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Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling. Volume II: Compiling
Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling. Volume II: Compiling

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Íàçâàíèå: The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling. Volume II: Compiling

Àâòîðû: Aho A.V., Ullman J.D.


The book, Theory of Parsing, Translation and Compiling, by Alfred V. Aho, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, is intended for a senior or graduate course in compiling theory. It is a theoretical treatment of a practical computer science subject. Since computer science is an ever changing area of study, this book emphasizes ideas, rather than specific application details. The algorithms and concepts presented in the book should survive to new generations of computer technology, programs and systems. Numerous examples are given, with specific context, rather than on the large complicated contexts normally found in implementations, even in cases where the theoretical ideas are difficult to understand in isolation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.12.2009

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Perlis, A.J.      58
Peterson, W.W.      811
Petrick, S.R.      314
Pfaltz, J.L.      82
Phase (of compilation)      721 781—782
phrase      486
Pig Latin      745—747
Pitts, E.      103
PL/I      501
PL360      507—511
Poage, J.F.      505
Polish notation      see "Prefix expression" "Postfix
Polonsky, I.P.      505
Pop state      650 658
Porter, J.H.      263
Position (in a string)      193
Post system      29
Post's correspondence problem      32—36 199—201
Post, E.L.      29 36
Postdominator      935
Postfix expression      214—215 217—218 229 512 724 733—735
Postfix simple syntax-directed translation      733 756
Postorder (of a tree)      43
Postponement set      600—607 617 626
Power set      5 12
PP      see "Pushdown processor"
Prather, R.E.      138
Precedence (of operators)      65 233—234 608 617
Precedence conflict      419—420
Precedence grammar/language      399—400 403 404 563 579 see "Mixed "Operator "Simple "T-canonical "(2 l)-precedence "Weak
Predecessor      37
Predicate      2
Predictive parsing algorithm      338—348 351—356
Prefix expression      214—215 229 236 724 730—731
prefix property      17 19 209 690 708
Preorder (of a tree)      43 672
Problem      29—36
Procedure      25—36
Product of languages      17 see
Product of relations      7
Production      85 100
Production language      see "Floyd-Evans productions"
Program schemata      909
proof      19—21 43
Proof by induction      20—21 43
Proper grammar      150 695
Property grammar      723 788 811—843
Property list      824—833 839—840
Propositional calculus      22—23 35
Prosser, R.T.      936
pseudorandom number      798 807 808
Pumping lemma for context-free languages      195—196 see
Pumping lemma for regular sets      128—129
Push state      658
Pushdown automaton      167—192 201 282 see
Pushdown list      94 168 734—735
Pushdown processor      737—746 763—764
Pushdown symbol      168
Pushdown transducer      227—233 237 265—268 282—285 see
Quasi-valid LR(k) item      638—639
Question      see "Problem"
Quotient (of languages)      135 207 209
Rabin, M.O.      103 124
Radke, C.E.      811
Randell, B.      76
Random hashing function      799 803—807 809—810
RANGE      6 10
Read state (of parsing automaton)      658
Reasonable cost criterion      862—863
Recognizer      93—96 103 see "Linear "Parsing "Push-down "Pushdown "Turing "Two-stack
Recursive function      28
Recursive grammar      153 163
Recursive set      28 34 99
Recursively enumerable set      28 34 92 97 500
Reduce graph      574—575
Reduce matrix      574—575
Reduce state      646
Reduced block      859—861
Reduced finite automaton      125—128
Reduced parsing automaton      656—657
Reduced precedence matrix      547
Reducible flow graph      937 941 944—952 958—959
Reduction in strength      921 929—930
Redundant computation      851—852 854—859 861—863 918—919
Redziejowski, R.R.      906
Reflexive relation      6
Reflexive-transitive closure      see "Closure reflexive
Region      922—924 926—927 929
Regular definition      253—254
Regular expression      104—110 121—123
Regular expression equations      105—112 121—123
Regular grammar      122 499
Regular set      103—138 191 197 208—210 227 235 238—240 424 689
Regular translation      see "Finite transducer"
Relation      5—15
Relocatable machine code      721
Renaming of variables      852 854—859 861—863
Reversal      16 121 129—130 397 500 689
Reynolds, J.C.      77 280 313
Rice, H.G.      166
Richardson, D.      878
Right cover      275—277 280 307 708 718
Right parsable grammar      271—275 398 672—674
Right parse      see "Rightmost derivation Bottom-up
Right parse language      273
Right parser      269—271
Right-bracketed representation (for trees)      46
Right-invariant equivalence relation      133—134
Right-linear grammar      91—92 99 110—112 118—121 201
Right-linear syntax-directed translation scheme      236
Right-sentential form      143
Rightmost derivation      142—143 264 327—330
Roberts, P.S.      314
Rogers, H.      36
Root      40
Rosen, S.      76
Rosenfeld, A.      82
Rosenkrantz, D.J.      102 166 368 621 690 843
Ross, D.T.      263
Rule of inference      19—20
Russell's paradox      2
Russell, L.J.      76
Salomaa, A.      124 138 211
Samelson, K.      455
Sammet, J.E.      29 58 807
Sattley, K.      312
Scan state      691 693 707
Scatter table      see "Hash table"
Schaefer, M.      960
Schorre, D.V.      77 313 485
Schutte, L.J.      578
Schutzenberger, M.P.      166 192 211
Schwartz, J.T.      76 960
Scope (of a definition)      849
Scott, D.      103 124
SDT      see "Syntax-directed translation"
Self-embedding grammar      210
Self-inverse operator      868
Semantic analysis      723
Semantic unambiguity      274 758
Semantics      55—58 213
Semilinear set      210
Semireduced automaton      653 661
Sentence      see "String"
Sentence symbol      see "Start symbol"
Sentential form      86 406—407 414—415 442 815
Set      1—19
Set merging problem      833—840 843
Sethi, R.      878 906
Shamir, E.      211
Shapiro, R.M.      77
Shaw, A.C.      82
Shepherdson, J.C.      124
Shift graph      570—574
Shift matrix      569—574
shift state      646
Shift-reduce conflict      643
Shift-reduce parsing      269 301—302 368—371 392 400—403 408 415 418—419 433 438—439 442 544 823 see "LR(k) "Precedence
Simple LL(1) grammar/language      336
Simple LR(k) grammar      605 626—627 633 640—642 662
Simple mixed strategy precedence grammar/language      437 448 451—452 642 666 690 695—699
Simple precedence grammar/language      403—412 420—424 492—493 507 544—552 555—559 615 666 709—712 716—718
Simple syntax-directed translation      222—223 230—233 240—242 250 265 512 730—736 see
Single entry region      924 see
Single productions      149—150 452 607—615 617 712
Skeletal grammar      440—442 452 611
SLR(k) grammar      see "Simple LR(k) grammar"
Snobol      505—507
Solvable problem      see "Problem"
Source program      59 720
Space complexity      see "Computational complexity"
Spanning tree      51 571—574
Split canonical parsing automaton      651—652 659—660
Splitting nonterminal      631
Splitting of grammars      see "Grammar splitting"
Splitting of LR(k) tables      629—631
Splitting of states of parsing automaton      650—652 657—660
Standard form (of regular expression equations)      106—110
Standish, T.      77 280
Start state      see "Initial state"
Start symbol      85 100 168 218 458 see
State (of a recognizer)      113 168 224
State transition function      113
Stearns, R.E.      192 211 237 368 621 690 757 843
Steel, T.B.      58
Stockhausen, P.      906
Stone, H.S.      906
Storage allocation      723
Store function (of a recognizer)      94
Straight line code      845—879 909—910 912
Strassen, V.      34 52
String      15 86
Strong characterization      see "Characterizing language"
Strong connectivity      39
Strong LL(k) grammar      344 348
Strongly connected region      see "Region"
Structural equivalence      690
sub      135
Subset      3
Substitution (of languages)      196—197
Successor      37
Suffix property      17 19
Superset      3
Suppes, P.      3
Symbol table      see "Bookkeeping"
Symmetric relation      6
Syntactic analysis      see "Parsing"
Syntax      55—57
Syntax macro      501—503
Syntax tree      722—727 881 see
Syntax-directed compiler      730
Syntax-directed translation      57 66—70 215—251 445 730—787 878 see
Synthesized attribute      777 784
T-canonical precedence grammar      452—454
T-skeletal grammar      454
Tag system      29 102
Tagged grammar      617—620 662
Tautology      23
TDPL      see "Top-down parsing language"
Temporary storage      67—70
Terminal (of a grammar)      85 100 458
Theorem      20
Thickness (of a string)      683—684 690
Thompson, K.      138 263
Three address code      65 see
Time complexity      see "Computational complexity"
TMG      485
Token      59—63 252
Token set      452
Top-down parsing      178 264—268 285—301 445 456—485 487 661—662 742—746 767—768 816 see
Top-down parsing language      458—469 472—473 484—485
Topological sort      43—45
Torii, K.      332
Total function      10 14
Total recursive function      28
Trans      945—955
Transducer      see "Finite transducer" "Parsing "Pushdown "Pushdown
Transformation      71—72 see "Translation"
Transition function      see "State transition function" "Next
Transition graph      116 225
Transitive closure      see "Closure transitive"
Transitive relation      6
Translation      55 212—213 720—787 see "Syntax-directed "Transducer"
Translation element      758
Translation form (pair of strings)      216—217
Translation symbol      758
Translator      216 see
Traverse (of a PD)      691 693—694
TREE      40—42 45—47 55—56 64—69 80—82 283—284 434—436 see
Truth table      21
Turing machine      29 33—36 100—132
Turing, A.M.      29 102
Two-stack parser      487—490 499—500
Two-way finite automaton      123
Two-way pushdown automaton      191—192
UI      see "Unique invertability"
Ullman, J.D.      36 102—103 192 211 251 399 426 485 563 621 645 665 709 757 787 811 843 878 960
Unambiguous grammar      98—99 325—328 344 395 397 407 422 430 613 663 see
Undecidable problem      see "Problem"
Underlying grammar      226 758 815
Undirected graph      see "Graph undirected"
Undirected tree      51
Unger, S.H.      314 690
Uniform hashing function      810
union      4 197 201 208 484 689
Unique invertibility      370 397 404 448 452 490 499 712—713
Universal set      4
Universal Turing machine      35
Unordered graph      see "Graph"
Unrestricted grammar/language      84—92 97—98 100 102
Unsolvable problem      see "Problem"
Useless statement      844 849—851 854—859 861—863 917—918 937
Useless symbol      123 146—147 244 250 280
Valid item      381 383—391 394
Valid parsing algorithm      339 347—348
Valid set of LR(k) tables      584
Value (of a block)      846 857
van Wijngaarden, A.      58
Variable      see "Nonterminal"
Venn diagram      3
Vertex      see "Node"
Viable prefix (of a right-sentential form)      380 393 616
Walk, K.      58
Walters, D.A.      399
Warshall's algorithm      48—49
Warshall, S.      52 77
WATFOR      721
Weak precedence function      551—555 561
Weak precedence grammar      415—425 437 451—452 552 559 561 564—579 667 714—716
Web grammar      79—82
Weber, H.      426 563
Wegbreit, B.      58
Weiner, P.      138
Well order      13 19 24—25
Well-formed (TDPL or GTDPL program)      484
Winograd, S.      33 906
Wirth — Weber precedence      see "Simple precedence grammar"
Wirth, N.      426 507 563
Wise, D.S.      455
Wolf, K.A.      906
1 2 3 4
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