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Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling, Volume 1: Parsing
Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling, Volume 1: Parsing

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Íàçâàíèå: The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling, Volume 1: Parsing

Àâòîðû: Aho A.V., Ullman J.D.


This book is intended for a one or two semester course in compiling theory at the senior or graduate level. It is a theoretically oriented treatment of a practical subject. Our motivation for making it so is threefold.

In an area as rapidly changing as Computer Science, sound pedagogy demands that courses emphasize ideas, rather than implementation details. It is our hope that the algorithms and concepts presented in this book will survive the next generation of computers and programming languages, and that at least some of them will be applicable to fields other than compiler writing.

Compiler writing has progressed to the point where many portions of a compiler can be isolated and subjected to design optimization. It is important that appropriate mathematical tools be available to the person attempting this optimization.

Some of the most useful and most efficient compiler algorithms, e.g. LR(k) parsing, require a good deal of mathematical background for full understanding. We expect, therefore, that a good theoretical background will become essential for the compiler designer.

While we have not omitted difficult theorems that are relevant to compiling, we have tried to make the book as readable as possible. Numerous examples are given, each based on a small grammar, rather than on the large grammars encountered in practice. It is hoped that these examples are sufficient to illustrate the basic ideas, even in cases where the theoretical developments are difficult to follow in isolation.

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Left linear grammar      122
Left parsable grammar      271—275 341
Left parse      see “Leftmost derivation” “Top-down
Left parse language      273 277
Left parser      266—268
Left recursion      484 (see also “Left recursive grammar”)
Left sentential form      143
Left-bracketed representation (for trees)      46
Left-corner parse      278—280 310—312 362—367
Left-corner parser      310—312
Left-recursive grammar      153—158 287—288 294—298 344—345
Leftmost derivation      142—143 204 318—320
Leinius, R.P.      399 426
Length of a derivation      86
Length of a string      16
Lentin, A.      211
Lewis, P.M.      II 192 237 368
Lexical analysis      59—63 72—74 251—264
Lexicographic order      13
Linear bounded automaton      100 (see also “Context-sensitive grammar”)
Linear grammar/language      165—170 207—208 237
Linear order      10 13—14 43—45
Linear set      209—210
LL(1) grammar      342—349 483
LL(k) grammar/language      73 268 333—368 397—398 448 452
LL(k) table      349—351 354—355
Loeckx, J.      455
Logic      19—25
Logical connective      21—25
Lookahead      300 306 331 334—336 363 371
Looping (in a pushdown automaton)      186—189
LR(1) grammar      410 448—450
LR(k) grammar/language      73 271 369 371—399 402 424 428 430 448
LR(k) table      374—376 392—394 398
Lucas, P.      58
Lukasiewicz, J.      214
Mapping      see “Function”
Marked closure      210
Marked concatenation      210
Marked union      210
Markov algorithm      29
Markov, A.A.      29
MAX      135
Maxwell, W.L.      77
McCarthy, J.      77
McClure, R.M.      77 485
McCullough, W.S.      103
McKeemaa, W.M.      76—77 426 455
Mcllroy, M.D.      58 61
McNaughton, R.      124
Membership (relation on sets)      1
Membership problem      130—132
Memory (of a recognizor)      93—96
Mendelson, E.      25
META      485
Miller, G.A.      124
Miller, W.F.      82
MIN      135 207 209
Minimal fixed point      108—110 121—123 160—161
Minsky, M.      29 36 102 138
Mixed-strategy precedence grammar      435 437—439 448 452
Montanari, U.G.      82
Moore, E.F.      103 138
Morgan, H.L.      77 263
Morris, D.      77 313
Morse, S.P.      426
Moulton, P.G.      77
Move (of a recognizer)      95
Msp      see “Mixed strategy precedence”
Muller, M.E.      77
Munro, I.      52
Natural languages      78 281
Naur, P.      58
Next move function      168 224
Node      37
Non-left-recursive grammar      see “Left recursive grammar”
Nondeterministic algorithm      285 308—310
Nondeterministic finite automaton      117 (see also “Finite automaton”)
Nondeterministic FORTRAN      308—310
Nondeterministic recognizer      95 (see also “Recognizer”)
Nonterminal      85 100 218 458
Nose colds in hogs      78
Object code      59
Oettinger, A.      192 313
Ogden, W.      211
Ogden’s lemma      192—196
One-turn pushdown automaton      207—208
One-way recognizer      94
Open portion (of a sentential form)      334 369
Operator grammar/language      165 438
Operator precedence grammar/language      439—443 448—450 452
Order (of a syntax-directed translation)      243—251
Ordered dag      42 (see also “Dag”)
Ordered graph      41—42
Ordered tree      42—44 (see also “Tree”)
Ore, O.      52
Out degree      39
Output symbol      218 224
Painter, J.A.      77
Pair, C.      426
PAL      512—517
Parikh, R.J.      211
Parikh’s theorem      209—211
Parse lists      321
Parse table      316 339 345—346 348 351—356 364—365 374
Parse tree      139—143 179—180 220—222 273 379 464—466
Parsing      56 59 63—65 72—74 263—280 “Shift-reduce “Top-down
Parsing action function      see “Action function”
Parsing machine      477—482 484
Partial acceptance failure (of a TDPL or GTDPL program)      484
Partial correspondence problem      36
Partial function      10
Partial left parse      293—296
Partial order      9—10 13—15 43—45
Partial recursive function      see “Recursive function”
Partial right parse      306
Path      39 51
Pattern recognition      79—82
Paul, M.      455
Paull, M.C.      166
Pavlidis, T.      82
PDA      see “Pushdown automaton”
Perils, A.J.      58
Perles, M.      211
Petrick, S.R.      314
Pfaltz, J.L.      82
phrase      486
Pitts, E.      103
PL/I      501
PL360      507—511
Poage, J.F.      505
Polish notation      see “Prefix expression” “Postfix
Polonsky, I.P.      505
Porter, J.H.      263
Position (in a string)      193
Post system      29
Post, E, L.      29 36
Postfix expression      214—215 217—218 229 512
Postorder (of a tree)      43
Post’s correspondence problem      32—36 199—201
POT      see “Pushdown transducer”
Power set      5 12
Prather, R.E.      138
Precedence (of operators)      65 233—234
Precedence conflict      419—420
Precedence grammar/language      399—400 403—404 “Mixed-strategy “Operator “Simple “X-canonical “Weak
Predecessor      37
Predicate      2
Predictive parsing algorithm      338—348 351—356
Prefix expression      214—215 229 236
prefix property      17 19 209
Preorder (of a tree)      43
Problem      29—36
Procedure      25—36
Product of languages      17 (see also “Concatenation”)
Product of relations      7
Production      85 100
Production language      443
proof      19—21 43
Proof by induction      20—21 43
Proper grammar      150
Propositional calculus      22—23 35
Pumping lemma for context-free languages      195—196 (see also “Ogden’s lemma”)
Pumping lemma for regular sets      128—129
Pushdown automaton      167—192 201 282
Pushdown symbol      168
Pushdown transducer      227—233 237 265—268 282—285
Question      see “Problem”
Rabin, M.O.      103 124
Randell, B.      76
RANGE      6 10
Recognizer      93—96 103 “Linear “Parsing “Pushdown “Turing “Two-stack
Recursive function      28
Recursive grammar      153 163
Recursive set      28 34 99
Recursively enumerable set      28 34 92 97 500
Reduced finite automaton      125—128
Reflexive relation      6
Reflexive-transitive closure      see “Closure” “Reflexive
Regular definition      253—254
Regular expression      104—110 121—123
Regular expression equations      105—112 121—123
Regular grammar      122 499
Regular set      103—138 191 197 208—210 227 235 238—240 424
Regular translation      see “Finite transducer”
Relation      5—15
Reversal      16 121 129—130 397 500
Reynolds, J.C.      77 280 313
Rice, H.G.      166
Right cover      275—277 280 307
Right invariant equivalence relation      133—134
Right linear grammar      91—92 99 110—112 118—121 201
Right linear syntax-directed translation scheme      236
Right parsable grammar      271—275 398
Right parse      see “Rightmost derivation” “Bottom-up
Right parse language      273
Right parser      269—271
Right recursive grammar      153
Right sentential form      143
Right-bracketed representation (for trees)      46
Rightmost derivation      142—143 264 327—330
Roberts, P.S.      314
Rogers, H.      36
Rosen, S.      76
Rosenfeld, A.      82
Rosenkrantz, D.J.      102 166 368
Ross, D.T.      263
Rule of inference      19—20
Russell, L.J.      76
Russell’s paradox      2
Salomaa, A.      124 138 211
Samelson, K.      455
Sammet, J.E.      29 58
Sattley, K.      312
Scatter table      see “Hash table”
Schorre, D.V.      77 313 485
Schutzenberger, M.P.      166 192 211
Schwartz, J.T.      76
Scott, D.      103 124
SDT      see “Syntax directed translation”
Self-embedding grammar      210
Semantic unambiguity      274
Semantics      55—58 213
Semi-linear set      210
Sentence      see “String”
Sentence symbol      see “Start symbol”
Sentential form      86 406—407 414—415 442
Set      1—19
Shamir, E.      211
Shapiro, R.M.      77
Shaw, A.C.      82
Shepherdson, J.C.      124
Shift-reduce parsing      269 301—302 368—371 392 400—403 408 415 418—419 433 438—439 442 “LR(k) “Precedence
Simple LL(l) grammar/language      336
Simple mixed-strategy precedence grammar/language      437 448 451—452
Simple precedence grammar/language      403—412 420—424 492—493 507
Simple syntax-directed translation      222—223 230—233 240—242 250 265 512
Single production      149—150 452
Skeletal grammar      440—442 452
Snobol      505—507
Solvable problem      see “Problem”
Source program      59
Space complexity      see “Computational complexity”
Spanning tree      51
Standard form (of regular expression equations)      106—110
Standish, T.      77 280
Start state      see “Initial state”
Start symbol      85 100 168 218 458
State (of a recognizer)      113 168 224
State transition function      113
Stearns, R, E.      192 211 237 368
Steel, T.B.      58
Store function (of a recognizer)      94
Strassen, V.      34 52
String      15 86
Strong characterization      see “Characterizing language”
Strong connectivity      39
Strong LL(k) grammar      344 348
sub      135
Subset      3
Substitution (of languages)      196—197
Successor      37
Suffix property      17 19
Superset      3
Suppes, P.      3
Symbol table      see “Bookkeeping”
Symmetric relation      6
Syntactic analysis      see “Parsing”
Syntax      55—57
Syntax macro      501—503
Syntax tree      see “Parse tree”
Syntax-directed translation      57 66—70 215—251 445
T-canonical precedence grammar      452—454
T-skeletal grammar      454
Tag system      29 102
Tautology      23
TDPL      see “Top-down parsing language”
Temporary storage      67—70
Terminal (of a grammar)      85 100 458
Theorem      20
Thompson, K.      138 263
Three address code      65
Time complexity      see “Computational complexity”
TMG      485
Token      59—63 252
Token set      452
Top-down parsing      178 264—268 285—301 445 456—485 487
Top-down parsing language      458—469 472—473 484—485
Topological sort      43—45
Torii, K.      332
Total function      10 14
Total recursive function      28
Transducer      see “Finite transducer” “Pushdown
Transformation      71—72 (see also “Function” “Translation”)
Transition function      see “State transition function” “Next
Transition graph      116 225
Transitive closure      see “Closure” “Transitive”
Transitive relation      6
Translation      55 212—2t3 “Syntax-directed “Transducer”)
Translation form (pair of strings)      216—217
1 2 3
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