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Boyd R.W. — Nonlinear Optics |
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Modulational instability 368
Molecular orientation effect 193 198 203 210—220
Molecular orientation effect, potential energy of orientation 211
Monoclinic (crystal) 41 45 53
Moving focus model (of self focusing) 323
Multiphoton absorption 517 521—530
Multiphoton ionization and dissociation 516 550
Navier — Stokes equation 436
Negative-frequency components 7 17
Nematic phase 255
Nitrogen 435 458 458
Noncentrosymmetric media 2 43 49—50 62 253
Nonlinear scale length 539
Nonlinear Schroedinger equation 362 537
Nonlocal response 221
Nonresonant excitation 170
Normal dispersion 95
Octopole moment 243
Oersted (unit of magnetic field) 562
Ohm's law 562
Optical activity 252
Optical bistability 14—15 340—347 365—366
Optical bistability, absorptive 342—345
Optical bistability, refractive 345—347
Optical damage 448 515—521
Optical damage, threshold for 518
Optical indicatrix 487
Optical parametric oscillation 9 86 99—107
Optical rectification 5—7 26
Optical shock waves 533 541
Optical switching 345 347—350
Optimum focusing (in SHG) 116
Ordinary polarization 98 505
Orthogonal transformation 486
Orthonormality condition 132 133 145 308 524
Orthorhombic (crystal) 41 45 53
Oscillator strength 158
Oscillator strength, sum rule for 158 242
Overdense (plasma) 551
Parametric amplification 9 84—87 99
Parametric and nonparametric processes 13—14 86
Parametric fluorescence 9
Paraxial wave equation 111 317
Parity, definite or fixed 151 241 263
Pauli principle 228
Periodic poling 107
Perturbation theory, applied to atomic wavefunction 132—134 524—530
Perturbation theory, applied to classical anharmonic oscillator 22—32 61
Perturbation theory, applied to density matrix 151—154
Perturbation theory, applied to photorefractive equations 502—508
Perturbation theory, applied to time independent response 237—238
Phase conjugation 324—340 365
Phase conjugation, aberration correction by 324—328
Phase conjugation, by stimulated Brillouin scattering 428—433
Phase conjugation, photorefractive 509—512
Phase conjugation, polarization properties of 336—340 364
Phase conjugation, vector 337
Phase of focused Gaussian beam 112
Phase shift (as origin of two-beam coupling) 350—355 498
Phase-matching, and near-forward four-wave mixing 322
Phase-matching, and Stokes-anti-Stokes coupling in stimulated Raman scattering 465
Phase-matching, as the Bragg condition 395
Phase-matching, automatically satisfied 125 420 462
Phase-matching, in difference frequency generation 84
Phase-matching, in optical parametric oscillation 102
Phase-matching, in optical phase conjugation by four-wave mixing 329—330 335
Phase-matching, in second harmonic generation 87—92
Phase-matching, in sum frequency generation 7 68 74—76
Phase-matching, in surface interactions 121
Phase-matching, methods of achieving 94—99
Phase-matching, quasi-phase-matching 107—111 124
Phase-matching, with focused gaussian beams 114—117 124
Phonon lifetime 388 419 435
Photon energy-level description of nonlinear optical interactions 6 8 9 11 78 335
Photon occupation number 453—456
Photorefractive effect 50 193 351 355 497—512
Photovoltaic current 500
Physical constants 569
Planar alignment (of liquid crystal) 256
Plasma frequency 226 551—552
Plasma nonlinearities 550—552
Plasma screening effects 226
Pockels effect 485 497
Point groups 41
Poisson probability distribution 381
Polar materials 50
Polarizability 160
Polarization (of light) and light scattering 378
Polarization (of light), polarization ellipse vs. retardation 494
Polarization (of light), polarization unit vector 325 336
Polarization (of matter) 1—4
Polarization (of matter), Raman — anti-Stokes 463
Polarization (of matter), Raman — Stokes 461
Polarization (of matter), Raman — Stokes, third-order 10—12
Polydiacetylene 194 246
Polymers, conjugated 237 246
Ponderomotive effects 552
Ponderomotive energy 544
Population decay rate (time) 149 161 264 266 268
Population inversion 266 277 297
Power broadening 262 272
Power series expansion 2
Poynting theorem 35 124 563
Poynting vector 75 563—564
Principal axis system 486 492
Probability amplitude 134 284
Pulse compression (by stimulated Brillouin scattering) 448
Pulse duration, laser damage dependence on 519—520
Pulse propagation 356—363 367
Pulse propagation for ultrashort pulses 533—543
Pump depletion (in stimulated Brillouin scattering) 422
Quadrupole moment 242—243
Quantum electrodynamics, nonlinear 555—557
quantum mechanics 129—176
Quartz 48
Quasi-phase-matching 107—111 124
Rabi frequency 271 275 282 299 306 543
Rabi oscillations 262 283—295
Rabi oscillations, damped 294 308
Rabi sidebands 306
Racemic mixtures 253
Raman scattering, spontaneous 371—372 451—452
Raman scattering, stimulated 16 351 451—483
Raman — Nath scattering (in acoustooptics) 393 402—406
Rate equations, for plasma formation 550
Rate equations, photorefractive 499
Rate equations, semiconductor 225
Rate-of-dilation tensor 437
Rayleigh resonance (of two-level atom) 307
Rayleigh scattering, spontaneous 371—372 374 380 392
Rayleigh scattering, stimulated 16 435—447
Rayleigh-wing scattering, spontaneous 371—372
Rayleigh-wing scattering, stimulated 476—482
Rayleigh-wing scattering, stimulated, polarization properties of 481—483
Reality of physical fields 32
Recombination, electron-hole 225
Reflection, nonlinear optics in 117—122
Refractive index, calculated quantum mechanically 159 183 304
Relativistic effects 544—545 552—554
Relativistic effects, relativistic change in mass 552
Relativistic effects, relativistic factor gamma 552—553
Relaxation processes 264 268 307
| Relaxation time 372
Residue theorem 57
Resonance enhancement 130 165—168 175 183
Resonance, one-, two-, and three-photon 130 207 229
Resonant excitation 4 136 157
Response time 193 203 222 256 308 353 478 497 507
Retardation (electrooptic) 493
Retarded time 361 536
Rotating wave approximation 269 276 525
Rotation of the polarization ellipse 201—202 232
Rydberg, constant 239
Rydberg, levels (of atom) 143
SAPpHiRe 209
Saturable absorption 14 193 261 268
Saturated bond 246
Saturation 4 262 272
Saturation, saturation intensity 14 274—275
Saturation, saturation spectroscopy 295
Scattering (of light), cross section 375—376 380
Scattering (of light), from moving grating 354
Scattering (of light), scalar 374
Scattering (of light), scattering coefficient 374—375 384
Scattering (of light), spontaneous 371—393
Scattering (of light), tensor 374
Schroedinger equation 131 144 148 239 284 523
Schroedinger picture 153
Second-harmonic generation 1 5—7 19 24 60 87—94 118 123 125
Self-action effects 311—324
Self-broadening (of atomic resonance) 267
Self-focusing 11 311—324 364
Self-focusing, critical power for 315 554
Self-focusing, critical power for, for nonlinear quantum electrodynamics 557
Self-focusing, critical power for, for relativistic response 554
Self-focusing, self focusing angle 313
Self-focusing, transient 324
Self-induced transparency 367
Self-phase modulation 356—357 362 367
Self-steepening 533 537 539—541
Self-trapping 311 312 314—317
Semiconductor nonlinearities 224—232
Sidebands 459
Silica, fused 194 209 221 387 421 458
Silicon 194
Simultaneous equations 82
Singly resonant optical parametric oscillator 100 102—105
Slowly-varying amplitude approximation 73 109 111 325 331 537
Sodium vapor 142—143 267 275
Solitons, spatial 318 364
Solitons, temporal 356—363 367
Sound, velocity of 386—387 434
Space-charge field strength 504—505
Space-time coupling 534 537 541—542
Spatial symmetries 40—54 62
Specific heat 392
Speckle 431—432
Spontaneous and stimulated light scattering contrasted 452—457
Spontaneous emission 161 264
Square-well potential 247 257
Stark effect, as origin of nonlinear response 208
Stark effect, of hydrogen 238 257
Stark effect, optical frequency 262
Statcoulomb 561
Stimulated emission 525
Stochastic properties (of stimulated Brillouin scattering) 428
Stokes relations, for reflection and transmission coefficients 347
Stokes relations, for viscosity 436
Stokes scattering 371—372 389—390 416 451
Stokes-anti-Stokes coupling 466—476
Strain-optic tensor 396
Sum-frequency generation 6—8 19 25 68 72—76 79—83 96 123 143 253
Supercontinuum generation 542—543
Surface nonlinear optics 117—122
Susceptibility, in quasi-static limit 239
Susceptibility, linear 2 41 55
Susceptibility, linear, calculated using density matrix 154—157
Susceptibility, linear, calculated using wavefunction 134—135
Susceptibility, nonlinear 1 17—20 32 271
Susceptibility, of two-level atom 271—276
Susceptibility, Raman 461—466
Susceptibility, second-order 2—3 18 44—50
Susceptibility, second-order, calculate using density matrix 161—171
Susceptibility, second-order, calculated using wavefunction 136—138
Susceptibility, third-order 2—3 20 27—32 50—54
Susceptibility, third-order, calculate using density matrix 171—176
Susceptibility, third-order, calculate using wavefunction 138—141
Systems of units 123
Temperature-tuned phase matching 99
Tensor properties 2 18 61 254
Tensor properties of isotropic materials 193—199
Tensor properties of the molecular orientation effect 215—220 232
Tetragonal (crystals) 41 45 53
thermal conductivity 221 392
Thermal equilibrium 212 265
Thermal nonlinear optical effects 193 220—224 232
Thermal nonlinear optical effects, thermal stimulated Brillouin and Ralleigh scattering 435—446
Thermodynamics and light scattering 382—393
Thermodynamics, first law of 413
Third-harmonic generation 10 60 115 124 129 141—144
Third-harmonic generation in isotropic medium 196
Thomas — Fermi screening 250
Thompson scattering 380
Three-photon resonance (of two-level atom) 307
Threshold condition, for laser damage 518
Threshold condition, for optical parametric oscillation 101
Threshold condition, for stimulated Brillouin scattering 425 427—428
Time-domain description 54—61
Titanium dioxide 194
Total internal reflection 316
Trap density 504
Trap level 268
Triclinic (crystal) 41 45 53
Trigonal (crystal) 41 45 51
Two-beam coupling, in sluggish Kerr medium 350—355 366
Two-beam coupling, photorefractive 501—508
Two-beam coupling, photorefractive, transient 507 512
Two-level approximation 261
Two-level atom 228
Two-level atom, density matrix treatment of 150 262—276
Two-photon absorption 15 230 350 528—530
Two-photon microscopy 521
Type I and type II phase matching 40 97
Ultrafast nonlinear optics 533—543
Ultrashort laser pulses 533
Undepleted-pump approximation 83 88
Underdense (plasma) 551
Uniaxial crystals 46 97 491
Unsold approximation 241
Upconversion 79 123
Valence band 224
Vector potential, dimensionless 546
Vibrations, molecular 457—461
Virtual transitions 6 229
viscosity 387 433 436 446—447
Water 194 221 387 393 406 421
Wave equation (for light) 67 69 353
Wave equation (for light), acoustic 387 418
Wavefront radius of curvature 112
wavefunction 131 144 263 284 523
Wavelength tuning (of optical parametric oscillator) 102
Wavevector mismatch 74 81 108—110 305
Z-scan 364
Zincblende structure 49
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