double 747
Bremsstrahlung, energy losses 397
Bremsstrahlung, from scalar particles 840
Bremsstrahlung, screening 392
Charge conjugation 88 263
Charge parity 283
Charge-conjugate function 89
Charge-even state 283
Charge-odd state 283
Chronological product, electromagnetic field operators 178
Chronological product, electron-positron field operators 207
Classical electron “radius” 367 622
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 64
Coherent scattering 793 808
Combined inversion 267
Commutation relations 161 164 199 824
Commutator 162
Commutator of field components 176
Commutator of potentials 174
Commutator of scalar field components 824
Compton effect 325
Compton effect, bound electrons 492
Compton effect, double 740
Compton formula 365
Conversion coefficient 541
Conversion coefficient, K-shell 543
Current density vector 228 230
Current density vector, electron-positron field 211
Current density vector, scalar field 237 821
Cut-off factor 623
Cut-off momentum 622 674
Degree of photon polarization 17
Differential cross section 328
Dirac equation 75 79
Dirac equation, invariance 81
Dirac equation, positive and negative frequency solutions 87
Dirac matrices 75
Dispersion Formula 484
Dispersion relations 43
Divergences in electrodynamics of scalar particles 834
Divergences, types of 620
E0-transition 565
E0-transition, selection rules 568
Effective charge 662 704
Effective electron lines 595
Effective photon lines 597
Effective potential energy 693
EL-transition 348
Electric multipole moment 350
Electric multipole radiation 347
Electromagnetic electron mass 590 662
Electron energy spectrum, continuous 117
Electron energy spectrum, continuous, wave functions in Coulomb field 125
Electron energy spectrum, discrete 117
Electron energy spectrum, discrete, in Coulomb field 124
Electron self-energy part 594
Electron self-energy part, irreducible 600
Electron self-energy part, reducible 600
Electron self-energy part, regularized 610
Electron self-energy part, second order 639
Electron self-energy part, strongly connected or compact 596
Emission, of photons of long wavelength 413
Emission, of two photons 495
Energy-momentum vector of the electromagnetic field 158
Energy-momentum vector of the electron-positron field 197
Energy-momentum vector, of a field 225
Equation of continuity 81
Equivalent normal representations 312
Equivalent representations of a group 216
Exchange diagram 512
exchange interaction 512 524
Excitation, of nuclei by electrons 562
fermions 241
Feynman diagrams 307
Feynman’s rules 324
Field equations for scalar particles 819
Field equations, in Poisson bracket form 260
Fine structure 124
Fock’s functional 61
Furry’s theorem 322
Gauge transformation 155 262
Gradient transformation see "Gauge transformation"
Green’s functions 575
Green’s functions for two electrons 679
Green’s functions, Dirac equations 211 485
Green’s functions, d’Alembert equations 185
Green’s functions, equations for 588
Green’s functions, equations for, in variational derivatives 683
Green’s functions, integral equations for 602 663
Heisenberg picture 268
Hypergeometric function 403
Hypergeometric function, confluent 123 126
Indefinite metric, in Hilbert space 170
Infinitesimal operator 217
Interaction picture 269
Interaction, between electrons and positrons 523
interaction, Exchange 524
Internal conversion, of -rays 537
Intrinsic parity 82
Invariance, of Dirac equation 81
Invariance, of equations of quantum electrodynamics 262
Invariants, of the electromagnetic field 156
inversion 245
Inversion, combined 267
Inversion, total 249 263
Inversion, weak 266
Irreducible tensors 62
Isomers 356
Isotopic shift 128
L-vector 62
L-vector, contravariant components 63
L-vector, covariant components 63
Lagrangian 155 223
Lagrangian density 156
Lagrangian density for electromagnetic field 158 781
Lagrangian density for electron-positron field 195
Lagrangian density for interacting fields 256 258 822
Lagrangian density for scalar fields 236 820
Lagrangian density, conditions for relativistic invariance 230
Lagrangian density, radiation corrections 780 850
Longitudinal photons 52
Lorentz condition 48 155
Lorentz group 214
Lorentz group, full 215
Lorentz group, irreducible representations 217
Lorentz group, proper 215
Lorentz group, representation 216
Magnetic multipole moment 352
Magnetic multipole radiation 351
Majorana 78
Majorana representation 78
| Mass operator 589
Mass operator, regularized 610
Matrix elements, of field operators 292 572—575
Maxwell’s equations 2
Metastable nuclear states 355
Metastable state, of hydrogen atom 495
Method of equivalent photons 473
Mixed T-product 296
ML-transition 348
Monoenergetic positrons 564
Natural line width 758
Nonlocal interaction 676
Norm of a function, in Hilbert space 169
Normal product of operators of the electromagnetic field 178
Normal product of operators of the electron-positron field 208
Nuclear magneton 150
Occupation numbers 153
Operator, charge conjugation 280
Operator, electron annihilation 203
Operator, electron creation 203
Operator, infinitesimal 217
Operator, mass 589
Operator, photon annihilation 168
Operator, photon creation 168
Operator, positron annihilation 203
Operator, positron creation 203
Operator, projection 99
Operator, vacuum polarization 589
Optical theorem 41 796
Order of diagram 309
Orthopositronium 465
Orthopositronium, decay probability 467
Pair annihilation 457
Pair annihilation of longitudinally polarized pair 461
Pair annihilation with multiple photon production 470
Pair annihilation, one-photon 463
Pair annihilation, three-photon 467
Pair annihilation, two-photon 458 844
Pair annihilation, two-photon, correlation of photon polarizations 461
Pair annihilation, two-photon, radiation corrections 744
Pair production 438
Pair production by two photons 448
Pair production in collisions of two charged particles 452
Pair production in field of a nucleus 438 482
Pair production in photon-electron collisions 451
Pair production in radioactive decay 457
Pair production of scalar particles 843
Pairing of electromagnetic field operators 179
Pairing of electron-positron field operators 209
Pairing of field operators 297
Pairing of scalar field operators 827
Parametrization method 632
Parapositronium 465
Parapositronium, decay probability 466
Parity, charge 283
Parity, electron states 109
Parity, intrinsic 82
Parity, photon states 29
Parity, states of two-photon system 56
Pauli equation 145
Pauli exclusion principle 198
Pauli matrices 73
Pauli theorem 241
Perturbation theory 284
Perturbation theory for continuous spectrum 378
Perturbation theory, criterion for applicability 658
Photoeffect 429
Photon emission 345
Photon self-energy part 594
Photon self-energy part, irreducible 600
Photon self-energy part, reducible 600
Photon self-energy part, second order 643
Photon self-energy part, strongly connected or compact 597
Photon spin 21
Photon states, electric type 30 35
Photon states, magnetic 30 35
Photon “mass” 423
Physical electron charge 605 663
Picture, Heisenberg 268
Picture, interaction 269
Picture, Schroedinger 268
Poisson brackets 260
Polarization density matrix for electrons 97
Polarization density matrix for nuclei 356
Polarization density matrix for photons 13
Polarization moment, of nucleus 356
Polarization of bremsstrahlen 389
Polarization of electrons 95
Polarization of electrons on scattering 136
Polarization of nucleus correlated with photon emission 361
Polarization of photons, circular 12
Polarization of photons, elliptical 14
Polarization of photons, linear 12
Polarization of photons, longitudinal 50 159
Polarization of photons, scalar 160
Polarization of radiation 356
Polarization of scattered photons 374 377
Polarization operator 589
Polarization operator, regularized 610
Positronium 527
Positronium, decay 465
Positronium, fine structure 530
Positronium, levels 528 530
Positronium, Zeeman effect 535
Potentials, of the electromagnetic field 46 159
Probability of a scattering process 327
Probability of a scattering process for polarized particles 336
Propagator, electron 575 584
Propagator, electron, in functional integral form 689
Propagator, electron, in presence of external fields 678
Propagator, photon 575 584
Propagator, photon, in functional integral form 689
Propagator, photon, in presence of external fields 679
Propagator, photon, renormalized 609 631
Propagator, renormalized 609 631
Propagator, scalar particle 826
Quantization rules for fields 154
Quantization rules for fields for the electromagnetic field 161
Quantization rules for fields for the electron-positron field 198
Quantization rules for fields for the scalar field 824
Quantum electrodynamics, fundamental equations 255
Racah coefficients 67
Radiation corrections 693
Radiation corrections to bremsstrahlung 747
Radiation corrections to Compton effect 731
Radiation corrections to Coulomb’s law 702 849
Radiation corrections to electron scattering 705
Radiation corrections to Lagrangian of electromagnetic field 780 850
Radiation corrections to two-photon pair annihilation 744
Radiation shift of -mesic atom levels 756
Radiation shift of atomic levels 751
Radiation shift of hydrogen-atom levels 754
Radiation shift of positronium levels 756
Radiation, angular distribution 358
Radiation, from a nucleus 353
Radiation, polarization 359
Raman scattering 486
Recoil electrons 372
Relativistically invariant field equations 229
Renormalizability 659
Renormalization of electron mass 604
Renormalization of matrix elements 613
Representation of a group 216
Representation of a group, dimension 216
Representation of a group, direct product 220
Representation of a group, irreducible 217
Representation of a group, reducible 217
Representation of a group, spinor 221
Representation of a group, tensor 221
Resonance scattering, of photons 491 761
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